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Mutator help


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  • Totem Arts Staff

Well I created a small mutator but I noticed my game doesn't want to load any mutator (Not even examples like SBH Sniper)




Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by ThommyK0104
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4 hours ago, ThommyK0104 said:

Am I doing something wrong?

You need to have the "open mapname" before the question mark. like "open CNC-Field?mutator=...".

Also it seems you're trying to load other classes as mutators. you need to make a mutator which is a class extending the rx_mutator class and change the other classes you want like the Rx_PurchaseSystem inside of it.

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You can't just give it an arbitrary class and expect it to know what to do with it. That's why you must have a class that extends Rx_Mutator that replaces classes out for you.

I'm sure nBab could post some examples from his mutator for Fort, but you're going to want to make use of Mutator's CheckReplacement() function.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Well I will figure something out


I had an idea how to load the mutator. How about making a placeable actor what can load a mutator inside the level.


class Mutators extends actor;
class Horologe extends Mutators;

function PostBeginPlay()
	WorldInfo.Game.AddMutator("RX_Horologe.Rx_PurchaseSystem_Alt", false);
		StaticMesh = StaticMesh'EngineMeshes.Cube'
	End Object

Now I already know I'm doing something wrong because when I try to build scripts I got the error:

E:\Renegade X\Renegade X - SDK\Development\Src\RX_Horologe\Classes\Mutators.uc(2) : Error, Unexpected 'placeable'


E:\Renegade X\Renegade X - SDK\Development\Src\RX_Horologe\Classes\Mutators.uc(2) : Error, Unexpected 'abstract'


E:\Renegade X\Renegade X - SDK\Development\Src\RX_Horologe\Classes\Horologe.uc(2) : Error, Unexpected 'placeable'


Edited by ThommyK0104
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  • Totem Arts Staff

@Ruud033You're absolutely right sir


But I had more ideas like the Armoury Tech Building. All infantry own their Primary Weapon, Silenced Pistol and Time C4 (Not for Engi and Tech/Hottie) (Like how it originally was). When captured, you can buy Grenades, AT-Mines, EMP Grenade and Smoke Grenade. This is an advantage for infantry.


But this needs help for it of course :P

Edited by ThommyK0104
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  • Totem Arts Staff

@ThommyK0104, perhaps try your hand at making a mutator with a demand? (i.e. Use an idea posted on the forums) 

Or start small, really small, like a mutator which adds just one item to the 'Items' list in the purchase menu for both sides, without the added complication of a building needed to be captured.

Start with a purchasable smoke grenade in the items menu, focus on making it work and don't worry about having a custom gfx for it in the purchase menu. 

Edited by Madkill40
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