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CT-Test Server Updated


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  • Totem Arts Staff


Fallen, Forest, Frostbite, Dust, TrainingYard, UphillRedux & WoodsV2 are currently the only maps in the Test servers' map cycle.

The latest versions of these maps are presently on the CT Test server and running right now.

No other maps should pop, making testing for these specific maps much easier with less waiting around for an Admin/Moderator.


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Some of those maps are not set up with the fast in-game downloader. WoodsV2, Forest and UphillRedux will download very slowly if someone tries to load the map and it's not already installed manually.


Edited by CoreDefender
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6 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

If the other three maps DL fine but WoodsV2, Forest and UphillRedux do not then you'll have to see what fffreak can do about it.

Woods, Forest and Uphill were never added to the in-game downloading.

I do not plan to add Woods until more changes are made.

Forest and Uphill I haven't tested (at least recently) and once I get a chance to test (Prob Next weekend) I will see about adding them if there is no Major issues

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The directory refers to the installation location not for in-game downloading.

The in-game downloader (by default) is a file storage site that myself and the Devs have access to.

The out-of-game server launcher that used the Seeker to download maps used something completely separate to the server directory.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
On 10.4.2017 at 10:48 AM, Fffreak9999 said:

Woods, Forest and Uphill were never added to the in-game downloading.

I do not plan to add Woods until more changes are made.

Forest and Uphill I haven't tested (at least recently) and once I get a chance to test (Prob Next weekend) I will see about adding them if there is no Major issues

Take your time with Forest, I'm working hard on my new version at the moment, new version is coming soon.

Edited by Luhrian
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