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  1. Was an idea 2 year ago or more. Nothing changed from that time. Im glad that your closed party alive and well but do not wanna be a part of this. It dont need the testers. Thats totally pointless
  2. Project clearly dead but ok... Some parts of it are probably alive
  3. I know its free game, and directly this fact especially impressive. I talking about unreleased promises. When people waiting release and gets nothing as result is bad but when it happens again and again in a row... really f****** bad. Thank you for thinking me supporting! (honestly, Im useless)
  4. Great news! Awesome game guys! Fall 2020 release was cool!!1!1 Best public release now
  5. Yea, checked this out. Seems well. Just few bugs
  6. I hope tanks can go up after new physics or (and) not going under without control when it stands side-to-front on the slope. p. s. lakeside is steel accidentally removed
  7. Dagama


    purr action
  8. Dagama

    Flying Meds.png

    We need these meds
  9. No winter LakeSide this season
  10. It's rather Halo then wars for tiberium
  11. Thanks man! I hope to see you around someday. P. S. you can see much more dinosaurs right here then you are expecting. Because its hard to hind the place for exhibition things in this world. Good luck.
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