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I hear a lot about what people like/dislike about renegade and renegade x and was curious to get some actual data on how you feel about the different elements of both games.  Would really appreciate responses!

Little survey about Renegade and Renegade X. If you could fill it out that would be great!  Only a few questions won't take long



please share with fellow ren players if you don't mind


The two games have different audiences, it really comes down to players liking hard-fought, stalematey gameplay over more progressive gameplay and vice versa. They both share the goal of ending games by destroying the enemy base, but the options available to approaching that goal are different in both Rens (with RenX having a lot more) in any circumstance. 

It can also come down to control behavior of the inf/vehicle if the player doesn't care much about how a game ends, but rather how a game plays. No question that the infantry behavior is totally different in both games, and almost every single infantry weapon in RenX has been rebalanced in some way. It comes down to the player's own opinion, there is no 'better' one here. Vehicle handling also different in both games, with the original game being less sticky and more responsive/accurate, and the ones in RenX allowing various player dynamics such as shoving (utilizing different vehicle weights) and overall having a better lock-on system. Tank balance has also been poked upon, but not to the same extent as infantry, mostly as a means for a larger variety of vehicle use. Again, personal preference. 


I ticked the vehicle mechanics on Renegade because that was the feature that convinced me to buy the game, not because I prefer Renegade vehicle handling over Renegade X's.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Filled it out. Pretty much just made me realize why back in the day of OldRen I switched to APB (After APB had gotten itself together). I absolutely hated vehicle combat in Old Renegade. Granted I still would tick A Path Beyond's vehicle combat higher than RenX's... but that's just me. 



Thanks for the survey!

I was missing points about map design.

Most of the gameplay (including stalemates) is defined by the map layout; i.e. bottlenecks, tunnels etc.

RenX Devs have done a great job to adress those problems with additional paths and tech buildings.

But still, especially the single base entrances on many maps make it somewhat less interesting.

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