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Hey RenX'ers and developers


Did you ever thought about adding a Squad system, where the commander or the player can creat a 4 or 6 player Squads with a particular job? Like capturing and securing silo? or sneak in base or or or... and players can join in the "ESC"-Menu or at purchase terminal.

that would really help organising on some points and situations.


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a squad typ of sytem sounds like a great and hopefully it is added in the expension and for normal renegade x maps. 

the squad system would be nice if they have the ability to share credits or donate credits into the squad system. 

the shared credits/system would also make it easier for them then to have 1 focus on building defences/structure's while the other 3 sometimes donate in there or give it to there builder.

could also have it be something different. when ya in a squad or just make a squad. it costs  1000 start credit to create a squad.ya earn bonus squad points. these points ya could use to upgrade ya squads base health.armor this stacks with the promotions they are removed when ya leave a squad. 

some other use for squad points could be to upgrade base health or only the hp and armor of buildings u produce. ya can also buy non powerdt version of base defences there somewhat decent and easily destroyed but also share the upgrades of it. for non base building maps i can see the turrets being the only added bennefit for the hp/armor upgrade.

squad points upgrades+ cost system could work like credits then at a rate of 0.5 points per second per squad member squad assist and kills in close prox give bonus points.

-3000 points to upgrade ya base characters  health by 10% per upgrade this apply's to infantry characters only

-3000 points to upgrade ya armor rating by 10% per upgrade apply's to infantry characters only

-8000 increase the buildings health and armor ya squad build by 8% per upgrade.on defence's this is 16% 

-1000 to buy a machine gun sentry it hase 225 health and 225 armor.

-1500 rocket sentry. 150 hp and 450 armor.

-3000-10.000 points aidrops a weak to strong vehicle to ya current location ya plant the beacon at.it takes about 10-25 second to deliver a vehicle. it all depands on if its a weak or strong vehicle. its airdropt in with a transport of the specific factions.

-6000 reduce the costs of building ya squad builds by 5% can be researched like 5-10 times



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  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

I play a lot of Hell Let Loose lately, they use a squad system with commander and squad leaders. I'd much rather just speak with and listen to a few people in the squad than have to listen to the whole team speak at the same time, much of what is said isn't relevant anyway. The squad leads can listen and speak with the commander group in an isolated channel and pass on things like commander orders to go and defend or attack a certain place. The in-built coms system is quite advanced, but maybe Discord could be used to work with more than one voice channel at once unless someone knows how to do this side of things. In HLL there's also a proximity voice so you can pass on information or shout stuff at other players not in your squad if you're near them, things like 'medic' or 'grenade' etc. The organisation structure of teams in Renegade usually means there's one giant rush than say 2-3 different groups working together strategically and tactically to bring down a base. As long as squad leaders are prepared to relay commander orders then things can be followed.

Edited by Mystic~
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Mystic, because of your post - I am  going to change my stance on comms that the whole team cannot see.     If it means we could achieve:


2-3 different groups working together strategically and tactically to bring down a base

RATHER THAN  this stale and momentum killing tactic of one giant rush.   Then sign me up.


I would willing try communications that are occult/hidden to the general team.  If they produce teamwork, and the average player can easily participate in them. 

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  • 1 month later...

I hope Firestorm's squads one day make it to Renegade X. Squads would do wonders for organizing what the team is doing and where they're doing it. I think squads depressurize the Commander position since the Commander would talk to maybe around 6 Squad Leaders instead of herding 31 players. And giving players pre-defined map objectives by Squad Leaders focuses players in a game that can seem overwhelming at times from how many places on the map a team needs to control for victory.

I too feel squads would completely change Renegade X's meta due to restructuring the game's information flow between players. There could be more opportunities for subtlety in strategy and tactics. And less "Putting all the eggs in one basket." with giant rushes that have the large weaknesses of giving up map control for free, taking a long time to organize, and lacking information on the opponent's defensive Engineer locations.

  • Like 3
1 hour ago, Bam Ham City said:

I hope Firestorm's squads one day make it to Renegade X. Squads would do wonders for organizing what the team is doing and where they're doing it. I think squads depressurize the Commander position since the Commander would talk to maybe around 6 Squad Leaders instead of herding 31 players. And giving players pre-defined map objectives by Squad Leaders focuses players in a game that can seem overwhelming at times from how many places on the map a team needs to control for victory.

I too feel squads would completely change Renegade X's meta due to restructuring the game's information flow between players. There could be more opportunities for subtlety in strategy and tactics. And less "Putting all the eggs in one basket." with giant rushes that have the large weaknesses of giving up map control for free, taking a long time to organize, and lacking information on the opponent's defensive Engineer locations.

Yeah i totally agree...

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