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This issue is quite old already and I've experienced this a couple times already, but always forgot to report this. Timed C4 that is placed on the wheel (case) gets sucked in and will be stuck inside of the vehicle model. This makes it impossible to disarm the C4, because it is literally on the inside and therefore untargetable, the C4 model is usually not visible when non-stealthed.

When entering stealth mode, the C4 is clearly shown inside and rotating the camera around provides that it is stuck somewhere near the center of the wheel (on all axis!) and cannot be targeted from any direction.

I would really appreciate if this collision issue gets resolved, it is really frustrating to lose a stank to a random timed c4 from a basic inf, but being unable to defuse it despite being a tech with plenty of time :(

PS: I'm sorry, but I can't find a proper screenshot of this issue, if you need some more evidence, please let me know and I'll figure something out.

Guest Gliven

this is a problem for multiple vehicles, not just the stank. Plus it is such a rare occurrence for this to happen. Unless it is an easy task to change the collision hitbox for c4 attaching to vehicles i wouldn't even care if the devs fixed this or not. It is only annoying when you've lost the weapons/air. 


While we're on c4/vehicles, when you throw c4 it often misses the vehicle when it "shouldn't." It also gets stuck floating in midair sometimes when the vehicle drives away when it should have adhered to the model.

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