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Everything posted by BeLlSiBuB

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy5-j37c69s
  2. Something seems to have changed with this NA server recently. I use a 150 mb sky broadband connection and yesterday the NA server was very laggy and I kept discconnecting and reconnecting and then eventually disconnecting entirely from server. In the end i just gave up. Noticed it for a couple of days now. My ping used to be around 40-60 but now hovers around the 80 mark. I already optimized PC, clearing temp directories/space/ using SG TCP Optimizer which fixed a problem i was once having crashing on the purchase terminals. If any other game behaved like this it would be in my bin by now. Update: Today I: Reinstalled Ren X, optimized my ssd, cleared out the temp directories and ran ccleaner. Played a full server on Reservoir, which gave probs yesterday, and lag was completly gone. Same server, EU. Hope this helps anyone who gets laggy/disconnecting probs.
  3. I don't know where to put that. I will leave it til tomorrow if it's going to be fixed.
  4. How do I change my Tank colour from rainbow to the default please?
  5. Nice looking map!
  6. Goku helped me with my ip issue and hopefully it has now been resolved.
  7. hmmm...I am guilty of forgetting to disable my vpn on a couple of occassions but there is usually a messege letting me know. Thanks for the info anyways.
  8. How do I find out if I am banned from the Fair Play server? I keep getting kicked as soon as I join with no messege explaining what has happened. I can join CT without problem.
  9. All we can do is wait for the servers to come back up. Missing my FIX!
  10. Ahh ok so perhaps DDOS server crash?
  11. Is it down for anyone else or just us?
  12. Servers seems to be down?
  13. I like this idea. I also think the accuraccy should be affected depending on how damaged the defence structures are at the time of fire but on a random basis similar to a gun jamming if damaged perhaps?
  14. I think 3 mins is ok but perhaps the system should be tweaked more to take into account what the player is doing at the time of being kicked. I used to wonder why some repairers go crazy in the buildings moving forwards and backwards as if dodging a bullet. Maybe they do this becuase they don't want to be kicked.
  15. Agreed, give us a quick way to do this. I think there is still some work to do with these new bots though. The new AI is great and keeps you on your toes but they show NO FEAR making your mines useless to these suicidal maniacs.
  16. I was kicked once when I went for a bathroom break, which is expected, but this was my first while being on active repair duty. Up until then I was quite active usually down the left side in a tank or repairing a tank. I will be thinking twice on repairing buildings on a full server in future..
  17. Hi, So i was playing Field x on Saturday and the server was full. I was repairing the war factory which was getting hamered. It wasn't that long and my repair gun was on thoughout the time I was in there. I then got kicked for idling. Can you give me a clear definition of what the idling rules are as this got me very confused.
  18. I encountered a credits bug while playing FIELD on Sunday. Somebody mentioned something about the Harvy being destroyed while dropping off the credits so I guess it's a known issue but thought I would mention anyway. Havester Bug on Field.mp4
  19. Dam inconsiderate of them. :(
  20. How about a toggable option to show a "Player Status" in small text above the player's head. EG: "On Mining duty" or "Waiting for Buff" or "I got a NUKE" or "Gone for a break" etc I guess it would be more helpful in the normal multiplayer games than in the PUG games.
  21. Thanks for the tutorial "Bubble". Very helpful. Now please give us GLA with SCUDSTOM etc...
  22. Hi Eveveryone, I'm BeLlSiBuB. I found this game while searching for better graphics for the original Renegade game that I never got a chance to play back in the 90's. When I first played it, it struck me as similar to the original renegade but it did't really push any buttons for me. Then I tried it again a couple of weeks later. This time it CLICKED and I f***ing love it. I still couldn't find clear instructions of what to do but I decided to try and play as I would in a normal game of C&C. Destroy the buildings. It worked, and I soon found myself to of the points. Kudos to whoever designed this game. is there a video tutorial showing how to use each character, weapon and superpower? I didn't notice anything when I first tried the game?
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