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Posts posted by [B]Veyron

  1. On ‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎03 at 12:02 PM, TK0104 said:

    So since I started with my education I was able to create something nicy nice for a beginner.


    It's a remade model by myself of the Nod GAU-3 Pulse Rifle from C&C Reborn. The idea was to make the model something more tactical than the original one. I think I'll remake some some Reborn stuff to increase my skills. But still I like how it looks. I showed it to some classmates and they were very impressed.


    So this was made a couple days ago when I though the model was finished




    And the next day I decided to remove the silencer since that would make not really sence for a standard Rifle soldier.



    I think texturing will be the hardest part for me at the moment since I haven't got any lessons on texturing models yet only editing existing textures. And yes this isn't Autodesk 3DS Max but Autodesk Maya.


    EDIT: Got a bit of an issue. When I load the scene it crashes. To be honest it is a crappy made model so I think that's the reason why it's crashing.

    see if you can rig it up.  I've found a ton of tuts on the net covering much of what's needed for this

  2. 4 hours ago, kira said:

    What kind of engineering? You could help the devs in unreal script for starter :)

    a little bit of everything  electronics, mechanical, electrical, hence why my project was in AUTOCAD.  nothing to do with computer tech though.  for something to do on the side though sure i'll need to find a way to get learning computer code but i'm more interested in designing and using mathematical models like I previously did

  3. 3 hours ago, roweboat said:

    I live on the boarder of a red / yellow zone D'=

    how's the weather? ;) I guess it's still massive killer hurricane season D:

    13 hours ago, limsup said:

    Greetings Brother, from Red Zone R-1 (Sarajevo Red Zone)!

    ah! where this whole mess started back in 1999.. and just when the liquid T bomb goes off D:

  4. The most destructive war to date.  With Tiberium infestation covering much of the planet and continuing to grow at an exponential rate* Kanes vision is finally come to fruition.

    Where are you?  we all know what each of these zones represent and what kind of environment these zones hold.
    Blue zones
    Yellow zones
    Red zones

    Thankfully I'm living comfortably, snuggled up in my cozy bed in a blue zone.  


  5. I read up on the other post about building lights issue but it didn't seem to solve said issue.  My issue here is I set up some scene and include my lightmass importance volume I think it was? the yellow box.  I got to build lighting and it locks up on "Gathering scene and invalidating lights"  ( I think it was that..) I read multiple sites saying it may be virtual memory issue? because it takes up considerable RAM.  I am at 8gb of RAM.  another thing that was said was something about lightmass itself or the .ini?? also I unchecked lightmass in the menu prior to building lights and I ended up with the same outcome as Arch-Nemesis with geometrical faces facing away from light source as pitch black.  

    Am I missing something? did I forget something?  I read over the Swarmagent and resolved the issue with that on Madkills topic.  I don't want to have to rely on other people for my own work..  Thanks in advance.  

  6. Young Russian boy train hops across what's left of the United States.  You have to watch it all to make sense of the beauty of the land and the encounters along the way...

    I wanted to share this because I thought it was worth a share.  many of you do not live in North America but it is astonishing.  

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  7. 7 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

    boxes as an engineer?

    Nod just wanted to believe that he's friendly :D

    anyone would've hovered their reticule over the spy eng.  on the plus side he's an eng, low player count, types of players online atm  somewhat not all that great.  gamer skill what have ya.. 

  8.  Does anyone here have any Halloween plans? Should create some sort of event or something.  Halloween map? make a map darker? turn us into spooky bone ghosts.  Is this too soon?

  9. did you notice the textures weren't present? 3 of us just jumped into a quick match.  I found a weird glitch at that waterfall if you enter the water from the dock you can walk around in the water but if you enter the water at the waterfall itself you enter swim mode.  so it'd be like those people you see walking around at the bottom of the pool having conversations meanwhile you're gasping for air and want to join them..

  10. dat military time though.

    NO! this is competition! life is competition you want sand? then make sand and complete sand before anyone else does.  Obviously there is lazy people who aren't willing to keep going forward with their crap, there is people who have busy lives, and there is people.  my point is make, complete, finalize something before someone else does.

    Example:  I made the Temple of Nod it is my creation I finalized it and set it in stone.  Unless someone outside can top my model and my ideas.   I think I jumped around here a bit :S


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