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Hi all,

Been a long time fan of Renegade and decided to give Renegade X a try. I can download the launcher from this website and install it fine. However, when I click to launch the launcher, it gives me an error.

"Renegade X Launcher has stopped working"

Anyone know how I can fix this? I have uninstalled the launcher a few times and re-downloaded from this site but nothing works. I would really like to give Renegade X a try.

Please help!


  • Totem Arts Staff

What kind of anti-virus do you have? The current Launcher has a tendency to get flagged, and consequently blocked, by some anti-viruses. 

Never happened to me until I just updated to the newest launcher. 


1) I have no anti virus.

2) I uninstalled Microsoft Frameworks and installed .net redistributable from Windows website. I then reinstalled Frameworks 4.6.2 and tried running Renegade X Launcher. Still same problem.

Any other suggestions?

6 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

check out iTweeks full build download links ;)

That wont fix the problem of not having a working Launcher, but you'll have the game atleast.

Back to the question at hand:

To what folder are you installing? Perhaps try a different folder other than program files. An you always have the windows defender anti-virus. Try turning that off in your control panel.

Other thing to try is the C++ redist -> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 (Even thought it should'nt make any sense)


bravo wants to play RenX. For some reason he can't install the launcher.... While you're figuring out whats the launcher issue he can play via full build... That's a preliminary solution for me and maybe for bravo as well (as long as he can install the full build xD)



Think a reason will still be that a server is not reachable.   @schmitzenbergh

I must also say the launcher is not bad. Since I've already seen much worse. Until then you did very good work.



Offline ->



online ->







Posted (edited)

Have now something rum made and tried as soon as one the dead patch server raus goes the Validating and Dowloading

As soon as I take the server again take no more.

So my guess is as soon as a server down is the lease no longer.
As I said is only a guess.



	"launcher": {
		"version_name": "0.65",
		"version_number": 65,
		"patch_url": "http://cdn.renegade-x.com/site/launcher-4115.zip"
	"game": {
		"instructions_url": "http://renegade-x.com/patches/Patch5281/instructions.json",
		"patch_urls": [
		"version_name": "Open Beta 5.281",
		"version_number": 5281,


Edited by [AoG]iTweek

Ok, you can try this. Create a bat file (Or download the one attached) and put this in it:

start "" "Renegade X Launcher.exe" "--UpdateGame=http://amsterdam1.tyrant.gg/Patch5281"

Then place the bat file in your Renegade x launcher folder and launch the bat file. This should start the download process. If this also crashes the Launcher, you are missing some dependencies to run a basic C# application or you have demons in your pc (DEMONS BE GONE) This isn't a real fix, more of an indication for me where the problem lies.

@[AoG]iTweek The problem isn't that the game isn't wont download from a server. The problem is that the Launcher wont start at all. This indicates that @bravolimakilo is missing important parts of the .net framework or has something blocking the Launcher. But thx for thinking with me to solve the problem :)

@bravolimakilo If you still have issues with the laucher I would like you to pm me to get some more detail or get a teamviewer session running to fix this problem (As this is valuable information for future users).



This has been mentioned before, but the launcher seriously needs to at least attempt to switch mirrors when a mirror is down @Schmitzenbergh.

This could be done by simply replacing the ping-based selection with download-based selection (i.e: first one to successfully finish "GET empty_file" or "GET 10kb_file" with 200 OK).

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