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Everything posted by Kirby550

  1. PIC, Ramjet or railgun seems reasonable sInce they have aimbot and start on Heroic Veterancy. My only problem with this you only have little time to react or do anything before your head gets popped off like a balloon. I might as well give it a try and see.
  2. Thats brutally unfair oh i better start using tactics like hanging back behind everyone else . But what do we even call this new threat ULTRA Godlike or something.
  3. Okay will since they start on Heroic veterancy can a level 9 Bot one shot one kill?
  4. Thats basically unfair as everyone starts with heroic veterancy meaning you will be the only person on recruit meaning that you won't be able to kill anyone and will just keep on getting killed in 2-3 seconds. Thanks but judging by what you said Level 9 seem so unnecessary level 8 is better.
  5. I think they use the same difficulty scaling as the Bots in UT (Unreal Tournament) so you will definitely see the difference with each level. https://liandri.beyondunreal.com/Bot I found this but it's not 100% accurate to Renegade X as this is more about UT2004 but some of the information about bot skills do apply to Renegade X as Renegade X uses UT3 AI but modified. On each difficulty level you will notice the bots probability to dodge is higher, faster movement speed, better reaction time and aim. Anyways if you find out what makes level 9 different to level 8 or 7 please let us know thank you
  6. Interesting i will look into that, One question though what does Level 9 bots do that level 8 or 7 bots don't do.
  7. What? there are no Level 9 Bots there's only level 1-8 bots which is Novice to Godlike. But It is nice to see that your enjoying the experience.
  8. Thanks can't wait to try it out. Looks like a very well made map.
  9. Hi there your map looks really nice I was wondering whether this is an infantry map or just a normal command and conquer map. Also is this available in Skirmish Mode
  10. As amazing as this is I have a few questions about this as I am quite curious about this as well. 1 My first question is you see all this skills such as being able to plant C4 on the MCT and being able to disarm Ion Cannon Beacon will this be difficulty based meaning they can only do it on a certain difficulty or will they be able to do it on all difficulties? 2 My second difficulty is will they be able to use proxy mines in specific areas such as for example the entrance of the infantry barracks/Hand of Nod. 3 My third question will they be able to organise specific rushes with infantry such as 6 Gunners for GDI and 6 rocket soliders for Nod and will be to organise rushes better and more aggressively with vehicle's such as 7 Mammoth tanks. 4 Another question is since they tell you where emeny soliders are and where what's needs defending will they tell you where they going and what type of mystery crate is being spawned on the map and also will they actually defending the buliding if the AI is doing poorly? 5 My last question is have the infantry bugs for certain character classes such as Raveshaw and Havoc/Sakura? Also have they fix the AI behaviour with vehicle's meaning that they purchase vehicles one at a time instead of everyone trying to purchase vehicles at the same time? That's all the questions I have for this topic. Any answer, thought or suggestion to my question would be appreciated. Thank you for making this amazing game and good luck for the future.
  11. Wow that looks insane it seems we going to need to start using mines to prevent them from getting in.Please don't tell me they will have the ability to use mines as well. But seriously this looks like a huge upgrade. We are going to need to start practising as their power level is going to be over 9000. Looking good so far keep up the good work and make the offline play amazing .
  12. Wow that is Awesome thanks for info and the assistance i have to admit this is quite an intresting feature it creates a huge amount of possibilities. Just wanted to say thanks to the developers for making such amazing game and update (5.376) hope they keep it up.☺☺
  13. It worked Thanks for your help
  14. Thats amazing frecking sweet this has got to be the best news i heard about the game so far, well this answers all the questions i had about the future of this game and also explains why the AI feels different in the current update 5.376 which was 2.2GB i am liking where version 5.376 is going in terms of the skirmish experience so good luck and keep up the good work.
  15. Hey everyone I decided to give renegade x one more chance. So I updated the game to the latest version and I have say the skirmish experience feels a better (not perfect) than in update 5.373. One question that occurred in my mind was is it possible to spectate in skirmish mode? and If so what do I need to do. If anyone knows please let me know thank you. Thank you for improving the experience keep it up guys nice to see developers listening to their fans.
  16. I understand what your saying but the AI doesnt have to be perfect the developers are heading in the right direction i just dont want them to lose that vision. But have to admit the AI seems like they were inspired by the bots from Unreal 1 but then again I could be completely wrong. So the developers who programmed the bots clearly has some experience.
  17. Thank you for the info. It is good to see people actually care about the game. (offline) as long as it is getting fixed then I am happy.
  18. This is a very sad discovery for renegade X as firstly i was enjoying the game until a friend recently asked me if i am playing skirmish and i said yes and then he recommended me open beta 5 and then i asked him why and then he said that the skirmish in open beta 5 is better. i didnt want to believe so i had to see it for myself. After playing several matches with Bots i was blown away completely it felt like a completely different game, the AI plays so differently much better than the latest version of RenX. So now when i play the latest version of RenX i cant help but feel that the developers are ruining the offline experience that i have always wanted without even realizing and this could potentally destroy what made renegade x special. While i was observing the AI in the open beta 5 version here are the things that i have noticed The AI will instantly repair structure everytime it gets damaged with hotwires and technicans and they dont waste any time about it The AI properly knows how to defend the base so you almost never have to worry about the base structure being destroyed as your team mates will actually make a good effort to make sure that the base is protected. The AI knows how to effectively organise rushes and doesn't waste any time unlike the latest version of renX where they will just attack from one position and then get destroyed giving the emeny the chance to strike. (apperently, this is in open beta 5 but it is hardly noticable as they move quickly to perform rushes regardless whether it is GDI or Nod.) They don't overload airstrip/weapons factory with empty vehicles meaning you will have time to purchase vehicles without having your airstrip or weapons factory full of empty vehicles this leads to my next point The AI utilitizes the money they have properly meaning sometimes you will see your team mates with 300 to 400 credits instead of 15000 to 20000 because they utilises vehicles and units meaning they won't just waste it for no good reason and most of the time won't leave their vehicle empty unless they have to. unlike the latest version where they have 12000 to 15000 and dont put any of that money to good use. In open beta 5 Havoc/Sakura knows how properly use ramjet rifle and won't hesitate to shoot you in the head unlike the latest version of renegade x where they will just wait until they are in the correct position to shoot you In terms of deathmatch (mostly sniper matches) feels more fun because the AI will fire at your position without any sort of hestition making the match feel very heated again this leads me to my next point the game is overall a lot more harder and more challenging as the AI will Kill you quickly if you are not careful and this could just be me but the AI is a lot harder to kill in open beta 5 as even will GDI/NOD soliders they will aggressively fire at you while dodging and strafing making firefights feel intense i had to point this out to everyone to make them aware of this problem as i don't want renegade X to die because of the downgraded offline experience as the AI in renegade x have INSANE potential even the latest version of the RenX i mean come on this game gives me that Unreal 1 vibe everytime i play against bots and i am not saying the AI is bad in the latest version of RenX because they are not as there are some things they do better than the AI in open beta 5 but i do feel like the AI has been downgraded and had to address this issue to you guys. Anyways i really hope you guys in the next few updates look into this as i just don't want all the potential that this game has to go to waste. I hope you take my words into consideration.
  19. After playing several matches with bots in open beta 5 these are the things I have noticed The AI will instantly repair structure everytime it gets damaged with hotwires and technicans. The AI knows how to effectively organise rushes and doesnt waste any time unlike the latest version of renX where they will just attack from one position and then get destroyed giving the emeny the chance to strike. They don't overload airstrip/weapons factory with empty vehicles meaning you will have time to purchase vehicles without having your airstrip or weapons factory full of empty vehicles The AI utilitizes the money they have properly meaning sometimes you will see your team mates with 300 to 400 credits because they utilises vehicles and units meaning they won't just waste it for no good reason and most of the time won't leave their vehicle empty unless they have to. Havoc/Sakura knows how properly use ramjet rifle and won't hesitate to shoot you in the head. In terms of deathmatch (mostly sniper matches) feels more fun because the AI will fire at your position without any sort of hestition making the match feel very heated. Lastly, the AI will KILL YOU with full force as they tend to fire at you with burst and dont wait a few seconds to fire at you again meaning that for example GDI/NOD soliders will aggressively fire at you with the assault rifle without stopping pretty much how a real player would use the assault rifle and it's not just that they also do it with mobius/mendoza. I had to point this out as I love renegade x but after my friend giving me the open beta 5 version I realised that the AI in the latest version of RenX does absolutely none of this. I am not saying the AI in the current version is bad because they still show signs of intelligence depending on difficulty but they feel downgraded compared to open beta 5 and now unless this is fixed this can potentially destroy what made renegade x so special. But if you don't believe me then I think it is best that you go and download open beta 5 and see for yourself.
  20. Personally I agree with the AI part the AI needs to improve as I feel like that the AI has been downgraded ever since playing open beta 5. I might make a forum about it to make people aware about it.
  21. Oh that's a shame, because it looked like a really well made and i would have at least liked to have try it and decide for myself. Anyways as i mentioned before if you or anyone knows or has a copy of a good deathmatch or infantry map that i do not know about then please let me know. Thank you.
  22. Hey I found this cool map named CNC Valley and was wondering if anyone has a file for it that I can download.
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