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problems with renegade x.....................

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something seems wrong with the patcher indeed im used to fast downloads all the patcher is giving me is 80-200kbits wich would need 1 week of download before its done. I saw some similiar forum thread about a guy whos patcher seems not working correctly too ( slow downloads ). Anyhow i cant find the mistake on my side all other downloads are fast as always...

anyway when i download from directly its also quite slow so its an issue that either the server wich host the patch files is slow or a routing issue?

this needs to be adressed since it seems to prevent new players actually playing the game

update: denver1.renegade-x.com from this mirror i can download with full speed , now how do i set up the launcher take this adress insteand of

lol... well...

i created a new release.json file in C:\Games\RenegadeX\Launcher\


"launcher": {

"version_name": "0.63",

"version_number": 63,

"patch_url": "http://renegade-x.com/launcher_data/launcher-3879.zip",


"game": {

"patch_urls": [



"version_name": "Open Beta 5.23",

"version_number": 5230,



then i changed in the Renegade X Launcher.exe.config to C:\Games\RenegadeX\Launcher\release.json

and guess what, its patching with full speed now i dont need to wait for som1 to reply here thanks me

  • Totem Arts Staff

I've mentioned the Czech mirrors as being pretty bad on multiple occasion. They're the only ones I get packet loss to ever.. Thankfully I don't actually DL from them. You can talk to Agent about why they haven't been taken out.

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