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Everything posted by limsup

  1. I have opened this thread because I would like to know more about the mechanics of the Mystery Crate. Lately it seems that the probability of getting a Nuclear Strike from the Mystery Crate has increased to ridiculous heights on some servers. It appears to me that tonight on the server we played 7 out of 10 crates would produce some U235 to the person that was unfortunate enough to stumble upon the Mystery Crate. (There was a player, on the level “XMountain” who had picked up not less than SIX consecutive Nuclear Strikes, while I myself ran over only two of them.) If I understand correctly, the Wiki page of the Mystery Crate states, that: “Mystery Crates' yields and other settings can be modified by a server owner at their discretion.” So the level of control granted to the server administrators over the (supposedly to a serious degree) random function which decides what the crate will yield is so great, that they upon mere whim can turn the crates into practically a nuclear minefield (and blown sky-high with other, innocent bystanders)? If so, what would you suggest besides the total avoidance of the Mystery Crates, and carrying a Beryllium neutron mirror and some graphite moderators in our trousers? Jokes aside: what would under normal circumstances by default the probability of getting a Nuclear Strike from a Mystery crate be?
  2. I see! Thank you very much for the clarification!
  3. So if I understand it correctly, the whole phenomenon would essentially boil down to the Vehicle Physics of the Unreal Engine? Indeed! Just now on CT Custom Map Test Server [Walls (Flying)] I have managed to climb the wall with a Flame Tank (two in total and an Artillery). Seasoned drivers working in concert may be able to do it with fewer vehicles, and pretty swiftly...
  4. I'm sorry, I haven't thought of calling a moderator... I started playing Renegade X only recently, I am trying to familiarize myself with numerous things and customs...
  5. Around maybe 19:00 CET...
  6. I do not know if anyone has reported this, but it seems that there is a problem with the side-ramps on Walls NF [both GDI and Nod side]. It seems to be possible to "climb up" the Wall with tanks. Yesterday on Constructive Tyranny's Marathon srv., Nod Flame Tanks have scaled the GDI Wall's side ramp near the Weapons Factory, from the outside. I asked the other players of the GDI team - others had witnessed this also at least in two instances. Today, (on the same server) while playing on the Nod team, a whole battalion of GDI tanks (primarily Medium Tanks) have also done this "trick" en masse. I witnessed numerous players (some from the Leaderboard's first page) express their concerns regarding this phenomena in the in-game chat, as this is a regular map on many servers, and a most popular one at that... Should this issue been reported previously, please take the liberty of closing this topic.
  7. No, I have not (yet). So you're saying that both this, and firing from the cover of the GDI Weapons Factory, and ilmelp firing from behind the cover of the GDI Refinery on Lakeside were simple mistakes of obstacle blocking? If so, you have my sincerest apologies!
  8. Yes, I was firing later from behind the edge of the Weapons Factory, and the result was the same...
  9. I have observed it only once, at that instance on one of the servers of CT... Afterwards I had urgent business to do, so I could not check this on the other maps. Mind you, it happened on last Thursday, after the patching. Could it been something related to the new heroic shot-effects of the weapons? Update: I have witnessed this again, I am currently in-game on CT's AOW server on Whiteout, and the Nod Officer's chaingun seems to not damage the GDI Guard Tower in front of the GDI base...
  10. Seems it has been solved since [I have tried it just now], but the problem most definitely existed! Ilmelp's character was Nod Officer, and he hid behind the GDI Refinery and tried to take out one of the GDI Guard Towers. Regretfully no matter how long he kept firing on it with his chaingun, it absolutely did not damage it for some reason. Meanwhile I was standing next to the GDI War Factory, bearing witness to the enigmatic event.
  11. I think I will check the other "Flying" maps for this...
  12. Whilst searching for a clever hiding place for the Nuke beacon I have stumbled over by chance between the chimneys of the GDI Weapons Factory; right under the ramp, leading to the lower roof of the building. Since I was pretty stuck there, as a Stealth Soldier - I successfully took advantage of this at Janlo's expense. [By the way, I am awfully sorry about that!] I am under the impression, that the aforementioned area should be off-limits, as it is on the map Walls... Edit: the same applies to the map Islands [Flying]
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