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  1. @nocookie4u did you manage to install the launcher? If not, I've a couple of methods you can try: Check if there are any problems with Windows Installer Engine: Press Start and type 'cmd' and press Enter. Type 'MSIExec' and press Enter. If the MSI-Engine works correctly, you should not see any errors. A window might show up with information about how to use the MSI-Engine commands. If any errors might rise, please let me know. Check of the Windows Installer Engine is up and running: Press Start and type 'services.msc' and press Enter. Search for 'Windows Installer' in the list and right-mouse click -> Properties. Check if the 'Startup Type' is set to manual. If not, change to manual. If you want to start the Windows Installer, press 'Start' button in the properties, or right-mouse click->Start on the Windows Installer item in the list. If the installer has errors or wont start. Try to reinstall the service or just remove it. Check if programs are interfering with the installation progress: Press Start and type 'msconfig' and press Enter. (you might get prompted with Admin panel) On the General tab, click Selective Startup and clear the Load Startup Items checkbox. Click Services, click Hide all Microsoft Services, and then click Disable All. Click OK and click Restart. Try running the Renegade installer again. If you finished installing Renegade, reverse the process by just select the Normal Startup checkbox in 'msconifg' (restart required). If none of these methods work, there is one more thing we could try out: Windows Installer Logging: Press Start and type 'cmd' and press Enter. Type 'MSIExec /I path/to/Renegade_X_Installer.msi /L*v /path/to/Renegade_X_Log.txt' (the '/path/to/' is the absolute folder path, you can use Explorer to find the file and copy the path and right-mouse click in cmd to paste the path) After pressing Enter, you should see the Renegade installation open. Just follow the steps. If the installation fails, try to wait for at least 5 minutes before exiting. You should see a new text file in the path you gave in step 2. Grab that file and post it in this forum so we could locate your error. I really hope some of the above steps will work. Goodluck! Source: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2438651/how-to-troubleshoot-windows-installer-errors
  2. Launcher installation works fine on Win7.. (didn't download game) Maybe try reinstalling .net 4.5 framework?
  3. Lol, maybe beacuse no one uses Windows 7 anymore I'll setup a virtual box with W7 to check the installation progress. If everything is working fine, than it I think it is some sort of third party software that is blocking the installation.
  4. The installer should automatically ask for admin rights during the installation. I've noticed that it takes a couple of seconds for Windows to pop-up that Admin panel (and i've quite a new laptop). It could take longer on an older computer. Try wait it out. Check your task bar because the user-control panel will sometimes hide in the background when you are doing something else.
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