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About Suspiria

  • Birthday January 13

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  1. Oof I do not personally work with Kismet. But I did find the modding channel for you where there's a nice crowd of developers. If you have Discord you have to join https://discord.com/invite/totemarts Then go to roles-and-bot-use and there you have to select the Modder role. Now will appear an entire section of modding channels on the left for you to access.
  2. Could we keep some focus on (passive) income, please? My little nugget about 64p was more ment to preface how a low vehicle count relative to playercount could impact credit balance. And why such an income calculation would work on 40p but may go out of whack with 64p. Not at all claiming that 64p is a better RenX game btw. I simply did not see any other way to get my point across regarding passive credit income probably not having been reassessed since the move to 64. So what I'm trying to achieve by participating in this discussion is to gather a data point on whether anything might need changed regarding passive income. Especially also my last comment seems relevant to the subject: the new automatic team donation when leaving the game feature. What impact does it have? Where did the credit sink go? Also when I look at the code it seems to trigger only after the player has left a whopping 3600 seconds ago. So if I'm not mistaken, all of those automatic team-donations are kindof delayed with an hour. Except if they team-donate manually before exiting.
  3. Agreed. Past discussions on this often concluded with something akin to "more than 50p is just intrinsically bad for RenX gameplay". (but the market wants it regardless) And we've been in the process of figuring out exactly what these effects are so as to improve 64p gameplay. (and I wouldn't rule out 80p becoming a thing, either) For instance when it comes to credits I'd say that max. vehicles doesn't scale well with player count. (causes: challenges to map design and server performance) Being a tanker can be doubly expensive compared to playing infantry because tankers tend to buy both inf and tank if money allows. And since vehicles tend to get maxed on 64p, there's going to be a lot of infantry running about, each amassing a steady influx of credits. I'd say this will be a contributing factor to there being a teamwide surplus, especially if people know how to balance each other by donating. Part of the solution to this may be to: 1. Dynamically reduce (passive) income according to playercount (e.g. -50% while >40 players) 2. Maps that support more vehicles 3. Servers that support more vehicles (depends on CPU single core performance) 4. Under X 5. Exclude more non-X/small maps from mapvoting at high playercounts (comes at the cost of variety) What are your thoughts on this? Speaking of donating.. I don't think the new "auto team-donate on leave" function has been compensated for with a new credit sink yet. Since the majority of people never cared to donate when they left, was this a necessary sink that is now gone?
  4. Thanks for the compliment sir. None of Kismet nor UDK is getting any updates. Also, UDK documentation is getting drowned out by UE5 material. Which is part of the reason of migrating Firestorm there. But since that's still going to take a couple of years ... I'd be happy to answer any question that you might have about programming the UDK. There also used to be a public Discord channel for modding which was very useful for questions like this. But I can't seem to find it right now.
  5. Hi John, So what you're looking at here is a preprocessor directive. It's not compiling InternalOnReadAchievementsComplete because USE_GAMECENTER isn't defined at compile-time. If your package doesn't have a Globals.uci file already then you may want to create one in your package's root folder. So not in the Classes folder, but one folder above that. In that file you can add: `define USE_GAMECENTER And then it will compile.
  6. Continuation of this discussion. Please cast your vote. edit: "Unconditionally enable beacons" option now added aswell.
  7. No big problems with RenX. AFAIK your frustrations lie mostly with Totem Arts' second game "Firestorm" not being released on time. Also like I said before go take up programming and help out. I will hold your beer and drink it too.
  8. I'd love to welcome you guys aboard I really hope we can fix your problem.
  9. I think it may be time to ask @Cronus about this. AFAIK he knows a bit more about the specifics of current Totem Arts infrastructure.
  10. I'm sorry the log is my mistake thought it was still september and the date format was american. Either way.. I've carefully examined your logs and also the Launcher's source code. It really really looks like some program or some device is specifically blocking the Launcher from the internet. So forget about AVG; I trust we have ruled that one out by now. But do you have any other "security" kind of programs installed? Anything that intends to make your browsing or interner experience more secure. Also how do you connect to the internet? Are you sitting at home using an ordinary modem?
  11. These logs are from february and march ?! I'm just saying that any type of security suite these days can contain a VPN within. So you may have one without knowing it. But by all means send in a more recent log because right now you probably have an entirely different issue than you had in february. We'll just be chasing our own tail otherwise.
  12. Hi there, Your log implies some kind of firewall or VPN at works. AVG AntiVirus nowadays optionally includes a feature called "Enhanced Firewall" at the point of install. You can follow these directions to check whether this feature got installed alongside antivirus: support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlName=Use-AVG-Antivirus-Enhanced-Firewall As to VPN's.. they can come in all kinds of "online security", "web shield", "internet security" suites. And they're also commonly bundled with virusscanners these days and sometimes people aren't even aware they're running one. Kind regards, Suspiria
  13. Sorry to inform Renegade-X currently has a confirmed code issue with bots so that they're currently expressly disabled on most servers due to the crashes you're referring to. They will certainly get fixed some time, but the priorities lie with Firestorm right now which is already long overdue and people are working 'round the clock on it.
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