About This File
Toxicity 2
Map specifications:
-Few Guard Towers
-Several Gun Turrets
-A Toxic map (Red Zone)
- Default directory location: ' C:/Program Files (x86)/Renegade X/ '
- Extract the zip file into your Renegade X directory.
- Files have now been installed. Enjoy!
What's New in Version 2
- Airstrip runway moved to the side
- Decorative missile bay removed
- minimap recast
- reported stuck spots eliminated
- the last b2b spot eliminated
- blocking volumes added to silos
- blocking volumes around GDI Barracks re-penned
- vehicle blocking volume surrounding airstrip tower removed
- vehicle blocking volume for inf-path leading to/from Airstrip Tower re-penned
Minimap updated
- Tiberium fields now have their ground texture
- stuck spot between tree and concrete has been rectified
- rock meshes have been given a new coat of materials
- Optimizations have been applied
- Env_Toxicity has had files culled bringing the filesize below 90mb
- Harvesters synchronised so their first dump is roughly within 2-3 seconds of one another
- Landscape paints have been scaled properly
- Installation of files is now easier than ever.
As of 03/11/21:
- Decorative main base silos now have collisions
- Concrete barriers next to the HoN now have blocking volumes to prevent any weird beacon placements
- Rocket Soldier spot against the GDI refinery has been solved
- Additional blocking volumes added to prevent exploitation and potential stuck spots
- All Gun Turrets have been moved to either the complete left or right of their respective pedestals
- Ramps leading to the front-three facing Nod Gun Turrets have been widened
- All ramps in both bases have been tidied up
- Flares in the infantry tunnels behind both refinery's have been relocated as well as their respective particle effects and lighting
- Barbwires on the mid-section of the MCT Silo infantry path have had their concrete slabs re:placed