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About Something.Incredible

  • Birthday 08/27/1993

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  1. Balance thing is the only annoying thing left in this game for me. Assuming DDoS does not seems to be a big problem right now. I would like to note some pros/cons about ideas in this topic. 1) "Are you ready?" (press any key to join, map switch waitroom) Early game actions seems have the most influence for next 10-15 mins of the game. I think that kind of mechanics is a must have feature because of map switch speed and active previous 5-10 mins of intense gameplay. Personally I might want to go smoke a cig or to make a cup of coffee after match, or any other little things. This takes literally 3-5 minute so i dont really want to disconnect and reconnect after that. I might not be alone and we can get a significant % of players in one team "smoking" somewhere. Those minutes could make a big impact on a match. PROS: > Better start of the match for both teams. CONS: > Harder to balance players after initial balance run, mostly "smokers" will press ready in sequential order in undefined time spans and (1) if teams are balanced by Amount of players - select team based on MMR and we are good. (2) if NOD.players > GDI.players having NOD.MMR < GDI.MMR then as i can guess player goes to stronger but smaller GDI team. And i think this thing will disbalance teams even worse than 5 "smokers" at the beginning. Possible workaround: When i click Ready - put me in the pool for 20 seconds and add all people who press Ready after me within 20 seconds to this pool and balance after that. Most of players will not wait any extra time due to it will overlap with startmap lock time, when everyone is a spectator and server just waits 30(?) seconds for people to connect. Honestly i dont see any other good way. 2) Autobalancer. Indeed, should be in the game. Should be strict and brutal. Sometimes. I think it may do a check after 2 min. after someone switched team or left (because it might be a chain reaction, someone left, his friend left, or 2 friends switched teams cuz they are pissed playing GDI 4 times in a row) AND if MMR changed drastically. But it should not just take the most suitable player and put it in another team. It should be fair. Take 3-5 most suitable players. Take 1 - show a note Vote (for example) message for him - "Do you want to get [XXX extra VP / XXXX creds for switching team](based on map time)?" F1 yes, F2 no, if no - ask another one. Well if all rejected - pick random and switch without any extra bonuses. Yes, he might left after that but....Pretty fair, i think PROS: > Fair > No more 4-7 new players with 1/20 KD in one team, i hope so > i tried to bring the idea of fairness and volunteering. CONS: > Ragequits > Ragequits if player was forced to switch team 5 times in 10 minutes. So player needs to have a cooldown for force-switch. 3) Role-based balancing. Totally will help. But future prediction is not something people can do, only probability. Probability of me sitting with doza/mobius in cave are much higher than running with rep gun on Field, for example. Mood, etc.. Plus personal orders from commander. So a lot of place to experiment in this area and definitely should be the very low-priority thing. But in any case could be used even in a straight way, most of players, i think, have a favorite class. Sorry for a long wall of the text!
  2. Thank you for an answer! About server overhead - i meant only Classification and "a lot of things" (in case it can be able to separate roles in a really wide scope). Like VP to Doza for killing 3 random soldiers in tunnels vs 3 random soldiers near MCT while all the team is on the field in tanks/reps. There could be a lot of different scenarios. And i said about performance mostly because of some random lags in 64-playered matches, any additional check or calculation or thread sync... One more, and one more, plus codebase expands slowly, plus ping, plus ddos.. Well actually i have no idea about how servers are working all that, where are the bottlenecks (well ddos is ddos), how really Score is calculated, i can only guess, so i will stop act "smart" asap Thanks!
  3. Im not an Agent, but i'll try to save dev's time and explain a bit. About algo - imagine 64 players (Pool, AllPlayers, no team). All of them have Score. And imagine 2 empty teams. Now pick a player with Highest Score and put it to the Team with lower Total (sum) Score. After you picked and placed - check Teams sizes. At some point there might be a situation like Team1 has 1 player with 100 Score (example, lets name him Player100) and Team2 have 5 players with sum score = 60. And the Pool has 4 players left with 0 Score each, like newcomers or sort of. Then all of them will go to team1. And thats basically all the algo. And the 1 issue i see - Player with rank 100 will play mostly alone against 5 players that at least know what to do, comparing to newcomers in Team1. And next match will be the same, again, and again, until Players Scores are balanced to that situation. I can bet Player100 will hate this game soon, newcomers also will suffer agains more skilled players as they have no chance to play with same "noob" team. Well the "solution" is Ranked servers. But eventually that will not happen, we dont have so much players to populate multiple servers. And "multiple servers" needs to be hosted somewhere and someone needs to take care of them, moderate, etc. Overal problem is that we have Score VP-based only. We dont have Role classifications, like Inf, Rep, Snipers, Commanders, Sneakers etc. A lot of things could be applied here but that will be a huge (VERY HUGE) amount of work. Also this will hit server performance drasticaly. This things could be done without Auth system, but priorities, we will shuffle between teams ourself anyway and Developers have slightly more important work to deal with right now.
  4. Dont want to be a party pooper but in my opinion RenX does not have needed mechanics to match Battle Royale mode. Creating mutators like that might take tremendous amount of dev time (asuming it is really possible). Like as a dirty variant put all players in one team and enable friendly fire. Radius.. Well maybe to spawn tib fields slowly around the circle.. Again, if it is possible with mutators. Im more curious about map size (mostly performance hit on the server) and where to find so many inf players. Also, aware of poi in bushes
  5. Eh, best support and MVP of the GDI team.. assuming half of the match i was standing behind PP spamming bolts to the tunnels.. Mostly that means a lot of GDI team just left before end and new guys come. IMHO the problem was in the stacked NOD team, not much inf players on our side but a lot of newcomers, as i can see, so result is predictable. I was very surprised it took almost a hour for NOD to kill us. Balance balance balance... Sometimes balance is terrible.. Sometimes it just swaps Nod and GDI teams on a new map.. Frustrating.. Despair And about Poi - maybe devs should add a special badge of some kind? Special color in TAB menu? So new people stop burning like that? Like 90% of all the chat texts were about Poi's K/D.. Actually maybe Tab menu needs some new column? Like Rank or something like that, so new people know who they play with? Nah, they'll still complain.. Or to modify Leaderboard and add Top (of the year? month?) of snipers, reps (), etc, so newcomers would recognize some nicknames.. Anyway, Poi, your skill and your cross to bear, that wont stop, sadly. The video is a great tutorial for people about how not to get on a sniper scope. What is a sprint.. How to dash.. Answer for tanks drivers about "where did my rep disappeared. Maybe something wrong happens around.. Nah.." Im watching the video and just facepalming sometimes (Not blaming anyone, guys, you did a great job anyway, we standed for a hour) PS, i might be wrong at some points, might be telling stupid things but thats just my thoughs about this situation. And sorry for possible mistakes - not my native language. Upd: Devs can stick prefix [Poi] ingame so when Poi changes name we still know (Nothing personal, just a joke... Perhaps...)
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