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Everything posted by DeadAccount

  1. DeadAccount


    Encouraging team based playstyles, discourage exploitative ones. It was the whole point of my original post before being attacked by the clique.
  2. DeadAccount


    We get it Agent. You are so blinded by your loyalty to your clique. You take jabs and search for any little detail to derail a point of view. Search Black Friday Search Hoppity In the end you shouldn't have too, and these details about the fun of discussing Black Friday shouldn't even matter, and I shouldn't have to painstakingly point out things like this. The problem is you're so desperate to protect actual toxic people in your life you'll do anything the justify the means. Like I get it, you're looking for little jabs at people because my overall point is still the same. It's what you all do very well. I tried to get at the core of why I think it's important to protect new players. You go for random jabs to protect people who are toxic. Sorry I said turkey instead of black Friday. Real tragedy. I tried being nice @Havoc89 I'm done with that now.
  3. DeadAccount


    @Kaunas nailed it. Thank you. I don't really feel like responding to any of the false equivalencies looking to simply gloss over the heart of the issue currently. I will say this, I get to play Renegade-X maybe twice a week on weekends. You have a squad of people who play this game 12 hours a day 7 days a week, which in it of itself isn't a big deal. The issue comes with how they exploit the community to fill-in the gaps of their boredom. Renegade X isn't about going 200-0 sniping from the impossible spot on Under for 3 hours. Who tf feels that's what this game is about? They don't push or pull. They sit and farm new players until they uninstall the game. And if the devs truly feel this is what they want from the game. Well, I was again verbally assaulted repeatedly by one of their smurf accounts yesterday. (literally hours after @Agent posted to cool things down) Attacked because: - We attempted an amazing rocket rush from silo (failed) - We stormed the Refinery, defensive buffing through mines in a desperate attempt to cause perm (failed) - We discussed the proper way to eat a turkey (success) - We gathered a group a stanks for a rush which were snuffed out by several meds and mammies (failed) - We made silo a priority to control - We stormed the back of infantry path only to be blown to pieces by MRLS fire (ouch) - We finally destroyed refinery with good timing and tank placement like a bank heist Ask the community (especially new players) who had more fun? The ones being sniped on Under in silence as they spawn in one by one, or the ones taking part in a great escapade discussing turkey? In the end, it comes down to what do the devs want from this game? Are they looking to expand the player base? Then be honest with how some in the community "play this game", including one of the devs. It's exploitative.
  4. DeadAccount


    There has never been a more diverse and exciting group of players joining this community. The passion I see from new players is contagious and has breathed new life into many of the social/community functions that this game thrives on. Discord is humming with all levels of conversation. New members like @Nexus51325 to Stagger Lee who not only join community events but also play consistently in public game throughout the week. It's so much fun seeing the diverse of old and new join the pug each week. Not only are new players playing the game but INVESTING in the game as well! Contributing dev time and creating new maps. I have met so many amazing people this year alone it's really exciting to see where this game is headed. You have to keep in mind the Devs do this for passion of the game. I imagine most of them are fans of CnC like you, and try their best in the free time they have to make the game as fun as possible for everyone. Most of the devs don't even have the time to play the game they craft, and I imagine after spending hours on a feature with the high likelihood of it going bork for no reason is very draining. The dedication @Havoc89 @yosh56 @Agent and company have put into the game is nothing short of commendable and I hope they are rewarded greatly for it one day. It's all about iteration and adjustment, and all the games with modern dev cycles now do it from Dota 2 to Fortnite . The fact the Devs are willing to continually keep things fresh by adding new features keeps people around. CQC is not perfect but when has a feature been perfect upon first release? It's weird to think now but that same Dev also developed one of the most layered and strategic mechanics in the q spotting/commander mod. Could you imagine the game without it? I remember a time when blowing up a med on walls meant crashing a server. HA! The game has never been more stable, and with all the new features in development, and a tight knit community that is invested and thriving, there has never been more exciting time to be a fan of Renegade X imo.
  5. What type of culture does RenX wish to cultivate? Four/five years ago there was a player by the name DrB0ng who was super passionate about ren and this community. Cultivating an engagement that was exciting and electric. A small band of rebels would stay up late, game together, keeping the NA servers going until early hours in the morning. Most are gone now, but they consisted of amazing people who i keep in-touch with to this day. They include the likes of heliumbunny, battlesausage, sunshine, McJohn, Drewwise, minji, yosh, etc. Back then, there was a culture that was building towards something awesome. Fun debates would play out like whether flechette should exist as a silo weapon, or what to do with the future of gold rush. We worked as a team. Building towards something. The scale was grander as well. Sporting a playerbase nearly three times the size it is now. Two clans even existed. TMX and EKT. They had this sort of fun combativeness in ideologies. Join TMX and you'd find yourself in a timed match in a race for points, join EKT and find yourself dodging mines in a marathon. When the DDOSing began B0ng took it upon himself to save the game, selflessly doing everything in his power to keep the servers going. I bring this up because B0ng was the closest thing this game had as a community manager. They haven't had one since. Who has filled that gap? Two devs, and the culture has changed with it. Their personal skills have granted them control of all the community tools in the game, and with it, have slowly enabled the range of frustrations you see mentioned over and over these last two days. Harassing dedicated players like Whistle from the community for good, pursuing attention seeking acts like deleting themselves from the community only to return with power enabling the behavior, targeting new players in servers and obfuscating the justification with modern day gaslighting. Their lack of maturity and transgressions go on and on in a role of authority. No one can do anything about it. They control all the tools. The other Devs have become apathetic to this issue. Allowing them to continue to pound the dirt to the point where now only weeds grow. Which ultimately gets to the point what do we want to cultivate in this community? For example, do you want the game to grow a playerbase? Beyond the shrinking violet it is now? Then you can't simply say the current situation where a certain dev takes advantage of their position and enables the targeting of new players with their clique is a healthy choice. Voice this concern and you'll be banned or branded as harassing others. As quoted by one of the devs themselves, 'I don't care about the community.' It's a nihilistic self-centered culture that continues to drive people away. They continue to pound dirt. It's sucks witnessing a game I enjoyed so much 4 years ago become a shell of itself. The only thing that has blossomed is the discord, but I don't want to bring up who actually pushed for that over the years. Trying to welcome new players into a community to something that once was exciting, fresh and new. Advocating to get it on the main page of the website for months just so others can join. Now I regret ever suggesting it.
  6. So between Apex Legends, Overwatch, Smash Ultimate and Dota 2 the one through-line you'll find is that they're always looking to add new characters to switch up the meta. Introducing new characters in the RenX is something that not only would hype up fans (as evidence by the response to Madkyll's custom character cards) but more importantly spice up the current meta. New characters would also allow for new strats and twists on classic strats. One new character that I feel should be added to the rotation is: The Spy. The Spy contains some of the best characteristics in Renegade and folds into the infiltration/stealth mechanics of the game. Unfortunately, currently, the only way you're able to enjoy this mechanic is by finding random crates across the map that offer a minuscule chance to obtain the hero. I feel this character could easily be more fleshed out and added to the Renverse roster for some exciting limitless possibility. Do you have any ideas for new characters? What do you think if the Spy was added to the roster? Lemme kno!
  7. What you need is a Sunday squad. A dedicated crew that runs the show much like the Saturday pug. This squad would recruit new people to join, host the game, separate teams in discord, and serve as a community liaison for Sunday. Any takers?
  8. Forget that. Do it by instinct and feeling. More fun that way. Bust that list out boi.
  9. with fully integrated seasonal leaderboards
  10. Nice post man! Looking forward to the list! *air5!!
  11. I understand the desire to finish something you started. I'm sure what's cooking is fantastic and serene and I look forward to experiencing it! To me, I guess it's worth asking if the devs are only interested in RenX because of the CnC universe? If so, cool! But.. if the devs feel like they can take these embers of genius and craft their alchemy into something extraordinary. Something utterly unique. That's truly exciting. When the game does reach 1.0 release, i'm not saying shut down the shop. Just let RenX be its own entity, a hub, while you all expand onto bigger things. Treat RenX as your hub of operations. We can still pug, play, and hang out here until the release of the new game. As far as concerns of playerbase, even the most docile games garner support in this modern gaming landscape. I would be shocked if the game didn't achieve more than 64 concurrent players in a day. Especially with all the multi-platform options now. And the limitless freedom it would bring would be amazing. I guess it just comes down whether the devs wish to go on a new adventure? It would be long, and winding, with stress lurching its arms around every corner, but in the end it will be exceptionally extraordinary. I hope they consider it.
  12. As of 4pm CST there are only 5 people online. 5. At 4pm CST... How do we fix this? This is insane even for Western timezone standards. I love renX. How can we best support the devs and inject some life into this playerbase again? Here's my idea: Strip it and ship it. I personally feel the devs need to strip all the CnC content out of the game, keep the core gameplay mechanics intact and port it into a new project. New lore, new assets, same awesome gameplay. Benefits of this idea: - Monetary avenues: The devs will be rewarded for years of hard work. They would have limitless options from f2p models to cosmetics to battpasses, etc. We have been joking for years how cool cosmetics would be, but because of the IP and engine, it limits the devs hunger to explore those possibilities. - Public awareness: Doing this will allow the Devs to advertise on platforms like Steam. There is currently an arms race between Sony, Nintendo, Steam, Microsoft, Epic, EA, GoG, etc. These shops are looking for every edge to get a leg up on the others. They would love a community game like this with playerbase to boot. One of the biggest hurdles for RenX is the numerous barricades one must cross to play this game. First you need to hear about it, go to the site, download its own installer, and if you're lucky it'll run, and if you're even more lucky you'll be on when players are active. That's too many hurdles for people. - Endless growth potential: Stripping away the bondage of the CnC branding will allow the devs to form their own identity. They would always be able to expand on ideas that currently limit them with this mod. Like leaderboards, the risk style mechanic pitched years ago, etc. - Cultivate an Amazing Community With Awesome People: One of the amazing things RenX is above all else is that they are a welcoming community. It doesn't matter your background, as long as you are not a jerk you are welcome here.The devs and renX community is full of amazing people who are super supportive and passionate. The discord community is evidence of that. That's my idea. Lemme know what you think. Cause right now it sucks I can't play renX ever.
  13. Fun list! To me it's as simple as: The higher your skill level at shooters; the more likely those skills translate effectively in tanking combat. Pretty much the best shooters are the best tankers. Which is why the tier list echo's a lot in those two categories. Look no further than Apache combat on Walls as an example of this. The other group of tankers consists of full-time tankers who never play infantry and just tank. (xeon, danvik, etc) Also, I'm guessing the reason Crab can't be graded on your list is because crabs can't obtain a drivers license.
  14. Found out @Quincy and i are both kawaii AF polish models. Successful pug is successful.
  15. One last note. If you wish to be on the tier list in the future there is only one requirement: JOIN THE RENEGADE X WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENT!! (YOU DON'T NEED A MIC OR HAVE TO SPEAK) DEV INTERVIEWS! UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENTS!! LOTS OF FUN! COOL PEOPLE! FREE CAKE!!! When? Saturday! Where? The Ren X Discord (YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SPEAK, just a headset to listen!) copy/paste: https://discordapp.com/invite/renegadex Time? 11am CST ---- If you have any disagreements about the standings, feel free to share them here because i'll totally forgot if you message me on Discord. We'll take a look when i get back. Stay Awesome!
  16. Because of some very exciting personal news recently, I'll be away for the week. I hope to further evolve this idea in the future. I love seeing such energy in the renX community. One thing i can safely say is that after the hundreds of pms on discord (from both pug and public players) to nearing over 1000+ views in this thread (wow!) I think this topic creates a lot of exciting energy and possibility that the Devs should tap into. The thirst is there, the possibilities are limitless.
  17. Failure is the rehearsal to success my friend. Updated Tier List with the following changes: Snips: Adjusted for impact with support Ryts: Adjusted for impact with tanking offense
  18. Like a sharpened blade Ryz understands what he excels at and adapts his gameplay to his specific style. The reason why he's ranked where he is, is because more often than not, when he's achieving those meta goals in his skillset his team is benefiting greatly. To me, I prefer a more elegant, simplified ranking system than something convoluted with sub-categories and needless labels. I'm open to maybe slight sub-categories (like classic support vs proxy support) but beyond that it's just not my style. Looking forward to your post! Updated Tier List with the following changes: Included Xtractor on tier list Sarah: Adjusted for impact with Support Madkyll: Adjusted for impact with tanks Yosh56: Adjusted for impact with defense Gliven: Adjusted for impact with infiltration Mykenubie: Adjusted for impact with anti-tank defense Redarmy: Adjusted for impact with infiltration Pyojpn: Adjusted for impact with infiltration
  19. Hi! Please note if you are pming me on Discord about why you are not on this list. It's for PUG players only. If you haven't played a PUG match in the last two months, you will not find your name here. Also, what are you waiting for! Join the PUG every Saturday 1pm CST on RenX Discord! Keep in mind none of this is cement, everything is fluid, and was made to help support the pug in creating stronger, more balanced, events. These categories represent overlapping swatches. Like a bunch of little rivers flowing in and out of each other. They are also very broad and wide ranging. Badge titles range in overlapping broad strokes and were graded as follows: What's the players focus and how dominant (impactful) are they overall? -- I tried to cover the entire gamut of a topic, so, for example, if you look at S tier Support you have a range of players in that category for good reason. You have classic support healers, people who look after everything, make sure maintenance is good, etc, like: B-Force, Redarmy, Ryts, Smayhew And then you also have boxes in that category, why? Like i said, i view these categories as sweeping overlapping organisms that connect to each other. (offense connects to support which connects to defense) When does boxes ever lend support you ask? Boxes and Minji both contain a skill that allows them to control an entire infantry path solo. For example, when boxes is on Islands or Field he can control the entire infantry path tunnel network by himself. This allows his team to use less labor and less treasure in tunnels, focus more on field, and push toward advantage. That is a huge support metric imo. (Including offensive and defensive ability of course, again, overlapping) Every category is viewed with this wide lens. For Defense, again I tried to encompass the entire gamut of defense. Everything from tank defenders who plug up vital arteries on a map, to infantry players who watch infantry path like a hawk (Akbaro), to classic miners protecting the entire base. For infiltration, we included Infiltrators who sneak into enemy territory as a hottie, to stealth black hands c4ing the sides of buildings or air-striking the enemy, to even being an infiltrator by proxy. Even if you are not a classic infiltrator, you could be an infiltrator by proxy. Someone who's always at the right place, at the right time, to sneak into rax on Lakeside. Once I looked at your library of work it came down to impact for those badge categories. I didn't want to create little sub categories because that's unneeded filler. It should be easy to look at a player, see where there focus is, and get a sense of where they have the most impact. Some players focus on certain skills while others are a jack-of-all trades. -- Are there some grades that need tweaks? Sure. The reason why there are two metrics is because i wanted to display as many talents as i could for each player. The goal of the letter grade was less about skill and more about focus (impact secondary). For example, Xeon may be the best infiltrator ever, but that's never his focus, he's an offensive and defensive heavy tanker. Also keep in mind, C tier is still a good tier. That's why i kept it as a floor. Received some pms about miners. When it came to grading miners themselves, to me, it comes down to this: When such and such defender is in a fight vs a Tech for the life of a tower, will they win? Because in the end, it's that climatic moment that defines a base defender to me. The level of impact that miner ultimately has in a game. -- Feel free to suggest any changes you may have! For the most part I'm pretty happy how the formula ended up! Updated Tier List with the following changes: Minji: Adjusted for Infantry Defense Cannuck: Adjusted for Infantry Defense LavaDr4gon: Adjusted for impact with sbh infiltration BlazingYoshi: Adjusted for impact with tanks Sho-Kun: Adjusted for impact with tanks Cephyrus: Adjusted for impact with sbh infiltration Voltex: Adjusted for impact with tanks
  20. If you wish to be on the tier list in the future there is only one requirement: JOIN THE RENEGADE X WEEKLY COMMUNITY EVENT!! (YOU DON'T NEED A MIC OR HAVE TO SPEAK) DEV INTERVIEWS! UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENTS!! LOTS OF FUN! COOL PEOPLE! FREE CAKE!!! When? Saturday! Where? The Ren X Discord (YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SPEAK, just a headset to listen!) copy/paste: https://discordapp.com/invite/renegadex Time? 11am CST 2019 Tier LIST of RenX Players (Of Active PUG Players) The goal behind this system was to define game sense in a point/badge based system. The highest score possible is 20. Badge rank displays which areas the player most excels at. So even though someone may have more points, it may not be the type of player your team needs at that moment. This system rewards a diverse set of skills. The more diversity you participate in, the more you are rewarded. The higher your skill ceiling the more you are rewarded. The goal of this list of to create a range of skill for better pugs and more fun events. Remember you can always level up. Enjoy! S Tier Ranking (4 points) S tier Infantry Offense Pocky, boxes, Pyonjpn, Sarah, I am an Owl, Minji, Blazing Yoshi, Tiger, Canucck, Confuser2188, Falco, Agent, LavaDr4gon S tier Tanking Offense boxes, Pyonjpn, Gliven, I am an Owl, Minji, Xeon Wraith, Danvik, Canucck, Trap, Confuser2188, Falco, Ryz, Sho-Kun, Blazing Yoshi, S tier Infiltration boxes, MintLemonade, I am an Owl, Minji, Quinc3y, bioz4d, Confuser2188, Crab, Pyonjpn, TK104, Gliven S tier Defense boxes, Pyonjpn, Gliven, I am an Owl, Danvik, Trap, Xeon Wraith S tier Support boxes, Gex_str, Gliven, I am an Owl, Minji, B-Force, Redarmy, Ryts, Smayhew A Tier Ranking (3 points) A tier Infantry Offense Akbaro, Sho-Kun, Stromtrooper TR8TOR, Havoc89, Xeon Wraith, MintLemonade, Husker, Snips, Mykenubie, Buriza, Cain, Abel, Crab, Gliven A tier Tanking Offense Newbie, Havoc89, LavaDr4gon, Husker, Martok, MintLemonade, Quinc3y, At-Air, Cain, Abel, Agent, Majestic Sausage, Testman, Buriza, Madkyll, A tier Infiltration Buriza, Canucck, Cain, Abel, Redarmy A tier Defense Akbaro, Newbie, Sho-Kun, Havoc89, LavaDr4gon, Husker, B-Force, Terrent, Buriza, MintLemonade, Falco, Minji, Cannucck, Yosh56, Mykenubie A tier Support Voltex, Havoc89, LavaDr4gon, Xeon Wraith, Danvik, Terrent, Buriza, Falco, MintLemonade Testman B Tier Ranking (2 points) B tier Infantry Offense Hackerham, Voltex, Yosh56, Danvik, Dakuja, Enigmas, Guts, Lowstar, Martok, Madkyll, Quinc3y, Smayhew, Snytharn, Terrent, Whistle, Trap, Yumi, Hohndo, At-Air, bioz4d, Boedefield, Cephyrus, Kaunas, Majestic Sausage, Maverick, Mystic George, Swaffelen, TK104 B tier Tanking Offense Fartface, Black Angel Dan, Kaliff, Wildrover84, Hackerham, Voltex, Stromtrooper TR8TOR, Sarah, Yosh56, fffreak9999, Carlos, Dakuja, Enigmas, Guts, Redarmy, Smayhew, Snips, Snytharn, Terrent, Mykenubie, Whistle, Hohndo, bioz4d, Boedefield, Cephyrus, Crab, Kaunas, Machete, Maverick, Mystic George, Swaffelen, TK104, Ryts B tier Infiltration Akbaro, Sho-Kun, Hackerham, Stromtrooper TR8TOR, Sarah, Yosh56, Blazing Yoshi, Guts, Martok, Madkyll, Snytharn, Whistle, At-Air, Boedefield, Cephyrus, Falco, Agent, Guy with Magic Airstrikes, Kaunas, Machete, Ryz, Majestic Sausage, Maverick, Mystic George, Vip, Swaffelen, Havoc89, LavaDr4gon B tier Defense Fartface, Black Angel Dan, Kaliff, Wildrover84, Hackerham, Hakase, Voltex, Stromtrooper TR8TOR, Sarah, fffreak9999, Blazing Yoshi, Carlos, Dakuja, Enigmas, Guts, Martok, Madkyll, Quinc3y, Ryts, Smayhew, Snips, Snytharn, Mykenubie, Whistle, Hohndo, At-Air, bioz4d, Boedefield, Cephyrus, Cain, Abel, Confuser2188, Crab, Agent, Guy with Magic Airstrikes, Kaunas, Machete, Majestic Sausage, Maverick, Mystic George, Akbaro, Testman, Vip, Swaffelen, TK104, Ryz B tier Support Fartface, Black Angel Dan, Wildrover84, Sho-Kun, Hackerham, Pyonjpn, Hakase, Sarah,Yosh56, fffreak9999, Blazing Yoshi, Tiger, Canucck, Enigmas, Guts, Martok, Madkyll, Quinc3y, Snytharn, Mykenubie, Whistle, Trap, Hohndo, At-Air, Billybez, bioz4d, Boedefield, Confuser2188, Crab, Agent, Guy with Magic Airstrikes, Kaunas, Majestic Sausage, Maverick, Mystic George, Akbaro, Vip, Swaffelen, TK104, Snips C Tier Ranking (1 point) C tier Infantry Offense Fartface, Black Angel Dan, Kaliff, Newbie, Wildrover84, Hakase, Wallar, D3vastate, Gex_str, fffreak9999, B-Force, Carlos, Redarmy, Ryts, Zucadragon, Billybez, Guy with Magic Airstrikes, Machete, Ryz, Testman, Vip C tier Tanking Offense Hakase, Wallar, D3vastate, Gex_str, B-Force, Tiger, Lowstar, Yumi, Zucadragon, Billybez, Guy with Magic Airstrikes, Vip C tier Infiltration Fartface, Black Angel Dan, Kaliff, Newbie, Hakase, Voltex, Wallar, D3vastate, Gex_str, fffreak9999, Xeon Wraith, Danvik, Husker, B-Force, Tiger, Carlos, Dakuja, Enigmas, Lowstar, Redarmy, Ryts, Smayhew, Snips, Terrent,Trap, Yumi, Zucadragon, Hohndo, Billybez, Testman C tier Defense Wallar, D3vastate, Gex_str, Tiger, Lowstar, Yumi, Zucadragon, Billybez, C tier Support Kaliff, Newbie, Wallar, D3vastate, Stromtrooper TR8TOR, Husker, Carlos, Dakuja, Lowstar, Yumi, Zucadragon, Cephyrus, Cain, Abel, Machete, Ryz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 Tier LIST of RenX Players (points) SABC Badge Order: Infantry Offense, Tanking Offense, Infiltration, Defense, Support I am an Owl (20) SSSSS Boxes (20) SSSSS Minji (19) SSSAS Gliven (19) ASSSS Pyonjpn (19) SSSSA Canucck (16) SSAAB MintLemonade (16) AASAA Confuser2188 (16) SSSBB Falco (16) SSBAA Buriza (15) AAAAA Xeon Wraith (15) ASCSA LavaDr4gon (15) SABAA Danvik (14) BSCSA Cain (14) AAABC Abel (14) AAABC Havoc89 (14) AABAA Blazing Yoshi (14) SSBBB Sho-Kun (14) ASBAB Sarah (14) SBBBS Quinc3y (13) BASBB Mykenubie (13) ABBSB Crab (13) ABSBB Trap (13) BSCSB Agent (13) SABBB bioz4d (12) BBSBB TK104 (12) BBSBB Majestic Sausage (12) BABBB Redarmy (11) CBBBS Terrent (11) BBCAA Smayhew (11) BBCBS Husker (11) AACAC Martok (11) BABBB At-Air (11) BABBB Voltex (11) BACBA Madkyll (11) BABBB Yosh56 (11) BBBAB Akbaro (10) ABCBB Maverick (10) BBBBB Kaunas (10) BBBBB Whistle (10) BBBBB Mystic George (10) BBBBB Testman (10) CACBA Hackerham (10) BBBBB B-Force (10) CCCAS Stromtrooper TR8TOR (10) ABBBC Ryz (10) SCBBC Guts (10) BBBBB Swaffelen (10) BBBBB Snytharn (10) BBBBB Cephyrus (10) BBABC Xtractor (10) BBBBB Snips (10) ABCBB Ryts (10) CBCBS Newbie (9) CACAC Tiger (9) SCCCB Enigmas (9) BBCBB Hohndo (9) BBCBB Gex_str (8) CCCCS Machete (8) CBBBC Fartface (8) BCBCB Guy with Magic Airstrikes (8) CCBBB Black Angel Dan (8) CBCBB Vip (8) CCBBB Dakuja (8) BBCBC fffreak9999 (8) CBCBB Wildrover84 (8) CBCBB Carlos (7) CBCBC Kaliff (7) CBCBC Hakase (7) CCCBB Lowstar (6) BCCCC Billybez (6) CCCCB Yumi (6) BCCCC Wallar (5) CCCCC D3vastate (5) CCCCC Zucadragon (5) CCCCC
  22. Hi Kirby, be sure to join the pug on the RenX discord!! Saturday at 1pm CST. FREE CAKE!!
  23. The problem to me is that it only ever reaches 64 during peak hours, which to me is fine since you get to play with all your friends of the day. 40 kinda segregates the community and I don't know if there will be the energy to keep two servers built up daily instead of one. Part of the reason i like the 64 player server is i get to play with all my friends. ._.
  24. Really enjoy these write-ups Xeon! Great work! It was awesome being part of the first Sunday pug ever! *air5
  25. Love the passion all! I will say I'm maybe 1 of 20 people who regularly play both the pug and pub games daily. Having that opportunity to play both routinely I feel my game sense and perspective is pretty sharp. I still feel strongly that most of my points earlier stand. Mammoths are a steal and require so much Nod investment in terms of economics and time. Also, couple more things after playing this week! While playing Xmountain i noticed the infantry path at the back of strip was removed. I know the route is not intentional but it does offer a lot of freedom and made the map infinitely better than having to walk all the way around. Would it be possible to bring those alternative paths back? I think that map really suffers without those routes. Cruz missiles snowball so effectively (because you get cp back from q spotting) that if a commanding sbh drops a nuke and places 2 or 3 missiles on top of it, it's impossible to stop. Not very many commanders realize this yet but they'll be taking advantage of this mechanic soon i imagine. Snow was the outlier of yesterday. Again a single event doesn't indicate a trend. On top of that, GDI controlled the entire match except for a series of events which allowed Nod a sort of freak accident to win. Keep in mind we had blown your strip fairly easily and broke hon to 5%. The reason for our loss... - The nature of snow which bottlenecks and forces gdi take to make a 90 degree turn just to whack Hon. (Again, we had blown Strip and nearly destroyed Hon) - The bottleneck of the tunnel. So obviously if you have enough emps to spam you're going to jam them. - bibi and jp allowed Nod to stay competitive in bunker. It's very difficult to counter them in public games since they work so closely together. Had they been split or simply never joined Snow would have ended long ago. We ended up needing to spam the bunker with tanks and bibi was crucial to stopping multiple rushes giving Nod time to farm veterancy. - An elite/Heroic stealth unit stealing an MRLS from a newer player and spamming with Offensive buff to kill barracks. Had he not stolen the MRLS I'm still fairly confident we probably would have won. It required all of these things just for Nod to squeak by... on Snow. Also, i'm sure after a few pugs it'll be pretty obvious what changes are needed. I think it's awesome how passionate the community is about the game and people shaping and sharing ideas is all i care about. *air5!!
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