I have opened this thread because I would like to know more about the mechanics of the Mystery Crate. Lately it seems that the probability of getting a Nuclear Strike from the Mystery Crate has increased to ridiculous heights on some servers. It appears to me that tonight on the server we played 7 out of 10 crates would produce some U235 to the person that was unfortunate enough to stumble upon the Mystery Crate. (There was a player, on the level “XMountain” who had picked up not less than SIX consecutive Nuclear Strikes, while I myself ran over only two of them.)
If I understand correctly, the Wiki page of the Mystery Crate states, that:
“Mystery Crates' yields and other settings can be modified by a server owner at their discretion.”
So the level of control granted to the server administrators over the (supposedly to a serious degree) random function which decides what the crate will yield is so great, that they upon mere whim can turn the crates into practically a nuclear minefield (and blown sky-high with other, innocent bystanders)?
If so, what would you suggest besides the total avoidance of the Mystery Crates, and carrying a Beryllium neutron mirror and some graphite moderators in our trousers?
Jokes aside: what would under normal circumstances by default the probability of getting a Nuclear Strike from a Mystery crate be?