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Everything posted by Qbert987

  1. OK, Thank you very much. I am making this map for AA3, i'll make a version for ren-x!
  2. So he would export them as .obj and i could open them?
  3. A friend made a few models for me and I want to open them in 3ds max. Maya uses the .mb format and 3ds max uses the .max format. are they compatible or do i need to convert them?
  4. lol exactly!
  5. Because the world is supposed to end at 6 PM tomorrow I am proposing one last Ren-x game!!! 6pm est time join and have a few last frags!! c u all on may 22
  6. basically
  7. well good news, the team made a map based on the first mission so the tunnels actually go somewhere
  8. so the fact that we can't jump high enough to use the ambush tunnels is a bug?
  9. yah, in ren the vehicles did not change color all that changed was the outline
  10. I believe there is no animation in the most recent release (.552) I hope there will be a cool animation in black dawn!!!
  11. i will definitely try to be there!!!
  12. if you can run the windows version of UT3 then you can play this game.
  13. I will be playing tomorrow at 9:00 PM est. If anyone wants to join feel free.
  14. wow. we will all miss him greatly.
  15. and it will be 100% more eppic when it becomes a stand alone..... making it 200% eppic then
  16. Qbert987


  17. yah, maybe it won't be a death trap any more
  18. I really liked the part where it changed from old ren to ren-x. Nice trailer!!!
  19. http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2950-Weekly-RenX-Session we need to set an exact time. that would work better than just random times of day.
  20. aaahhh just missed it!!! having too much fun putting stacks on my brothers truck and ice skateing
  21. true, people would be raving mad though. Im game for this weekend!!! spring break starts so i will have plenty of time.
  22. hmmm we need to do this legally. why don't we pretend to sink it so ppl don't look for it. wait, why are we talking about hijacking a tanker on a public forum. we are all going to get CIA agents following us from now on.
  23. mmmm start a server farm in the middle of the ocean!!! im on! when do we leave?
  24. hmm Sundays never work for me. Saturday is better.
  25. whew, good
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