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Changes I Think You Should Make To Ren-X To Make It Better - Personal Opinion

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Changes I Think You Should Make To Ren-X To Make It Better - Personal Opinion

ok so in starting I want to say I really like this game, I used to play classic renegade for several years and tried to play it "professionally". I would participate in something called clanwars.cc where we would schedule 1v1 or 2v2 or team matches and record the outcome on a website in a tournament style tracking system. We would start clans and fight against each other it was a lot of fun. I would also make my own skins and huds, and upload fraps footage to youtube. This game I believe is the rightful successor and has already massively improved upon the old game.

After playing Ren-x for several months I have some recommendations I thought I would mention in case the devs see this and possibly want to adopt some of them, these changes are my personal opinion and dont intend to rustle any jimmies and would love to hear your feedback. I admit on some points I am unsure if its a game wide change necessary or a server specific configuration, in any case I apologize for my potential ignorance.

1. field.
This map is a good map but it becomes intolerable with 64 players, only oasis is worse, games devolve into rocket wars where the game turns into world of warcraft and the buildings become 25 man raid bosses where people buff and try to defeat the boss. The problem with field is it is too closed in like a sardine can, its literally one cave vs another cave, with a small cramped field that is prone to base locks, this map is worse than under in this regard because of how cramped it is with no alternate paths and the ramps preventing running behind buildings from tunnels. I get that people like the symmetricality and base defense and simpleness of the map. Field X solves this problem and in my opinion and is light years better than field, has more buildings and alternate paths. I see time and time again this map taking 4 hours, everyone getting pissed off and rage quitting because people not listening to the boss raid. people rage quitting and arguing. half the server leaving after the map ends. A map taking 4 hours every time is not a good thing. The reason everyone leaves is because they are pissed off, have been sitting still for 4 hours, and are probably hungry and need to poop. If games only lasted around 1 hour this wouldnt happen. I would only ask something to be done to prevent long drawn out stalemates and 4 hour map times. I am thinking the average map time of field is way longer than other maps.

2. nukes.
This is the number one thing that breaks my heart as a returning player. The amount of players who complain or believe it is unfair when you use a nuke in supposed "low population" server settings. I am not sure if its because the majority of players are younger and are from another generation or dont understand renegade or just want to play the game like call of duty infantry only wars and hug the map as long as possible, or want to camp sniper on perch, or people fear map change or progress, or are having fun role playing playing the game like vr chat and not playing towards the win condition. I come from a background where we played 1v1 on c&c city flying (one of the largest maps) and used nukes and no one thought it was unfair or complained about map size or server population, a full server was considered 15 on 15. The game itself should prevent you from doing anything that is "unfair". I have people kick spamming me just for playing the game the way it was designed and this makes me really sad. On EKT server they disable nukes at the purchase terminal level if there is not 10 players. Maybe a vote is needed to disable commander powers and nukes. Or possibly have the credit cost adjusted so it is "fair" (is 10k nuke cost fair? no? what would be?), or adjust the health pool of nukes. The reason renegade has credits that tick upwards depending on objectives met is because it in itself is a scoring mechanism. As soon as the game starts everyone is on an equal footing and things change depending on what occurs during the match. players who risk their credits on the most expensive item (a nuke), and risk dying on route to the enemy base to plant it/have it disarmed have wagered in a risk/reward gamble. A single basic engineer can disarm a nuke. Suicide was built in exactly for this reason, so you can go back to base to defend against a nuke. Renx is also different in that buildings have more safeguards in place to prevent planting nukes in non reachable locations like ontop of obby etc. The point of nukes are so people cant camp inside the building spamming mines and healing the building, nukes are designed to be able to be defended by vehicles. I have seen devs themselves complain about people using nukes. Its gotten to the point where I second guess myself not wanting to make anyone mad so I dont buy a nuke and then I get nukes used against me. You cant make truces with the enemy team, it inevitably gets broken. Its like they expect you if your hon and air is dead to just not spend your credits and repeatedly run into the mines with free characters, its ridiculous. Killing a building gives you like 3k credits, obviously that much is so you can buy a top tier character, a good vehicle, and a nuke. I think nukes should be disarmable to the last second of detonation, it makes it so you decide whether to go down with the ship or run to preserve your character, you are in the middle of a visual clutter blast, nukes would kill more players, and people wont say gg early when they see the nuke turned green and know the outcome. I think you should not be able to repair nukes. Make. Nukes. Fair. I dont want to hear anyone complaining about nukes ever again regardless of "population". Its a stock game mechanic that has been built into the game since 2002.

3. spys.
I think all spys should be SBH's, for both teams. Period. Maybe adjust crate chance accordingly. I am not sure if the player base is attentive or learned the signs or presses Q on my character but I can never get into the enemies base or do anything fun without being immediately focus shot and killed as a non stealth character. It doesnt feel like a spy. Also I dont think nod has a chance at getting SBH's if they only receive GDI characters. It makes it more fun in my opinion if the enemy team gets a eva notification when a spy has spawned and they start to then shoot scan their base in hopes of uncovering the spy, then you have the "spy down" message in team chat, I think its a team building event. Also sbhs can really get deep in the base and do nasty stuff like suddenly steal vehicles and run people over or c4 things or nuke in unique spots not generally accessible because of defenses/ double building nuke. maybe obby shouldnt shoot spy in a vehicle? things to consider.

4. crates. I understand why no tech/hottie because of advanced repair gun/mines. It should be more liberal with giving weapons like railgun, sniper. maybe remotes. Yes I know that means sbhs can stealth snipe, I dont think that is an issue, that would make bounties more fun, shoot scanning more frequent. sbh with remotes cant kill a full hp building but could get some perma if undisturbed. stealth vehicles (stealth flame, stealth mammy, stealth orca, stealth med), maybe a teleport crate that teleports you to a random location with a "loud" visual tell and wait period before being able to move (like terminator teleport animation, light sphere and electricity arcs), maybe inside an enemy building. maybe exposed in obby view. ZAAAAP. Maybe inside a wall lol (forced to suicide). A crate that turns off enemy base defences for like 10-20 seconds, possibly both teams at once. just long enough so a player in the right place at the right time could have a chance to get behind a building. I would like to see more crates that provide opportunities to disrupt spammy stalemates that occur on maps like field and oasis, perhaps they could occur more frequently as the map time elapses. Team crate control really should provide meaningful benefits especially late game.

5. map reskins.
I think mesa needs a reskin to lighter simpler colors and to be daytime, I didnt recognize it as mesa initially, cant place AT mines on mesa veh path, hourglass needs to be daytime. perhaps a day and night cycle on all maps could happen, or be a server setting. (night time on whiteout? would provide interesting diversity) I feel like night time is appropriate for arctic stronghold as it seems to have periodic lighting from lampposts and the background is white snow but on hourglass it makes it feel gloomy and confusing when you cant see anything or where you are being sniped from or see in smoke or fire or explosions. Probably a huge barrier for newer players. Hourglass used to be a very popular standard map in the pool, it does not seem so in Ren-X and I think lighting is part of the issue, I really like the base defense turning off mechanic, maybe that should be added to field/under lol.

6. advertising.
I am not sure if you guys are advertising for this game yet since its in beta but it would be nice to somehow get a constant influx of new players. You have a great game, I think something should be dont to attract new meat shields... i mean players...

7. map time.
I think all maps should last around 1 hour long, not necessarily timed but maybe a reduced building healing mechanic stacking after 1 hour and again each hour etc. I think it causes players a lot of stress when they invest 4 hours of their day on field because its such a stalemate map they flip out if they start losing and it leads to arguing and server dying effect when people are mentally exhausted and rage quit. I dont think map change should be feared, or buildings dying. It is my belief that buildings are a special part of renegade.

8. cost to speak in all chat?
When you have 64 players in game it seems to change into a chatroom where people stop playing the game and are using the server as msn messenger to argue or joke around with their buddies. Maybe you could charge players 10 credits per "all" message so they are not distracting the entire server with nonsense. People being traitors calling out your location or rush or nuke position is also lame. You really shouldnt be chummy with the enemy in a war game.

9. drowning, oxygen bar?
Is there a bar for oxygen remaining while underwater? I like the ability of swimming but I seem to drown out of nowhere when low health.

10. flame tank treads
Can you please fix the flame tank, its so ridiculous to drive in flame rushes when the slightest protrusion will send the flame tank sideways and climbing over each other, causing the entire team behind the lead tank to log jam, maybe more similar to med tank treads? it seems to want to climb onto any surface, not sure if intended.

11. map symmetricality: under sneaking air vs sneaking wf
Maybe im bad but on under it seems you can sneak into air via pipes as gdi but you cant sneak into WF as nod, on map eyes you can sneak into PP but I dont think you can sneak into PP as nod. Maybe it is intended that way im not sure. I understand nod is the more strategic stealthy faction and GDI is more brute force faction. I really like how Under is more open and has more paths that prevent base lock but if your air goes down from a sneak it feels hopeless to overcome the GDI base defenses if PP is guarded.

12. mendoza
I think this character is broken, not sure if its because he shoots tiberium and tiberium can affect multiple body parts or because it lingers but he seems to be able to melt players far worse than mobius, also with his speed and health pool, when they become heroic is literally unkillable for several free infantry, I think this is also part of the reason people complain about nukes. He seems fine vs tanks. there is no defending this lmfao.

13. demining.
Should be able to demine buildings/stop harv with a vote instead of needing a commander.

14. server capacity
It seems like every server is set to 64 capacity I guess because computers have gotten much more powerful since 2002, I believe this has some unintended effects, such as only one server being populated at a time. Old renegade had multiple servers on the go. I get people want to go where the other players are playing but with a server cap of 64, it can become the entire player base since we are in beta. With the map vote at the end of games maps like oasis can be selected with 64 players and it becomes absolutely intolerable. Its turns games into spam wars from two opposing sardine cans with no progression possible. players are constantly complaining about population for maps. low pop high pop, map too big map too small. 15 on 15 on city flying felt perfect, it allowed people to drive vehicles into the enemy base so they at least had a chance in achieving something, instead of hellfire spam from sardine can to sardine can.

15. voting abuse
It feels like a full time job to defend against restart votes, kick votes, map change votes, surrender votes. I feel like you give players too much control and they decide to match manipulate or take the easy way out instead of having fun playing the game. Even voting for map at the end of the game, there should be a set map pool with symmetrical maps appropriate for server player capacity. restart map vote should be removed or only available to mods.

16. buggy remotes.
Is it intended for buggies to be able to stack 4 remotes and run into things and hop out and explode them? This can wreck resevoir GDI turret. also nukes MRL/harv. Seems silly.

17. built in clans?
I noticed this game does not seem to have clans, not sure the reason, would be cool if a clan tag was added to the launcher so people would be incentivized to start clans and have clan wars. team vs team. Would be a team building exercise and incentivize people to join teams and practice together and teach new players.

18. launcher should display elapsed map time.

19. Surrender votes
Surrender votes needs to only be available if 2 or more buildings die or certain buildings like hon and air die or maybe after a certain time limit, its kind of ridiculous to see the hon die then the entire team just gives up because they wanted to camp sniper on perch or something. Or if you miss the vote because busy and your team decides to quit for you. Thats not renegade.

20. individual cp?
Would be nice if there is no commander players in game you could use a smaller version of the same buff with smaller radius for a small amount of cp. Perhaps they could use a small fraction of the whole like 100 cp scaling with player count. like a situational baby buff. So in games where they cant decide on a commander people can keep the cp off full. Kinda lame when a small cadre of players decides for the entire server "we are not using commander powers" so the entire server is held hostage and forced to not use the fun game mechanic. being a sbh with the ability to emp a small area/single mine would be huge.

21. repairable exploded tank
in the old classic renegade tanks would enter a "broken" shell phase when health depleted I think only tanks like med, humvee, apc, mrl, and their counterparts could, it allows for players to require their tank if not totally destroyed by more damage or splash damage. It is an interesting mechanic that is very situational. In the old renegade we would purposely buy meds or lights and break them so they enter the broken shell phase so it would not count towards the server vehicle limit. then as a team we would repair all the tanks and be able to get way more tanks then the server limit, we would then rush the enemy with like 25 tanks. Super fun and would be crazy with buffs. Would also be fun with sbh spys hiding inside the shells and potentially stealing one and destroying the shells to disrupt the process, wasting thousands of enemy spent credits. total chaos. Another thing I dont see people doing often is parking enemy vehicles behind the wf to put pressure on their vehicle limit, should be more normalized, maybe added to tips screen.

22. remote bug?
You can place 3 remotes on a buggy, refresh, then drive to enemy base, and get 5 remotes by pressing R to pick them off vehicle and transfering to mct, not sure if intentional, I think you can do this also with infantry.

23. kick vote abuse.
I think only in game mods should be able to kick players. Most times it seems like players just get into an argument or try to enforce some arbitrary rule and gang up and kick people for just playing the game to the best of their ability. I understand for team hampering situations but the mechanics of the game should prevent you from doing anything you are not allowed to do. If you are not allowed to nuke until a player count, nukes should be disabled at the server level (EKT server did this). If you are not allowed to kill buildings, buildings should be invincible. If nukes are not fair for low pop they should cost 10,000 credits or be disabled. I dont want to argue with people for doing something the game allows me to do and is playing towards the win condition. People can just rejoin after kick anyway so what is the point of a kick? They end up spamming it. This feels like a cyber bully mechanism.

24. free aim
would be really cool if you could implement free aim. Sniper wall hugging was a thing in classic renegade and the ability to move tank turret without moving camera angle was huge. MRLS could shoot in unique arcs.

25. buggy and humvee have insane velocity when driven down hill backwards. Most observable on hourglass. seems to be a bug with snowballing velocity. A strategy I have seen in hourglass is getting the base defense disabling buff in the middle of the map, then buying a buggy and waiting on the hill, after 3 minutes the base defense turns off and you zoom down the hill backwards at break neck speed and drive behind ref or pp, and disarm proxy mines and c4 mct, all while players on foot are running 140 miles for 3 hours to catch up.

26. Obby Damages character when exploding vehicle? the amount of damage seems to fluctuate, kinda confusing why. obby does 300 dmg, but even if vehicle has 1 hp it will explode vehicle then damage character like 50? if this is not intended it is hampering gdi rushes.

27. I would like to see commander smoke screen used more often, its huge and could be used for rushes or defense, it largely seems to be ignored. Maybe helpful tips window instructions added about what situations it is great for.

28. damage bug entering and exiting vehicle spamming while firing, allows friendly fire.

29. cancel airstrikes? is there a way to cancel airstikes than you start casting? is there a way to rotate them?

30. night vision on more guns? night vision might be more useful/used more on maps with a day/night cycle.

31. shouldnt have to scroll to see all vote maps at end game screen.

32. reloading timed c4? not sure if its a bug but sometimes after exiting vehicle my timed c4 requires reloading for some reason, you can also manually reload it, I understand the need for a reload after you use the first one but im not sure why it decides to do this randomly, some things really shouldnt require or be able to reload until after first use, it also looks like it doesnt reload all the way sometimes, same with remotes and proxy mines.

33. sometimes weapons are not available after purchasing a character, for instance i bought a tech and he had no mines, not sure if glitch or what the reason was. weird bug.

34. there should be a way to see the bounty cost on you, so you can decide to alter your play style to deny credits.

35. switching teams in the beginning by auto balance counts as a death

36. on the map under, you can underground wf nuke, can glitch nuke under rocks behind wf, havent been able to do this on purpose but have heard it happens.

37. space buggy from crate has first person turret vision obscured

38. bots should have an unstuck algorithm, so they dont get stuck inactive in buildings, better pathing, perhaps no bot model clipping, better rat lines so they are not all retarded/ at least get out to the field.

39. on map mesa behind/beside bar needs to be widened, really hard to get flame tank behind it

40. repairing buildings should give slightly more credits/ more incentive to get repair gun

41. on map mesa you are allowed on top of wf because air map building but not ontop of air? would be cool to snipe from on top of air

42. on map mesa shipping containers should be removed, they jam vehicles up constantly

43. why can you heal beacons??? lmfao, please remove this feature, this allows repair gun battles? wtf, I think beacons should be defended not repaired

44. forest silo building not visible in tab window, people dont defend buildings they dont know they have

45. voteban nukes, should be able to vote to make it "fair", if thats what the majority decides.

46. player models dragging behind tanks, c4 etc, not sure what causes this but its funny to see occasionally.

47. game message for killing nuke holder, people should know when they took out more than just a character/ be rewarded accordingly

48. mvp, the previous map mvps should have a title tag on their player name on their character in the next game for fun and competitiveness.

49. cant suicide in first 30 secs, we used to suicide to gamble for a better spawn location when map starts. not able to do this now. say if spawned in pp on walls, suicide so potentially spawn in air.

50. Thank you for creating such a great and wonderful game. It really is a joy to play and would love to see it evolve and launch successfully from beta. Cheers.

Posted (edited)

I'll add as well:

1. Respawn timer should be a modifiable value by server admins/Skirmish mode. C&C Ren has instant respawn on death. Maybe you don't want instant respawn, but at least allow others who desire differently to choose differently.

2. Please remove the vehicle blocker next to the Barracks in Field. Of many blockers, this is one of the most stupid. It's very open space and when you try to drive next to the Barracks you're quickly greeted with all invisible wall leading to many amusing reactions. What problem are you trying to solve? Maybe solve it a different way. If you're willing to go this far, you might as well put invisible walls in plainly open spaces just to grief players.

Edited by Epicalyx
Posted (edited)

RenClassic thank you for your comments.    It is a lot to comment on, but I would like to add my 2 cents.

#2. Nukes


Make. Nukes. Fair. I dont want to hear anyone complaining about nukes ever again regardless of "population". Its a stock game mechanic that has been built into the game since 2002.

Yes.   I have grown increasingly unhappy that players expect certain behaviors in low  population matches.   People need to practice, and not just with bots.    Commanding and beacons should be encouraged.   We fear too much the killing of the server.  This also becomes a chance for players to be abusive to each other, sadly.

#3 Crates   Please do NOT  enable sbh snipers again.   That is good way to drive off new players as well as piss off some of the rest of us.  

#13 demining    YES!   Harvy control should be possible by voting.   

#15 vote abuse.  I agree more should be done to curtail the overwhelming stream of input the players must process.

                           YES!!   More should be done to tailor the size of maps available at vote to the  population size.

                          But,   I would say no to cancelling the restart map option.   It is very useful.

#19  Surrender after 1 building loss is sometimes appropriate.     At first I hated the existence of the surrender vote and I was very vocal about it.   But as time went on I came to understand it's ability to keep players engaged and not just waiting for the next map.    RE:  surrender after 1 building can be my preferred choice if:   The action and points clearly show the team is losing, and/or if the building destroyed is THE most important one to the team.

#20  Individual CP      I have been arguing  FOR this for some time.     The giving over of abilities to a Commander removes the personal initiative that drives the best part of game play in RenX.     I would like to see small personal buffs purchasable.   There can always be a limiter like a timer or  max number allowed.

#31  Yes the need to scroll for map selection is a small problem.

#34   Yes we need to see the bounty on ourselves.    I am glad the game included this mechanic.   Lotsa fun in it.

#38    As someone who often uses bots to make tiny population matches a bit thicker and longer,  any help with bots would really be appreciated and beneficial to the community.   

#44    Silo  status shown.    Yes.   I  did hear there were some plans for this to be done a while back.

#45   Voting on beacons allowed.    I recently advocated for this on another thread.   The argument was made that it would be too confusing for new players.     I am not sure if I agree, but I do understand the position.                               

#47  game message for killing nuc holder.       Yes

#50    Totally agree w ya there  :)

Edited by isupreme
On 6/10/2023 at 2:47 PM, isupreme said:

#3 Crates   Please do NOT  enable sbh snipers again.   That is good way to drive off new players as well as piss off some of the rest of us. 

#15 But,   I would say no to cancelling the restart map option.   It is very useful.

#19  Surrender after 1 building loss is sometimes appropriate.     At first I hated the existence of the surrender vote and I was very vocal about it.   But as time went on I came to understand it's ability to keep players engaged and not just waiting for the next map.    RE:  surrender after 1 building can be my preferred choice if:   The action and points clearly show the team is losing, and/or if the building destroyed is THE most important one to the team.

Thank you for your input! I recognize you from in game.

#3. I dont have a problem with this but I could see newer players not liking it. The chances of a SBH being able to snipe is quite low if all weapons are enabled. You would see some cool things like engis running around with volt guns. As it stand all you get for a weapon from a crate is like an emp grenade/ frag grenade/ repair tool/ machine gun. Its really boring to be honest. As soon as the SBH fires anyways they are revealed, stealth is not an invincibility shield, it just gives you the initiation. You can still get killed by random scanning and projectiles. I played with SBHs being able to get railguns and snipers in classic renegade and it really was not an issue, people would just put large bounties on their head and people would actively hunt them/ call out their last known location. Players really shouldnt be standing still anyway. Maybe reveal them if they look through scope. I would really like this game to be all out warfare and seems silly to me that a stealth nod soldier with 2 hands is unable to hold a certain weapon. This really feels like devs being prudes to me to be honest.

#15 The problem I have with this is people use it to match manipulate. Instead of playing the game, having a good match, and going to the next map regardless of outcome, they use it as a weapon to fight back and cancel out any progress that was made against people who killed their building from an early rush. Its like lets play field! We lost the Ref, Restart Field Again! Now lets play field X! I have hardcore field fatigue and want to play all the maps. I have had field restarted 3+ times before and I just left the match because its ridiculous. It feels like you wasted your time when people restart the map. People spam it to hug their favorite map instead of being a good sport and trying to have a fair match. I understand it as a utility if clan matches were going on and one side surrendered and they wanted to play another match on the same map, but to be available to the average non moderator player is just a avenue for abuse. No one wins with restart.

#19 There is a player who goes by the name "Surrender-X", no doubt he is making fun of this feature. "Lets just give up bro!", thats not renegade. I laughed when I first saw this feature. By surrendering with 1 building dead you are not playing renegade, the reason you lose abilities by losing a building is to create interesting asymmetries, Bar vs Air? Hon vs WF? Ref vs PP? Agt vs Ob? by giving up with only one building dead you are not playing renegade because you are not playing any asymmetries. Il admit the Hon/Bar is the most important building for the mere fact you can have 32 players with advanced characters/advanced repair gun vs Air/WF where you are subjected to server limit count. But on maps where you have 5 buildings you are giving up after only 20% of them are gone. Its like losing a finger and then deciding well I better go ahead and chop off my entire hand. If the team is a bonafide turd sandwich chances are they will lose another building quickly. Il admit the mini game after surrender is quite fun vs a change map vote, but as it stands its like if one basket ball team scores a point vs another team the entire team just gives up and calls it a game, there is no sport in that and denies the entire team a chance to come back. If that happened in an NBA game I am sure people would be angry and want their money back, they came to see a game.

Thanks again for your thought provoking response.

On 6/10/2023 at 10:47 AM, isupreme said:

Yes.   I have grown increasingly unhappy that players expect certain behaviors in low  population matches.   People need to practice, and not just with bots.    Commanding and beacons should be encouraged.   We fear too much the killing of the server.  This also becomes a chance for players to be abusive to each other, sadly.

eh, no--ppl need to have some class and not use tactics that low pop. matches can't reasonably counter.

4 hours ago, RenClassic. said:

Its like lets play field!

I have noticed that the map selection has been narrowed down...I mean this game is repetitive af already.....we don't need to play field all the time ffs

On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

4. crates. I understand why no tech/hottie because of advanced repair gun/mines. It should be more liberal with giving weapons like railgun, sniper. maybe remotes. Yes I know that means sbhs can stealth snipe, I dont think that is an issue, that would make bounties more fun, shoot scanning more frequent. sbh with remotes cant kill a full hp building but could get some perma if undisturbed. stealth vehicles (stealth flame, stealth mammy, stealth orca, stealth med), maybe a teleport crate that teleports you to a random location with a "loud" visual tell and wait period before being able to move (like terminator teleport animation, light sphere and electricity arcs), maybe inside an enemy building. maybe exposed in obby view. ZAAAAP. Maybe inside a wall lol (forced to suicide). A crate that turns off enemy base defences for like 10-20 seconds, possibly both teams at once. just long enough so a player in the right place at the right time could have a chance to get behind a building. I would like to see more crates that provide opportunities to disrupt spammy stalemates that occur on maps like field and oasis, perhaps they could occur more frequently as the map time elapses. Team crate control really should provide meaningful benefits especially late game.

Most people will say no to SBH snipers because snipers, I say no because SBH is already too good for his value.
Teleport crate - very high chance of being stuck/going out of bounds. Its effects do exist on a single map, albeit it teleports to specific locations.
Disabling base defences - existed, removed probably because too good and too random.

On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

6. advertising.
I am not sure if you guys are advertising for this game yet since its in beta but it would be nice to somehow get a constant influx of new players. You have a great game, I think something should be dont to attract new meat shields... i mean players...

Was nice to see more players and 2(!) full servers when C&C Remasters came out. Took a month before numbers dwindled back to usual ones. You can guess why it's likely to be a waste of money.

On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

7. map time.
I think all maps should last around 1 hour long, not necessarily timed but maybe a reduced building healing mechanic stacking after 1 hour and again each hour etc. I think it causes players a lot of stress when they invest 4 hours of their day on field because its such a stalemate map they flip out if they start losing and it leads to arguing and server dying effect when people are mentally exhausted and rage quit. I dont think map change should be feared, or buildings dying. It is my belief that buildings are a special part of renegade.

AOW exists, but people hate it. I personally like it.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

9. drowning, oxygen bar?
Is there a bar for oxygen remaining while underwater? I like the ability of swimming but I seem to drown out of nowhere when low health.

There's no visible bar, but yes, your oxygen is limited. Be careful when diving.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

10. flame tank treads
Can you please fix the flame tank, its so ridiculous to drive in flame rushes when the slightest protrusion will send the flame tank sideways and climbing over each other, causing the entire team behind the lead tank to log jam, maybe more similar to med tank treads? it seems to want to climb onto any surface, not sure if intended.

UDK jank. Reminder that this is nearly same engine Mass Effect 1 was made on.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

16. buggy remotes.
Is it intended for buggies to be able to stack 4 remotes and run into things and hop out and explode them? This can wreck resevoir GDI turret. also nukes MRL/harv. Seems silly.



On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

14. server capacity
It seems like every server is set to 64 capacity I guess because computers have gotten much more powerful since 2002, I believe this has some unintended effects, such as only one server being populated at a time. Old renegade had multiple servers on the go. I get people want to go where the other players are playing but with a server cap of 64, it can become the entire player base since we are in beta. With the map vote at the end of games maps like oasis can be selected with 64 players and it becomes absolutely intolerable. Its turns games into spam wars from two opposing sardine cans with no progression possible. players are constantly complaining about population for maps. low pop high pop, map too big map too small. 15 on 15 on city flying felt perfect, it allowed people to drive vehicles into the enemy base so they at least had a chance in achieving something, instead of hellfire spam from sardine can to sardine can.

There's this problem of RenX playerbase mentality - they won't join empty servers but will furiously spam refresh to take that free slot on near full server. I myself am all in for 40 player cap like it was originally, but due to thing above this would just reduce max player count at play time to 40.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

17. built in clans?
I noticed this game does not seem to have clans, not sure the reason, would be cool if a clan tag was added to the launcher so people would be incentivized to start clans and have clan wars. team vs team. Would be a team building exercise and incentivize people to join teams and practice together and teach new players.

Times have changed and it seems that no one cares that this feature doesn't exist. Also last clan wars(that happened like 6 or so year ago?) were horribly unbalanced.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

20. individual cp?
Would be nice if there is no commander players in game you could use a smaller version of the same buff with smaller radius for a small amount of cp. Perhaps they could use a small fraction of the whole like 100 cp scaling with player count. like a situational baby buff. So in games where they cant decide on a commander people can keep the cp off full. Kinda lame when a small cadre of players decides for the entire server "we are not using commander powers" so the entire server is held hostage and forced to not use the fun game mechanic. being a sbh with the ability to emp a small area/single mine would be huge.

Can lead to people using it to buff themselves and more or less turn into one man army(not that it's impossible to be one anyway).


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

21. repairable exploded tank
in the old classic renegade tanks would enter a "broken" shell phase when health depleted I think only tanks like med, humvee, apc, mrl, and their counterparts could, it allows for players to require their tank if not totally destroyed by more damage or splash damage. It is an interesting mechanic that is very situational. In the old renegade we would purposely buy meds or lights and break them so they enter the broken shell phase so it would not count towards the server vehicle limit. then as a team we would repair all the tanks and be able to get way more tanks then the server limit, we would then rush the enemy with like 25 tanks. Super fun and would be crazy with buffs. Would also be fun with sbh spys hiding inside the shells and potentially stealing one and destroying the shells to disrupt the process, wasting thousands of enemy spent credits. total chaos. Another thing I dont see people doing often is parking enemy vehicles behind the wf to put pressure on their vehicle limit, should be more normalized, maybe added to tips screen.

With chokeness of quite a number of maps can lead to them making vehicle paths more narrow than they already are.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

24. free aim
would be really cool if you could implement free aim. Sniper wall hugging was a thing in classic renegade and the ability to move tank turret without moving camera angle was huge. MRLS could shoot in unique arcs.

It doesn't exist for a really really good reason.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

27. I would like to see commander smoke screen used more often, its huge and could be used for rushes or defense, it largely seems to be ignored. Maybe helpful tips window instructions added about what situations it is great for.

They're also a great indicator that commander is nearby so you could jump on him and kill him!


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

29. cancel airstrikes? is there a way to cancel airstikes than you start casting? is there a way to rotate them?

Movement cancels them, if I remember correctly you can rotate it by holding RMB and moving mouse.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

30. night vision on more guns? night vision might be more useful/used more on maps with a day/night cycle.

Generally feels like a useless feature with most night maps being quite bright + brightness setting existing.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

38. bots should have an unstuck algorithm, so they dont get stuck inactive in buildings, better pathing, perhaps no bot model clipping, better rat lines so they are not all retarded/ at least get out to the field.

No one on dev team has enough sanity to touch code related to bots. One of them tried to fix them, fixing one thing would break another.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

43. why can you heal beacons??? lmfao, please remove this feature, this allows repair gun battles? wtf, I think beacons should be defended not repaired

Mines and beacons are similar coding-wise, so you can heal both.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

44. forest silo building not visible in tab window, people dont defend buildings they dont know they have

Unimportant buildings(buildings that are not required for victory/defeat) are not shown. Dunno if there was anything in plans for making them more noticeable.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

46. player models dragging behind tanks, c4 etc, not sure what causes this but its funny to see occasionally.

Client/server desync.


On 6/8/2023 at 7:21 PM, RenClassic. said:

47. game message for killing nuke holder, people should know when they took out more than just a character/ be rewarded accordingly

You get couple extra VP for killing beacon holder.



Great comments and information.   I will differ on one point tho...


Re : personal buffs


Can lead to people using it to buff themselves and more or less turn into one man army

I do not believe this to be true.     Imagine you buy an offensive buff for yourself.  It is not that much of a buff really.  You are a bit stronger, but truly the buffs require a large number combined to be really effective.   { ok in small population matches the buff may be a bit strong but.... }

As buffs are used now, it usually takes a large  % of the team being buffed to make a difference.     One lone rocketeer who buffs is not going get much done.    But!!!   If 4,5, or 6 players all spend money for buffs... and then set them off together - now that could be some first rate action.

I feel that no matter what ability you give to players, there is an appropriate balancing mechanism.   What about the  enemy players who bought a defensive buff? 

Overall the players should have the maximum abilities and the role of commanders should be reduced.   Commanders are so very....  Old school.    Look at modern warfare today.    Armies that rely on top down control are vastly inferior to armies that are built upon soldier initiative.    Sometimes this dependency on Commanders reminds me of how wars  were fought in the past.    It is time that RenX looks to the future.


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