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Everything posted by MVN050
I found your Monitor and your Monitor can't Full HD Can you send the Logfiles from RenegadeX\UDKGame\Logs ? https://www.amazon.de/Samsung-Syncmaster-TFT-Monitor-dynamischer-Kontrast/dp/B000MRVBF4 Your CPU have a GPU too. Can you check why the GPU from the CPU isn't working? Did you set it off? Did you checked that you Mainboard and CPU support your GPU? But I think that is not the problem here. https://ark.intel.com/de/products/52214/Intel-Core-i7-2600K-Processor-8M-Cache-up-to-3_80-GHz Thank you for the picture. That is the same that I found in your Report files. Can you send me all other files too? I think your .Net Framwork have a problem. I checked the Launcher Report and I found very often this Path. Can you please check if this Paths and files exist? C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\ C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\Accessibility\5bf6cf17dd7b6597c5e6f0fbae3edb8e\Accessibility.ni.dll C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\PresentationCore\c4357a944d83cdbc89351bbc2c22eb3c\PresentationCore.ni.dll C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\Presentatioaec034ca#\795a1cb0756d4bb88b4120baf31f88d3\PresentationFramework.Aero2.ni.dll C:\WINDOWS\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64\System.Xaml\0dcd91724ed84a5401541432ae92c1b2\System.Xaml.ni.dll Can you try to start the Launcher with Admin rights? "Right click > start with Admin..." Do you have Avast or any other Virus tools? Can you set it off and start again? I think Aero2 and Aero3 is the problem with the Launcher. Aero2 need .net 4.5... Can you try to update again your .net Framwork to .net 4.5? And try after that to start the Launcher again. https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/download/details.aspx?id=30653 If that is not working we can update some more Framworks. First can you try UE3 Redistributable here from the Website here. Normaly it should Install the c++ redistributable. if not you must install it. https://gist.github.com/mmozeiko/de5d9b756bd11b77db8bf4253bed8b3e
hi @Xeno1987 your Drive D: is full. That is your problem something is wrong with your PC. I checked your DxDiag but can you tell me your .net Version? I think the Problem is the .net Version or C++ Runtime and not your GPU Driver... https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/how-to-determine-which-versions-are-installed Do you have this problem only on Renegade X or on all UDK/Unreal Engine Games? Or on more Games? I Only found 2 Unreal Engine problems in your DxDiag. Why you don't play on FullHD? Is it your Monitor that can't show it? Can you change that? I am not sure if you really have the latest GPU driver. But I think that is ok. https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1035590/geforce-drivers/official-390-77-game-ready-whql-display-driver-feedback-thread-released-1-29-18-/ Can you check that? What is that? And I found your UDK Problem. Can you send this files too? nvcuda.dll is the NVidia driver. But I am not sure if you have a wrong driver or you need a other .net Version or something other.
if you have Full HD you can try this ResX=1920 ResY=1080 if it is not working you can send your DXDiag file... do you have some time? You can try all resolution from here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_resolutions#Digital_TV_standards
Hi @lupotre This problem is a old UDK problem. Your Game is trying to start the Game with a resolution that your system can't show. You need to change the resolution. Can you check your Desktop resolution? I think it is not FullHD. I am not sure which file you need to change. Can you search in the file from @Sarah! and change ResX and ResY to a resolution your System can show and try again? Or you can start the Game with start parameters. Do you know how? https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/CommandLineArguments.html#Rendering I think the Command is "?ResX=1600?ResX=900" Can you send me you DXDiag Infos? Maybe something with your DX is wrong but I think not... https://help.ea.com/en-au/help/pc/how-to-gather-dxdiag-information/
Can you try to download the Game from @iTweek. Website? https://renegade-x-download.com/ And can you test if you can start the Game after that? You need to start \Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe If this is working and only the Launcher have a Problem I can give you my Launcher. But can you give me more Information about your OS? Windows7, 8, 10? Or can you start DXDiag and give all the Imformation when you press "Save all imformation" https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/pc/how-to-gather-dxdiag-information/ Then I can look into it.
yes! this is a big problem here. Only the Tranny Clan Server is full and all other Servers are empty. Normaly there should be a official Renegade X Server running with a name like "Renegade X official Server" and always this Server should be full... I don't like to play on a clan server if I am not in a Clan! Every week there is a "PUG" Playtime but again on a CT Server and not on a official RenX Server. You can't say that the CT Server are the official RenX Server because RenX is a community and not a clan! But the next problem is that many of the developer here are CT-members and that is a big problem too here. That means that CT have always a monopoly and always the CT Server have special Server Updates and other things like patches and plugins. I have 2 Servers running and both Servers Crash all the time! I talked with many other peopler and Server owners here all we all have the same problem with our Server. Sometime the Server chrashed 10 times i a week... And if some player play on our Server there will be a mysterious "kick all player" or a "Server Crash" and all Player join the CT Server. Max60 Players don't work and many other Settings are not working on our Server but only on the CT server... And in some Logfiles we saw a chat like "After that round we go to CT" and after that round there is a mysterious "Kick-all-players" or a Server Crash. The next problem is the Ping Problem here. To the CT Server I have always a Ping of +50ms. To my own Server I have a Ping of ~20ms. 20ms is my normal ping that I have to Google, Facebook, Youtube... If you have a bad Ping to the CT Server... You have 2 options. Join and play on the CT Server or leave the game for ever! I was thinking about to create a own Launcher with some more functions like Loginsystem, Chatsystem, automatic Map download/upload, automatic Mod download/upload, Clansystem with /join/Leave function and some other things... But there are no information how to get the Serverlist or what is the right startparameter to start the Game and automatic join a Server with your Name? There are no information behind the Patch und Updating system about the Game. have to options... I can hook me into the Launcher to get the Serverlist or I can leave the Renegade X community with the current situation it is not fun to play the game.
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question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Sorry I always try to talk about Mbyte. Not Bits. About my calculate. I use a easy calculate and rounded it. If you have a download speed of ~5mbyte per second and you will download a 10Gbyte/10.000mbyte file. You should need ~30 minutes to download it. If you download 99999files and all files together have 10Gbyte you don't should use more than 30minutes to download all files! Maybe 5 minutes more are ok but not many more. If you need the double of time than you have a very big issue or a logic issue. And you can't say that this is fast when you need more time to download it. Lets say my Server have a downloadspeed of 10mbyte all the time to download all files. it should use 15minutes to download it. If the download speed is jumping from 1mbyte to 25mbyte there are something wrong... You say that you have a download speed of 200.00mbits? you should have a download speed of ~25mbyte. I downloaded the SDK Kit over my Server from a other Server in >10minutes... I did my test over my Windows Server because to be sure that my internet connection are not the problem. And many other People reported that they have some problems with the Launcher and it is not using the full download speed. The Taskmanager in Windows is using the network driver to show the download and upload speed. That means it (should) is always showing the right network speed. About the Launcher... There are NO information what the Launcher is doing and what not. I am a (german) software developer and I think I can help but I don't find any information about the logic behind the Launcher and the update System. And I don't find any Source Code of the Launcher in the SDK Kit. For me it looks like the RenX Team don't will use any help. But I think I know the problem. And there are no information how to get the Server List. Other people can't create a own Launcher... You are talking about that the Launcher is downloading file by file right? That means the Launcher open a connection to the download Server and start downloading file1? After File1 was dowloaded the Launcher do something (maybe to check if its really the original file or something else like that) and will close the connection to the download server. Then the launcher open again a new connection to the download Server and downloading File2. Check the file... open again a new connection and downloading file 3... and so on... and so on...If the files are 50kbyte... it need longer to open a new network connection and check the file than to download it...That is a know beginner mistake You should use Multithreading and downloading more than 1 file at the same time. you can downloading 5 or 10 files at the same time. if you download 1000files at the same time the network driver and OS manage to download always with full speed and split the speed to all files. If you have a download speed of 5mbyte and you downloading 5 files at the same time all files use 1mbyte or your OS and network driver manage it other. But there is no issue that you can have about downloading. Look to FileZilla. It uploading or downloading always more than 1 file at the same time! And you don't have a problem. The internal downloadmanager from the Launcher can easy do it! my colleague always talk to me " if the processor is not 100% loaded then you still have performance open! Dig in! then you can come back". Same with the Hard Disk. If the Hard Drive is not 100% loaded then you still have performance open! First you should check if the hard drive is really the problem or the logic of the Launcher. You can download the Game with the Launcher and check in TaskManager if the HardDrive is 100% loaded or not. I think not! If you hard drive is 100% loaded with 5mbyte/s than you have a big problem I hope you understand why I mean and I really sure that the Launcher is here the problem. maybe some Download-Server but that is not the big problem. Maybe the Launcher and some download Server are the problem. You should check all the Server if they have a download speed more than 3-5mbyte per second. I hope you don't check with a ping or download a small file withch Server is the fastest one... I hope you do it with logic and not with bullshit But I can't help here! No information about it! -
question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
@SilentKnight no it is a normal Server CPU. The Server have 2 CPUs and 12 Cores. I tested it from my Server to by sure that my Internet connection can't be the problem. -
question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
did you learn to calculate? 10GB ~ 10.000MB If you have a downloadspeed of 5MB/s you need (10.000:5=2000) 2000 seconds= 33minutes to download 10GB. That is a normal private internet speed. that is NOT fast if you download from Server to Server but in privat area it is ok!... The Launcher show me it have a speed of ~10Mb/s. Normaly it should use 15minutes to download the game. It is the double of speed of 5MB. But no... the Launcher need the double of time and double of downloadspeed. that is not fast! that is very very slow! And the Launcher is lying about the downloadspeed. I am not sure what exactly you did in the Launcher but this is really a big issue! The first problem is that it needs very long to verify the Files. I am not sure what the Launcher is doing but but if you say that there is all right than you have a very big logic trouble in you Launcher I don't talk about MY downloadspeed! I talk about that the Launcher don't download with fullspeed! That is the same what kira means. My calculate is right bacause Microsoft calculate the same if I download the SDK from a other Download Page. -
question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Sorry? Verify Game + Download = over 60Minutes = fast? Sorry NO! that is NOT fast! that is very slow! If you download 10GB with 5mb/s you need ~ 30 Minutes to download it. And you say that 60 Minutes for 8GB is fast? Fast when you reach a downloadspeed of over 15Mb/s? Why is the Speed jumping between 1-15MB and not constant? Why need the launcher longer that a normal HTTP download? I think I should check if the launcher don't lying about the downloadspeed? wait... yes... the Launcher is lying look here... -
question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
I tested it again to downlad the Game and the downloadspeed was between 1-15mb. This is a big bullshit! Verify Game needed over 15 minutes... Sorry but you really have a big problem... I restartet the Launcher very often and it was always the same Source. I tested it again on my RootServer and private and the Source was the same. Is it the only Source or is it the Server with the best Ping? I hope the Launcher don't use the Server with the best Ping... Ping is not downloadspeed... -
hi There was again a Server Crash. Can you check and fix it please? I am not sure what happend. It looks like that 9999 Players are spawned. Why you don't block that shit? Launch-backup-2017_12.05-23_33.08.log unreal-v12791-2017.12.05-23.33.08.dmp
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question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
@Cronus The Downloadspeed from the Launcher is very bad! I know that the Launcher download file by file but that is not the reason why the downloadspeed is very slow! I talk about the downloadspeed, not about the prozess behind it! When I will download the Full Game (not a Patch) I DON'T like to download 7 Parts! I will download 1 Part with 8GB and Install it! But I only find the 8MB Setupfile and this Setup download very very slow all files... I don't understand what you doing wrong? I downloaded with 300KB/s the SDK Kit from this Website here over my server! 100% is something wrong here with the Website! I see it too when the Website will show me a picture... it need very long to download and show me the picture. It needs ~5-10seconds to show me the picture (from a Map). Yes that is exactly the downloadspeed of 300KB/s if the Picture is 1-3MB big... Sorry but I have a better downloadspeed to a Siberia Server that to this Website here... I only talk about the downloadspeed! not about the Ping or something other! With a normal downloadspeed (in privat area) of 5MB/s you need ~3 Minutes for 1GB. That means you need ~25Minutes for 8GB or the complete full Renegade X Game to download. When you use the Launcher... you need 3 Days?... What is wrong here? Can you please remove the Website and the Launcher? booth have a very slow downloadspeed Ahhh! and the Setup? It have a very slow download too! And can you use a faster Website and a faster Launcher? Thank you! -
question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
I really mean 100GB Connection. But you don't get this connection all the time. normaly you get ~1-10GB when you download a big file from a other server. Very often from the Microsoft Page I get the full speed But the file must be larger than 5GB. You must think that more than 1 internet-Cable is connectet to your Computer (Server) and you get this connection not only over 1 cable. That means you can download more than 1 file with 25MB/s permanent with a Server in a Data Center. But you only need this power when you host Amazon, Facebook, Steam or Microsoft I tested your server over my root and the max speed was 25Mbytes/s. But the file was download in >30 seconds. So the maxspeed from my root can't reach because the servers need some time to synchronize the connection but... the file was downloaded before that . From my home the maxspeed was ~5mbyte. Thats ok for me! And we don't need more I think. But it is very stupid to download 7 big parts and unzip it... better is to download 1 part... Yes you use a free hoster but I never will do it when I will play a Game! Your Hoster have a 1Gb file limit right? -
question: why the launcer download so slow?
MVN050 replied to kira's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Yes... Something is completely wrong with all Renegade X Downloadserver. Allways when I will download something from the Website here or over the Launcher my downloadspeed is ~30-500kb/s. Over Steam my Downloadspeed is ~5MB/s. Funny thing is that I have a Root Server in a Data Center with 100GB Internet Connection (normaly in a Data Center) and the SDK Kit downloaded with 300KB/s I downloaded the SDK Kit from my Server with 5MB/s Maybe the Website and the Launcher must send all Data between Mars, Moon and Earth. Or the Server is a raspberry pi in a very dark cellar and someone need to crank the power generator. Mayby someone can give me all the Files and I can Upload it to my Server and all can download it faster? But I don't know how to get all the files and I don't know how the Download Server here works... The Downloadpage only have the 8MB RenX Setup File and you need to download the Game over the very slow Download Server... -
Bodyguards? Or some Bots to help and support you on the Battlefield? Or a small Bot-Team that help you? 2 Engis and 2 Weaponbots and you can give them order? The Bots only on your location and only help you? A Tiberium Launcher/ Grenade ? You can throw the Tiberium Grenade and it will spawn some Tiberium and make 1 minute the normal Tiberium damage on all other Players? Teleport to a Player or a Player can teleport to you? Commnadermode? You can create a Maker on the Map with a Info and all of your Team can see it? Or a permanent Info (like a Text) on the right side of the Screen?
Hi People, I was on my Server and my Client Crashed. I think I was not the only one. There are ~25Players online on my Server and I check my Server and there was only 5 Players online on it after my client Crashed... I think by all Players the Client Crashed too. There was no Server Crash... This is very bad! Can you check please? Do you need the Server Logs too? unreal-v12791-2017.12.02-14.59.38.dmp Launch.log
How can I disable the voting System?
Hello I have a Windows Root and Installed Renegade X on it. After that I Copied the mainfolder that I can easy create 2 Server running. The Name of both Servers is "Renegade X fun Server (with Bots)". That works ok and I am (little bit) happy. Firewall allowed the Ports and People have some fun. Very often I see that the Server with bots is crashed and I need to restart it again. I am not sure why it is only the Server with Bots. (I think more people play on the Bot Server). Today the Server crashed again with ~15 normal players + bots. I was online and restarted it very fast... My Startcommand is this here "server CNC-Field?NODBotCount=18?GDIBotCount=18?MaxPlayers=60" (MaxPlayers not working over Command Line AND Settings File...) Can you please check the Log Files? I only found that but that don't help me to fix the problem... Looks like a RAM Address? I have 16GB RAM (and a 64Bit OS). I start both servers with the 32Bit.exe. So the Servers can't use many RAM. LogFiles.zip
Hello I have a big problem with my Renegade X Servers. My Servers are the two "Renegade X fun Server with bots" (maybe someone know this servers). I have "one" folder for the 2 Server and start the 2 Server over a serverstart.bat file. That works perfect but my Problems are the Settings for the Servers... I found that the most Settings "DON'T WORK" when I change the config file! and the other Problem is that the most Settings over the .bat file don't works! This is very stupid and shit! Today I looked into the renegade X Serverlist and don't found my 2 Servers... Then I must see that all my settings from the servers changed to the default settings and now the servername is again "Renegade X Server" and all other settings changed to default... I am very angry about that! (I don't started the lauchner. Only the serverstart.bat file) and I don't understand why this happend and why not all settings works? I changed the defaultSettings configfile too but it don't fix the problem... A other problem is that my servers not 24/7 in the serverlist. I don't understand why. The Servers running on a (normal) Windows Root Server and this Server running 24/7. I logged in into RDP to check if the gameserver have a problem (something with a error message) but no... the consolewindow of both Gameservers are show and I see the logfiles and that the bots have a lot of fun...Great... Bots havy fun and I very angry... I have to restart both Gameservers and then the Gameservers showing again in the Serverlist... I hope someone can help me. I am very angry that I must very day restart the gameservers and recheck the Serversettings. The problem is 100% not my rootserver. over this rootserver running other gameservers, Websites and other programms and all of this have no problems... Sorry for my bad english. I comming from germany and english is a big problem in a small village I am a programmer and I can restart my servers over my website with a start button but I don't found a way to check all settings if all is ok. Is it possible to create a own Settingsfile with all settings that work that I know that this settings works and all others not? Maybe a idea for a future release? I am not sure if it works with UDK to load a own Settingsfile after all other settings loaded and overwrite the default settings? So we can create a own Settingsfile (maybe a big one?) and we know that all settings in this file works and all others not? And i think this is easier when the server must update to a new release version and the serverowner can save this settingsfile and can easy change it again. Here my serverstart.bat This file is in xxx/Renegade X\Binaries\Win32 and I start this file normaly with double mouseclick (over RDP) or with a other .bat file over my website script. Thank you for your help! logs.zip