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Fallguys Game


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I might be about as stupid as the characters look.... but i bought the Fallguys game.   Gonna give a go.

Is anyone else trying this ?      Made by a small team of 20 I hear.     Ridiculous fun.             20$.   Steam or PS4.

I found the game by reading this BBC article.   It is a good read with several points we could relate to RenX.



With tens of millions of downloads in just over a month, it's also been unbelievably popular - but, as any gaming developer will tell you, the more popular a game gets, the more people like to be good at it.

"Most of the messages I get are too rude to repeat here, but it's fair to say the team games are the main source of hate for most people," Megan smiles.

"Everyone thinks it's their team's fault - that the other people on their team are rubbish and that they're playing brilliantly. When you dig down into it, though, most of the time that's not the case."

O my goodness Megan.    Tell it like it is why don't you?

Edited by isupreme
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I like it.   Its simple and fun.     You get knocked down... you get back up and go at it again.      

I haven't gotten past a third round yet.

It is an interesting study for me.    Look at all these players with no names and no chat, and yet as we all progress forward - doing well or Not doing well...   It is social, in a sense.   We are all here and can see each other.   But no teamwork is required so for me that will be boring eventually.   Worth the 20 if you like getting knocked about a bit.

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