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Sometimes marathon matches can really suck when more than half of your team consists of lone wolf players. I'm sure most of us had an experience when someone would try to get tank rush going only to have 6 out of 20 people respond. Other times you can even get decent numbers but if defenders decide to turtle in base they can easily outrepair your damage.

I'm interested to hear what do you guys think about giving player's ability to pay extra credits to buff their vehicle's damage? When spawning a vehicle you should be able to select the level of weapon upgrades it will have. I propose 3 levels according to following formula

cost = damage ^ 4

1st level: DPS increased by 33.3% - vehicle cost increased times 3,13 (1,33 * 1,33 * 1,33 * 1,33)

2nd level: DPS increased by 66.6% - vehicle cost increased times 7,59 (1,66 * 1,66 * 1,66 * 1,66)

3rd level: DPS increased by 100% (doubled) - vehicle cost increased times 16 (2 * 2 * 2 * 2)

Now even if your team only has 6 teamplayers out of 20 people they can at least buy upgraded vehicles which would significantly increase the chance of making the rush successful.

These upgrades would be really expensive - for example if you want to upgrade your medium tank so it does twice the DPS you would have to pay 16000 credits for it. Therefore these vehicles couldn't be spammed. You would have to spend at least half an hour saving credits for that one special rush.

What are your thoughts on this?


As an added benefit players would have a sense that they are working towards long-term goal during their play. They would accumulate credits so that after a while they can buy really powerful vehicles. But they would have to balance between playing offensively and defensively.

If you are too defensive you won't get credit ticks from dealing damage and you might lose control of the field.

If you are too offensive you can lose your expensive units which will delay your ability to buy weapon upgrades.


Hmm... I don't know. It indeed sounds reasonable to make such upgrades so expensive, but i've always been that guy that likes to know what he's up against when seeing an enemy, so i would not natually like this change. But, maybe that's just me being stubborn, adding an icon to every vehicle showing what updates he has would solve that issue. Or simply looking at your health bar when you'll get shot and see how much health you lose.

If i'm going to let my old arguments go as to why i wouldn't like it, I'll instead try to design upgrades that rebalance the characteristics of a vehicle instead.

If you want to upgrade damage specifially, I would suggest the ability to load extra shells on your vehicle for an extra cost at a (capturable) Repair Facility. These would cost 50 credits each and therefore would have to be wisely used, as you could just as well buy another Medium Tank with 16 shells.

AP rounds, free of cost on "---" Tanks as they already use them. This one is pretty self-explanatory.

HE rounds, free of cost on Artillery (MRLS use missiles and therefore cannot buy shells) Have great splash damage, deal more damage on armoured targets (somehow, let's keep the current game mechanics alive unless we're firing HEAT here) but fire slow and therefore have an arc. Smaller caliber rounds could be installed on other vehicles that deal more damage on vehicles, but less on buildings (or not).

Shrapnel shells are unique in the way that they are mostly obsolete in modern warfare but not in Renegade X because LOGIC! Using those would basically mean loading a enormous shotgun on your vehicle, that should make it clear enough.

So... any ideas?

TL;DR: Add diffrent shell types to the game for vehicles and make them cost a substantial amount on (capturable) Repair Facilities!

  • Totem Arts Staff
isn't Building Armor gonna solve the stalemates?

Not entirely. AFK repairs are still going to make it nigh impossible to break through the actual armor value of the building.


I'm for an upgrade system. Just one that makes sense.

Another tier of purchaseable things, sure.

Team score boosting damage percent, sure.

While we are talking about stalemates, I would also honest to goodness support 16v16 compared to 20v20, a lot of dense populated map really prevents individuals from even seeing the enemy base without running into 4 different encounters like Pokemon world walking through the bush...

isn't Building Armor gonna solve the stalemates?

Not entirely. AFK repairs are still going to make it nigh impossible to break through the actual armor value of the building.

I was never aware there are people that go afk and just keep repairing via a tool or just their button taped down.

That's quite shitty.

isn't Building Armor gonna solve the stalemates?

Not entirely. AFK repairs are still going to make it nigh impossible to break through the actual armor value of the building.

I was never aware there are people that go afk and just keep repairing via a tool or just their button taped down.

That's quite shitty.

Done it before to hit the bathroom up. Not leaving just for a bathroom, not going to just not go to the bathroom either. People that do it frequently, like to wait out a 3 hour EKT marathon, it does hurt the game but it isn't like I hate the person, but that is why we kick them so active players can join and when they notice they were kicked they can try to rejoin when they can. Easy.

In old Ren, If you were firing a repairgun when you minimized your game, it stayed repairing. Easy. Now, I just weigh something onto the mouse.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Wasn't I the one starting it out :P

I just bind the autofire by

"Setbind j Startfire"

Now I just need to press J to autofire. Useful if you just wanna camp on..... say whiteout, and whore out the buildings with MRLS :P

  • Totem Arts Staff
I also wasn't aware there is a command for that...

In that case, I'd prefer if it wasn't there.

Do you realize that clickiing the mouse triggers startfire while releasing it triggers stopfire?

If you remove it, you will not be able to fire at all :P

Also, setbind is a hardcoded engine command. I can also hack through UDKInput and get J as an alternative startfire command

  • Totem Arts Staff
Lol! Wasn't that going to become the alt-fire for repairguns at a certain point, firing for 20 seconds, but it was bugged and it got deleted... Sounds like people found an alternative ^^

We've known about this for a good long while. The secondary for rep-gun was something different IIRC. All I know is it crashed servers, and nobody ever brought back the healing of your own mines either.

I also wasn't aware there is a command for that...

In that case, I'd prefer if it wasn't there.

Do you realize that clickiing the mouse triggers startfire while releasing it triggers stopfire?

Nope, damn.

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