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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Posts posted by Tytonium

  1. Please remove the fences near the refineries, if I could give any suggestion.

    To be able to sneak to the back of the refinery requires that you eliminate the enemy team's guard tower stationed near the ref. This is no easy task.

    A team should get a reward for destroying a guard tower, most usually in the form of an easier time getting through the enemy team's territory without dying horribly. If you have the fences to block off the back of the ref then there is quite literally no point to killing the back ref guard tower.

    If a team loses their ref guard tower, I think it is absolutely fair that their refinery is susceptible to sneaking tactics as a consequence of losing the ref gt.

    Also there is no other sneaking in this map besides SBH near the bar kinda stuff, so some form of sneaking is needed.

    Also it's a horrendous pain in the lower intestine to come out of the refinery only to find there is a fence blocking your path to the action.

    Also SBH can abuse nukes by putting them on one side of the fence while hotties can only defuse from that same side of the fence. It has happened before to me where I was unable to defuse a nuke because the nuke was 1 milometer outside of my reach because of the fence.

    I beg you to remove the fences, as it makes the map much more interesting and enables a wider array of tactics for both teams.

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  2. I was on spring break when I was 16 or so, down at the beach with my family for a week.

    One of the nights I looked up Renegade mods cuz I remembered it was a game I enjoyed and wanted to see if any cool content was worth checking out. Found this gem of a game and watched a few Youtube videos of the gameplay.

    I was so fucking stoked to try it out that I was bored the entire rest of that beach trip just waiting for the moment I could get home and download the game myself.

    • Like 5
  3. Now don't get me wrong, the boink sound effect is the greatest ever for this game.

    However, whenever I kill someone I want to feel the suffering. I want to be able to create custom killsounds that pierce soul and cause suicidal thoughts.

    I vote we be able to customize killsounds to a players liking so that I can finally have the Roblox death sound and other meme atrocities playing throughout my game over and over again.

  4. I forgot how tedious the first game is. On my normal GDI playthrough pretty much all my missions came down to the wire, with every nonessential building being sold for money and just barely finishing every mission. On that very final mission of GDI I had to build across the freaking map with sandbags and wall in the enemy so they could not attack me. All the while being completely out of tiberium because they never give you enough to work with in the missions unless you know exactly what to do and where to go on the map. I mean cmon, I tried to launch an attack with as many mammoths as I could make, but as soon as you kill an Obelisk or turret it is rebuilt immediately. So there is no way to about some missions unless you cheese the ever loving crap out of it.

    But I am proud to say I did all of this without a guide. Where's my medal?

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    • Thanks 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Agent said:

    I'm not sure if those answers were quite what you looking for, but I hope that at least clarifies what's been going on.

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply, this was precisely what I was looking for.

    Although I still heavily disagree with my mute in particular as I was not agreeing with the racial discussions in chat, just offering a disappointing world view that has at some truth to it. Not dropping N-bombs and just trying to create trouble like some of the others. But I digress. Another 2 weeks it is I suppose.

    There will come a time in game where you'll be separated from your team. Not just to Agent but to everyone involved in this games development and moderation. You will be behind our lines, on low health, and unable to find the right choice to get out. There may not even be a right choice, and you could already be doomed. You will think and think, desperately trying to find a way out of the situation... And that's when you'll see it. Me. Standing there watching you. I will stand there completely still to the point where you aren't even sure if I see you or not. Eventually after enough time has passed, you will no longer be able to handle it. You must know. You call out to me. There is no reply. You cannot be sure but you believe this entity is unable to speak, nor muster any semblance of communication at all. How this could be you have no idea. You are cold. So very cold. Each passing minute with this demonic entity looking at you feels like an eternity of having your soul fractured. The overwhelming existential dread is too much to handle. You can no longer take it. You press escape and hover over the suicide button. A thought occurs right before you click. What if this entity is expecting this reaction, and what if it intends to gain something from your death. You push the thought to the back of your mind. You are willing to take the risk as it your only chance at escaping no matter what. You click, and everything flashes before you. You mind starts to leave this plane of existence. The last thing you hear is words spoken from the entity. "you've got talent! :D". And your spirit leaves.


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    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  6. Hi,

    I'll try and make this one short.

    Over the past few months I have seen the number of players being muted increase by quite a bit. I myself have been muted a number of times due to reasons I perceive as being petty, but I understand might seem as somewhat legitimate to others. A couple weeks ago I was muted for being mean to a number of devs and generally raising trouble. I can understand that mute as I was being a bit of a dickwad so I accepted the mute and moved on. Since then I have been on my best behavior to avoid another mute. I've played nice, I've attacked no one, and I have tried being a bit more encouraging to my teams.

    Logged on today and I have been once again muted for "Racism, harassment, general toxicity" for 2 weeks. No warnings, no other feedback. Nadda. Of course I would like to know exactly what I did, and I am sure I will find out eventually, but this kinda thing is indicative of a far greater problem when this kind of thing can just happen to people. I can assure you that the people in this community I am close with would vouch for me in saying that I am not a racist, or a person that logs onto RenX just to cause trouble and to attack the people who create this game. I have no quarrel with any developer or moderator, I just get a lil miffed whenever people in the community are muted for the pettiest of reasons, which is also why I was being dickish a few weeks ago.

    But I don't wanna get into that, and I have made this post to ask explicitly:

    • What words immediately result in a mute/ban/kick
    • What topics, if discussed, will result in a mute/ban/kick
    • What moderators, developers, or players, if talked about in a seemingly negative connotation (even if jokingly), will result in a mute/ban/kick
    • What other unspoken rules, if done by a player, will result in a mute/ban/kick
    • Can we please get a warning to stop certain behavior before the mute hammer is smashed into someone's forehead

    I am not asking this in a condescending way or to stir up more trouble. I am genuinely asking this so that I and many other players can avoid being muted seemingly out of the blue, with no warning, or with any indication that we have done something wrong.

    Muting someone in this game not only splits them away from the community but also severely dampens the team aspect of the game. Not being able to call out rushes can quite literally cause a team to lose, and that has happened to me more than once. What I am asking for is more explicitly stated rules, and maybe, just maybe a warning before a player is muted for multiple weeks. Here would be a good example of a proper moderator-player interaction that follows good ethics on both sides:

    ChickenWaffles: "Cmon man your apc driving is like a woman!"

    ChickenWaffles: "Or are you from Chinese descent? XD"

    Private from AGoodMod: "Hey chickenwaffles, some players are taking what you said as an insult. I'd like to ask you to stop or you might be muted"

    Private to AGoodMod: "Oh hey man, I'm sorry I didn't know. I was just joking but I will stop."

    Private from AGoodMod: "Thankyou for your understanding, I know you were joking but some players take things too serious sometimes. Have a good rest of the match :D"

  7. 2 hours ago, Havoc89 said:

    It is very difficult to handle auto balancing when players keep playing with different names. We've been discussing enforcing account registration for this purpose. Right now stats are either tracked to steam accounts or if no steam account then the player name. So all someone needs to do to circumvent using their account is to play without steam. Enforcing accounts alone would not be enough as it is easy to make alternate accounts as well. This is an area where a bit more foresight is needed.

    I say go for it. For the good of the community force accounts. There is only about 3-4 people that I think would create alternate accounts to be anonymous, but I mean they always upset the balance of matches no matter what name they take. If the majority of players use an account, then the majority of the teams will be balanced, with just a few outliers. Maybe some incentive to stay on one account can be given to players if using smurfs is a big concern for you guys. Maybe some crappy lil cosmetic changes that can be unlocked for playing enough. Not that I am calling for this game to become another hat simulator, but maybe like a badge that your infantry wears that indicates some form of rank for playing long enough. Just small things like that, maybe even some different vehicle horn sounds for players. A bunch of possibilities open themselves up if every player has an account. Don't just use it for stat tracking as that would be a waste.

    • Like 2
  8. Outposts is crazily unbalanced, you can't even bring it into the equation.

    Although I do agree camping a tech building with a sbh can be a bit unfair for GDI. 

    I mean we have all had the moment as GDI where you go up to a tech building, and you just know there's a sbh watching you, waiting for you to start capping. You can run around like an idiot to look for the sbh, but you are probably not going to be able to find him if he is competent. So what do you do? You start capping cuz it is the only thing you can do. You proceed to press every key on the keyboard because you know he is going to fire. Any competent sbh will at this point move to cover and take a few pot shots at you and slowly whittle down your health, all the while keeping you from ever capping the tech building. Even still, lets say you manage to kill the sbh and cap the building. He'll just wait for you to leave the tech building and then recap it after you leave and/or kill you once you get down to a low enough health.

    It is kinda gay, and the only real counter is to have 2 GDI camp a tech building both with a rep gun, compared to the one that nod needs.

    Got no idea for a balanced fix tho. Maybe make sbh have a slower capture rate than everyone else? It would give GDI more time to run back and check the situation out before the tech building turns to neutral and it becomes annoying as all Hell for the GDI capturing person.

    • Like 2
  9. On 4/25/2020 at 11:59 PM, Sarie said:

    It's one, but there is no overarching mechanism that calculates all different factors to try and balance teams, especially based on roles. There was an "MMR" system that is based on the points of previous matches to try and give a "team score" type thing. There's not really much we can do outside of that. It's quite hard to develop a system that can be based on any sort of skill measure while not having any "right" method of winning, and also not having an account system. The fact of a small community has side effects of imbalanced games. It would be nice if we could have a matchmaking system, or if people would balance themselves. Even with "balanced" players, it's not a surefire way of creating a good match. Some players might not play their best role, they might not even try to win or they might hate the current map and just afk rep until it ends. Creating a system that balances on a tiny sample size will not provide good results, and will most likely make games worse or just the same. I think the best solution would just making more intuitive gameplay, such as the mine radius and more text in-game that can explain mechanics that aren't apparent to new players. A tutorial would also be nice, and has always been on our to-do list.

    You know as useless as my Lean Six Sigma class has been for the entirety of this college semester, there is one bit of actual useful information that can be gathered from it.

    No matter how complex a system's problems seem on the outside, thinking through the system in a logical and introspective way can usually net you a simple and easy fix.

    The question presented is why can we not balance matches based on a previous matches score?

    A good reason is that player scoring is somewhat arbitrary. I think the biggest blame can be put onto arty/mrls spamming. You can have someone kill over a 100 people on the enemy team per match, but they will be thousands and thousands of points behind the cheeky bastard who hid his artillery in an invulnerable position and spammed a single building for 15 minutes. Raise the amount of points and vp you receive for killing infantry and maybe cap the amount of points and vp you can get from building damage for ever minute or 5 minutes, or even just substantially lower the amount of points/vp you can get from building damage.

    Simply put, fix player scoring and perfect balancing can be achieved, as all things should be.

    Also the sample size can be fixed if you were to make it so that the average score of a player was calculated based on the previous 3-5 matches they last played. That'd be harder to code but I bet it would help.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I like it a lot.

    Matches are seeing a lot more of early rushes from teams

    Teams have a better chance at having a commander. We've all been in the situation where your team refuses to pick a commander because no one volunteers.

    The commander that was carried over from last round can just... you know... abdicate their role if they want, and I try to do that every round after I command to see if anyone else wants to command (unless I'm a good ways into my fifth and force my team to do a chemical rush).


    I say it's a good feature and should stay. Having a competent commander for a few matches is a good thing for this game and its matches no matter how you try to spin it. The only thing it might discourage is new users not trying commander mode, but that is a crazily rare event these days, and there is plenty of matches for that to still happen in. Plus, what better way for new players to learn how to command than seeing what the list of competent commanders are capable of doing in throughout an entire match.


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