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Posted (edited)

Hello, I'd like to ask some qestions mainly aimed to current developers of this game regarding to their future vision of this game etc but I will be happy to see answers from players too. I'd like to see your confession :D and personal thoughts and opinions of each developer separately. I think I am not the only who is interested to see your answers :)

1.What do you think about current state of this game? Do you think the development of the game goes the right way, or would you have done some things completely different? What things makes you mad and what are you proud of?

2. What's your future realistic vision of this game and your ambitions regarding to ingame and outgame things? Do you want to keep the game look like this, are you happy with it, or do you plan to extend RenX with many other features?.. I mean like... exping, upgrades.. any possible ingame progress for player or anything what you have on your mind.

3. This qestion is similar to the qestion number 2, so read it once again BUT this time break all borders and your limitations. Forget that you have to invest many hours spend on programming, learning, restrictions from EA. Imagine you don't have to do nothing for it. Tell us your dream vision of Renegade X.

4. Would you like to do RenX for a living, and is there any possible option how could you do it for a living? If so, tell us about it and share with us your personal ideas and toughts about how would YOU like to do it (pls forget about the time that it would cost)

PLEASE,KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS IS NOT DISCUSSION THREAD and nobody is allowed to comment and discuss about random thoghts, ideas and statements that may appear here.

Thank you very much for just reading it. I would be very happy if I/we get some answers.

Thank you for your time :)

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Not a dev, but an ex-community dev.

1. I think the developers did a great job overall, and I honestly never expected it to even get this far, so I am overall happy with the outcome. However, in hindsight, of course things could have gone better. I think that they did a wonderful job advertising the game pre public beta, but then as soon as things started coming up that were problematic, something apparently went down within the dev team or something because suddenly there was only a handful left that were continuing their work on the game. I'm not entirely sure why, but the fact that the original public beta release was so inccredibly popular, but had so many issues that were taking ages to fix, made a lot of people give up on the game for good unfortunately. Things that couldn't be detected private beta.

2. The game is fluent now and runs well, but just needs polishing at this point. Things like better UI, better tutorial, improved bot features and ladder system, afk detection etc. Its just polishing but the small things are important. As far as future of the game goes, steam and origin seem out of reach so we would have to re-advertise heavily again once the polishing is finished and the game is ready for a full release. Entirely possible and I can see numbers getting higher again if the dev team have the same connections that they used to.

3.Dream vision would be 10,000 players on steam green light. Best case scenario, but apparently out of reach now.

4. Developers are unable to make a profit from this game, as per an EA agreement.

Edited by Guest

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and info.

3: I am sure everybody would be happy for high servers population, either way that's not exactly what I wanted to know. I am interested in your personal thoughts. Break any barriers and set limits aside. Are you really that happy with the current state of the game (if you set aside all that small polishing what game needs)? If you was something like dirrector, what would you change or add? Don't worry, noone will judge you or criticize for your opinion here :D No new maps, now new features? Oh come on :) I am just curious

4: I'm familiar with it already. Just asking if devs would like to do Renegade X for a living as their "full-time" job and additionally if there is any possible option how to break away from EA.


I would change vehicle physics to be more like renegade. Add more options to retrieving the silo. Add a vetenary system and more useful and/or entertaining bots. Increase the headshot multiplier so that higher skill was more rewarding. Add in a tutorial mode upon game installation completion that went over all the basics and then some. Have a competitive scene that was highly active and fun with both clanwars and community wars. Add in free-aim, but edit it from how it worked in the original. Have a better ladder system and afk detection. Split the hotwire / technician class into 2 viable units. Create maps like city and a smaller version of glacier and remove or highly edit field.add in a vehicle algorithm so one player can't spam the vehicle limit. Have active US servers throughout the day.

These are almost all things that I have made vocal before. Just things that in my opinion would improve upon the game, but unfortunately resources are highly limited.


Forget about EA dreams. Its not the reality. EA legal department told us that in order to avoid confusion among their customers regarding EA´s involvment in RenX they 'regrettably' can not allow us on Steam or any other platform of that sort. They are, understandably, commited in protecting their IP, wich they still might use in the future. They do not want people to confuse RenX with an official C&C game. That is why there is no cooperation and why there will be no cooperation and why it wont be possible to do RenX for a living. EA will let us be in the current form though aslong as we dont use C&C name, dont go on Steam or the like and dont make money out of it.

As per RenX development: its a constant struggle and no dev knows whats going to happen next. It all depends on peoples interest and availability and those fluctuate a lot. Dont have time or energy for a longer awnser right now.


Thank you both for your respond.

It's ok RypeL, nobody's pressuring. Also I have not asked for RenX development but thx for explanation on how it works in your team :D. I just would like to know your personal thoughts, your personal vision like 1. What do you think about current state of the game and the way it's going?

2. What would you personally like to change, do better, add, edit...?

3. Same as 2 but without any barriers. Just open your fantasy and forget about all that work what it costs.

It's literally only what I've asked in the first post. Don't need no explanations... so, Would you like to do RenX for a living as full-time job or would it drive you crazy?

Forget about EA dreams.....

I Say we should go for a reskin than.

We go on with the game like it is but (After brainstorm a Brand new RenX World(and if you want some ideas for it im not bad at it :cool: ))

We introduce one or more of these assets/skins (Names,buildings,vehicules,characters)to replace the actual one until all of them are gone .

Its a long shot but in the end we will have a new cool game in a slow transition That will work similar to Renegade.

Theres plenty of students out there that would be please to participate for their Exam project on Renx ..imo ;p


i understand why EA can't support Renegade X, but their argumentation is crap ^^

it's totaly offtopic, but just 2 remarks on their argumentation...

EA legal department told us that in order to avoid confusion among their customers regarding EA´s involvment in RenX they 'regrettably' can not allow us on Steam or any other platform of that sort.

whats their involvement? They are a publisher and the Developers are the Developers. :rolleyes: very complicated... surely noone will understand the role of EA in this game... it clearly is the first time EA was just the publisher... :rolleyes:

I understand that they want control over the project, but on the other side this is a nearly finished project and it is well made... they just have to collect money...

They are, understandably, commited in protecting their IP, wich they still might use in the future.

lol thats a little bit funny, because EA is doing a poor job on protecting their IPs from their own idiotic ideas... most of the IPs they bought, now are worthless because they forced crap ideas into it (C&C Tiberian Twilight - no base; C&C Generals 2 - pay 2 win).

and C&C isn't the only IP they destroyed...

but anyway... that's how things are xD

*offtopic finish*


Cudaker: This should be done before full release imo. Either way this is off-topic already. I do not want to discuss random ideas here so it stays clear. If you want to discuss something that may appeare here, please create your own thread.

Cudaker: This should be done before full release imo. Either way this is off-topic already. I do not want to discuss random ideas here so it stays clear. If you want to discuss something that may appeare here, please create your own thread.

K sorry for that :P

They are, understandably, commited in protecting their IP, wich they still might use in the future.

lol thats a little bit funny, because EA is doing a poor job on protecting their IPs from their own idiotic ideas... most of the IPs they bought, now are worthless because they forced crap ideas into it (C&C Tiberian Twilight - no base; C&C Generals 2 - pay 2 win).

and C&C isn't the only IP they destroyed...

Sad thing is, it's theirs to destroy. They own it.

Sad reason why, is because they are games with terrific potential, it's a crime they are not using it as they damn well know they ought to be.

True with all their IPs. Just to list Pandemic as at least one of their others.

As well as with other companies as well. Such as Lionhead recently, and also Capcom with MML3 and Konami with Silent Hills. These companies should be ashamed of themselves that as AAA developers they cannot properly create content using these IPs. They have the capital, and they can do it with a positive profit, yet they make 90% of a game and scrap it like it is a fucking brilliant move that they spend $800,000 in development to quite fucking literally earn not a damn dime off of it.


EA is right. Me, being one of their customer would be confused, how can a quality game, RenegadeX be an EA title after what they did with the franchise.

EA thinks in big (failures), small sucesses doesn't mean anything to them. If they don't want our money it's their loss, we can still have fun.

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