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Allow rec only to players using steam

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  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, dr.schrott said:


Rec should be used by players playing with their steam id.

Many unknown players just abuse this without any reason.


Seeing as recs don't actually do anything besides being there, I don't really know how it makes a difference.

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 Players that are using steam can still abuse it.

Some legit !rec users are not using steam.

!rec is based on the person's opinion so he can argue the person he !rec deserves it.

Also what Sarah! said. They don't do anything. People shouldn't take the recs seriously.

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All recommendations are just a label of how people (or the bot on the server) perceive your actions as being positive (or negative). There is no gameplay benefits tied to the system nor is there any benefit to recommending another player (beyond the initial mention that someone did good).

While it shows a quick measure of roughly how effective that player may be in a match, this is not a fool proof system and you will naturally accrue recommendations over time (assuming you take part in match rather than staying back and doing very little) eventually everyone will reach the “top tier” and the perceived worth of the player is much harder to determine.

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