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  • Totem Arts Staff

how does it happen it really? some player enter a game and just activate somesoftware to destroy every body's fun?

i really annoys me until i can play and all i do is connect and dissconnect. is it legal?

why not using password which could be implyed on the name of server?


Hmm. where begin to explain:

It isn't about people using passwords, but about more 'people' trying to connect. Above the 1 ~ 40 people that connect, one person can send a lot off fake request to pretend someone is connecting. What you see when 10.000.000 people are trying to order 1.000.000 concert tickets on a server which can only 'help' 10.000 is exactly what happens. The ticket requests are legitimate in this case, but the DDOS fakes request making the server shut down clients or fail.

A DDOS isn't legal, but it happens. Here in the Netherlands they even brought down one of the big ISP's. It's one of the flaws of the internet, but there will soon be Ren-X servers with protection.

  • Totem Arts Staff

ok but but is this some kind of software that one attacker activate or something?

i dont know why, but today all iam doing is trying to play and it keep crashing. it unbeliveble. all day just keep crashing out every one.... what the fuck i mean why so many ddos today?

also which servers get new protection and what kind of?


It's software indeed from what I know, but I am not the expert here. You can rent 'booters' to check your own server if it can withstand a DDOS, but also use them on other people. Second option is to create a botnet by infecting multiple PC's which is a lot harder and not the method used now (afaik).

The 'why' is biggest question, if we only knew...

CT, when it will be up. will have good protection. It was able to withstand most attacks in the past, so just wait for that one to be up again.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

I've been staying on top of the attack and as of right now we are immune to them. Been getting attacked for two days and seeing little to no damage from it. Let me know if anything comes up, Im doing my best to keep this server ddos protected.

  • 2 weeks later...

What if all the servers the past weeks got DDOSED, nomatter where they were located.... Oh wait, that's the case...

Why speculate? Could be sooo many reasons!

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