About This File
Looked for something wacky to do,
Tytonium suggested apache that can self nuke on key press the horn button (H key)
So I did it!
This mutator ONLY WORKS ON APACHES, (not even oracs).
Just get apache, fly it around , hit the H key and boom
could even create chain of nukes.
This is version very initial , might cause crash . but mostly it's fun !
1) Create backup for UDKInput.ini which located on "\UDKGame\Config" ,
and put the UDKInput.ini from the zip file you downloaded.
2) On "\UDKGame\CookedPC" , put the file Dndir_Rx.u
3) Open a server:
start UDK.exe server CNC-Eyes?maxplayers=10?mutator=Dndir_Rx.Rx_DNDIR_Controller,Dndir_Rx.Rx_Controller_Binder
It would open the dedicate server,
To connect simply login to your localhost address:
have fun!