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Renegade X mentioned on Kotaku


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I can't understand, why they didn't make contact with the Ren-X develpoer team? There's the lengthy coverage of those games (mods) based on the W3D engine, and mentioning:

" Five years later, when most of the Tiberian Sun team left to work on Renegade X in 2011 (more on which later) ..."


“The possibility of moving onto a new engine has been a big discussion point internally, but a lot of it comes down to the fact that we’re not getting any younger. A lot of us have full-time jobs and families, so we just don’t have time to learn a whole new pipeline, a whole new engine, and essentially create a whole new game” ... "That job was taken on by Totem Arts, a group of modders who broke away from Tiberian Sun Reborn in 2011 to work on Renegade-X, a ground-up remake of C&C Renegade in Unreal Engine 3. it’s all overlaid with the gloss of an engine that, particularly for contemporary gamers, makes it a more palatable option. W3D Hub seems to accept that and has been co-operating with the ‘X’ team to work towards the common goal of keeping the C&C RTS/FPS crossover formula alive."

So, dear Kotaku, then why didn't you interview the Renegade-X developer team, where's the "more on which" part?

Mind you, I do appreciate the article, did learn numerous things from it, but in my opinion the article in it's current state is incomplete.

Edited by limsup
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