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Light building in UDK/SDK


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I read up on the other post about building lights issue but it didn't seem to solve said issue.  My issue here is I set up some scene and include my lightmass importance volume I think it was? the yellow box.  I got to build lighting and it locks up on "Gathering scene and invalidating lights"  ( I think it was that..) I read multiple sites saying it may be virtual memory issue? because it takes up considerable RAM.  I am at 8gb of RAM.  another thing that was said was something about lightmass itself or the .ini?? also I unchecked lightmass in the menu prior to building lights and I ended up with the same outcome as Arch-Nemesis with geometrical faces facing away from light source as pitch black.  

Am I missing something? did I forget something?  I read over the Swarmagent and resolved the issue with that on Madkills topic.  I don't want to have to rely on other people for my own work..  Thanks in advance.  

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  • Totem Arts Staff

some times it will say not responding but will still be working in the background check task manager for cpu / ram usage of the sdk (best to do light builds over night any way)

if by the next day (if you leave it over night) it still hasn't done any thing you may have to try and get the export scene size down by bringing the light map resolution of ya meshes down 32 / 16 is a good rule ... if this fails ask some one with more ram to try building lights if they cant there might be a problem with the map but thats a problem for another post / topic

when you dont use lightmass you dont get light bounces and the shadows will be black unless you use a skylight

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