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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Had check my drivers sound card looks ok saw somewhere this ..so have disabled ..will see if better DISABLING SURROUND SOUND Some sound cards support surround sound. This essentially allocates certain sound effects to rear speakers. If you have this mode enabled without using surround sound speakers, you can end up losing many sounds, as they'll be allocated to speakers which you don't have.
  2. I guest its all started mb 6 months ago ..losing my sound while going to a next map..I can hear a click sound (like a switch off) Always happen a the loading the map ..never in a middle of a game..was going so well before never had this
  3. That Very early Light tanks rush from you was unexpected ..could have make the difference
  4. Final decision should come from the cmdr imo Not important for me but for some yes...so..they will think twice b4 surrender
  5. Mb..only commander can vote surrender..if Bar/HN or WF/AS still up NO surrender .IF surrendering Minus x points on the players Stats
  6. Just finished reading All the entire Posts from @Havoc89 & @[NE]Fobby[GEN] and watched all the links ..An early video that I never saw before ..Wow The 360p.. soooo much Has been done since then ..Was interesting reading all the Steps and everything From Day1 to Today. I remember Blackdawn didn't really catch my attention to play it entirely and How sad I was that it didn't do well critics side and the mod with the need of UT3 Character movements and stuff I didn't like ..I was just like "Forgetting" this project ..Time passed years maybe ..Probably a RenNostalia Day,I reinstalled RenX ..Wow I was so suprise to see How Good It was improved ..ReFall in Love with Renegade ..But My Days with Renegade original Was something of the Past and over ..The Need for Better Was what I want ..Since Then I'm here almost every week for few games mostly in week ends, I remember saying when players count was struggling After the Failed Debut "I like better seeing a game growing slowly than one Reaching the top Fast and Dying soon after" Well I think RenX Has come back slowly and growing at a steady pace ..I'd never lost faith .The Game is too Good and Fun to play and always improving And it's free . Thanks Again All of you that worked and still do on Renx Ps:Makes me laugh to hear the Teen accent and way of thinking of Fobby in this Video And Really like if there was Someone that could make once a while similar videos with these Dudes having their Daily Great Conversations together :)))
  7. Understandable but sad ..I'm quite sure you will be there if Devs struggling for one thing ...Good luck with your career ..GJ done with RenX ! Ps.Great Game yesterday Walls as GDI Fobi and You in our team what else can we ask :)) Too bad my Game recorder was broken no footage of it
  8. .... Islands: Dont like much ...even less the X one .. FieldX : Good mix of paths to take ,Tunnels are fun..The Defense AGT are welcome for nasty SBHs .Several Attack strategy possible ..Good well Done map imo. ........
  9. Walls: As Always I think if you are winning you like If you lose you dislike ..But often SBHs could be a bitch for GDI .That aside I like it for the flying aspect plus the all characters that can play a role somehow .One Key Spot Tactic battle of the Plateau ..simple map but well Thinking ..
  10. Happend to me in every flying veh ..Vehc doesnt repond well ..Have to go Out and back in ..than its back to normal
  11. http://radio.garden
  12. last w-e I found my curve arty missile wasnt going as far as before ..mb les damaging also ..anw have to readapt muscle memory
  13. Just wondering if those Big maps wont be snipers fest not knowing where the shoot coming from and those been out of reach from most other characters
  14. well I will investigued cause I don't use Number ..like I said My mouse button is set to "Q"
  15. well my Q key is set on my mouse ..done again few maps ago
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