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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. Spectating an on-going match make it hard to get great content worth editing (i know what i'm talking about ) I advise you to look for the replays, so you can play the game, and when you find a match entertaining (great rushes, people doing epic sneaking, etc) Then you could ask the demo to the server admins, so you could have something worth editing instead of playing the game for hundreds of hours to get barely 20 minutes of content worth editing
  2. Well, you can still worry because they're bugs, but now you can have fun replicating them! Contrary to my usual bug reports, this one is displayed in public, because this issue isn't only non-gamebreaking, but also very funny The first video is quite long, due to the process taking some time. It shows: - how to get your body out of your vehicle (enter a vehicle, then hit 2 to switch to passenger seat, then hit 1 to switch to driver seat) - as well as a slight issue related to that (you can get shot at) - then, you'll see how to push the body out of the vehicle (I alternate both POVs so you can see in details what both you and others will see) How to get someone' body out of his vehicle.mp4 The second video is shorter, and shows you how to get what you'll see as a "flying dude" or, on the map, as a "flying dot". Notice how the automated base defenses do not shoot Flying dude.mp4 Have fun
  3. You're right, the links do not work anymore - notice how the refresh button is out of his location as well Desktop 2023.05.17 -
  4. Apparently, this is how your HoN got destroyed And about your flying dot, that's an old issue. When someone is in a vehicle, his infantry body can get glitched out of the vehicle, and as it have collisions, it can be pushed all around, thus flying at high speed. I can provide you with more explanations but you'll probably get a headache reading my textwalls haha
  5. Both GDI and Nod bases have this spot at their respective ramps (yes, this post is public, but everyone already knows about this glitch because it gets abused at each Islands match i've played past weeks anyway) islands c4 glitch abuse.mp4
  6. well, i should have said 'almost blocking', it looks like that a few shots are still working fine so here are two vids i recorded and wow the thumbnails are huge, damn its gonna fill your whole screen sorry so well the first one is about timed c4s and the second one is about remotes i also recorded an invincible bomberman (as timed block the shots, it's almost impossible to kill him using a soldier/marksman/shotgunner/offi/doza/mobius/whatever_is_not_doing_explosions_like_Megumin) i would like to do more tests and oops first vid is cropped, i guess thumbnail is kinda buggy, i hope vid itself isnt so hm eh yes as i said i would like to test more about the (almost) invincible bomberman stuff but i need someone (or 2 hehe) to work with me to do these tests i would like to check if timed can work as an "armor" and protect a character from enemy fire. Btw i've heard that the timed and remote "blocking fire" bugs - or maybe the invincible bomberman? i'm not sure - should have been fixed, but.. i recorded these vids today well ehm, 11th October 2021 somewhere between 2am and 3am. Yea it's 4:38 am and i'm talkin' here, tf am i doin' of mah life. Anyway, these videos are quite recent so i assume, that if you did some fixes, they arent working - definitively need to do some tests with manbombing to ensure if bomberman got a space marine explosive armor or not hehe anyway gotta go sleep naow, gud niiiiiight :ayaya: we really need an ayaya emote here
      • 1
      • Thanks
  7. just dropping that here in case it helps the "soundbug" case when soundbug happens, i notice a small crack in my headphones, and the songs i'm listening to on Youtube are.. kinda affected, their volume is slightly reduced (like 20-30%) Before someone asks me to check if my headphone is rightly plugged, ofc it is, it's a weird USB plug so it's all or nothing hehe keep prayin' harder to do not have soundbug in Firestorm
  8. hiiiiii :ayaya: aw snap its not discord, no ayaya emote here anyway here is the playlist i'm used to listen to while playing RenX, enjoy
  9. Skilled mobidoza players or snipers are really overrated I fear way more bioz than poi because one will destroy my refinery and make me run out of money but the other will have a few difficulties to destroy the refinery with a ramjet rifle
  10. uh i don't have a link to their server i'm looking to RenX discord server to find a link but i don't find one afaik air was still alive when i've switched, else i really didnt paid attention to that i dont care about airstrip anyway - excepts when i'm doing some stank shenanigans also i was really not the most valuable player of the match (as usually) I really didn't switched because air died, i switched because i was fighting two mobis and a bunch of other guys (most of the time) without help. My driving is probably one of the worst ever seen in Renegade X so yea, i really don't care about tanks - excepts when we're doing a stank meme rush Also, i often (if not always) see a difference of ~3 players in a team just after the loss of a building, but people arent switched for that.. I've even seen matches like 7 vs 14 without any swap - but i know right, mods arent checking IRC 24h/24 And well ye switch isnt really fairplay, and i rarely do - usually i prefer to leave and chat on discord 'till the next game starts - but for once that i did.. The fun part is that most of us know a player who's known to often switch, who have a great aim, but is rarely (never ?) force switched, so.. ahem 'nyway if needed i can come to the EKT discord server, i'll do a journey in the forums to find a link
  11. Hi Earlier today on Walls i have been switched for "balance" by a mod just after i've killed him Server was FPI, mod was Snow Both teams had all their buildings, field was mostly GDI but sometimes balanced i was Nod and moderator was also Nod, i've requested a lot of times help to stay on the battlefield instead of having to refill (we had no money so the loss of a 1k char is problematic) but i only had a few reps like 4 or 5 times in 30 minutes so i've switched to GDI At this point of the game both teams still had all their buildings, and afaik no rushes happened A few minutes later i've killed the moderator - he was technician, i was patch - when he tried to sneak the GDI base then he switched me back to Nod a few seconds later I've asked why and he said "for balance purposes" As most players know the balance here is a legend so i don't really trust it was for balance purposes If only i was bioz or Reaper, i could understand, but i'm far from their skills - and i'll never reach it anyway haha
  12. @HIHIHI hello there. I guess you will find this one.. interesting hehe
  13. i agree from the first letter to the last dot same i don't need to write a text wall, thanks
  14. i knew only one game with a voice chat.. i've played it around 150 hours and heard only a few times ppl using it, usually there was russians saying some strange words, and once it was an english guy who asked us which song we want to listen, i replied "hell march" and he played hell march 3 (bark version), it was so hilarous honestly if this feature is added, i would only use it as a radio to play some C&C musics ^^
  15. Reivax

    Few questions

    hi late reply but only to notice you there are a dedicated sniper server, hosted by Try-Out (Statler88) it's called.. "T.-O. Sniper server" if i'm right
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