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Not even 24 hours in the last Launcher beta and @yosh56already found another 'pending' error. New beta up, please re-download if you have launcher version 0.66

If you get virus warning, it's a false positive again. Here's the virusTotal scan report. >>Report<<

Hi all, Schmitz here with another iteration of "Buggy beta Launcher builds!™"

There are 2 major new things in this Launcher:

  • First iteration of the IRC client
  • Improved server selection algorithm (No more 'pending' on downloading updates! Really this time :P)

IRC client

The Irc client will connect you to the RenX irc channel so you can chat with other peeps that are also logged in. Perhaps filling a server will be a little bit easier now.

Improved server selection algorithm

As you all might have noticed, the download of updates and full game releases wasnt very reliable. Without going in to much details: I noticed that our Atlanta servers were down, but the Launcher wanted to download from it. So what was the problem? Cloudflare...





Anyway on with the install stuff. I am in no way responsible for creepy clowns crawling out your pc or you pc giving you the middel finger while running this


So what do you need to do to run this?

A friendly warning: Don't overwrite your current Launcher with this one!

First you'll need the Launcher files >>here<<

Then you need to extract the "LauncherBeta" folder into your Renegade X folder (Don't look at the dates, old screenshot)


Start the Launcher by double clicking "Renegede X Launcher.exe".(Again, don't look at the dates, old screenshot)


If all went well it should say in the top "V0.67" (Don't mind the screenshot, it's an older one I re-use just to show where the number is.)


Check all the settings 'n stuff and try to run the game and report any errors here.

-Schmitz out


Current Bugs:

-Intromovies not checking/unchecking correctly
-Cancellation of downloads not working directly, but after the single download finished
-The initial time to start a update/download can take a bit longer then normal (But should in no way take ages)
  • Like 5
2 hours ago, Schmitzenbergh said:

Meh... I'll check it out. I really thought I had it... Isn't it giving you the "to many retries" error?

EDIT: Atlanta is again the culprit.

It doesn't have a way yet to ditch a failed attempt for a different link? Should we pre-emptively just remove Atlanta and let close servers ping to Denver 1&2 instead?


It does ditch, but this is a very stupid situation. Apparently Atlanta has been reverted or hasn't been updated to reflect the latest RenX game update.

Atlanta has the previous update, but Launcher wants to download the current update which it doesn't have. New beta incoming that checks if the server really contains the current update. (Atlanta is a very capable server apparently, even my ping to Atlanta is better than Amsterdam (6ms vs 7ms)

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, Schmitzenbergh said:

Anyway on with the install stuff. I am in no way responsible for creepy clowns crawling out your pc or you pc giving you the middel finger while running this

Just got 5 creepy clowns crawling from my monitor 




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  • 3 weeks later...

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