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Played it when it first "launched". Was too buggy for me, decided to wait awhile. Been a long while now and it seems to have made some progress.

Download new version, see only 11 people are online on one server, EKT - Marathon [1], dissapointed to see the population so small. joined their server, played for about 10 minutes, in the enemy base helping team destroy last structure, a guy named Fredd's or something as an engineer runs up to me (im invisible and havent even fired my gun yet), walks into me, I die instantly, he tea-bags me and runs away.

It said a timed c4 killed me even tho there was no explosion, he didn't shoot me or anything, just walked into me and i fell over dead like I just had a heart attack (had full armor and hp as well), and he proceeded to tea-bag me.

Clearly hes either hacking, had admin/mod power on the server, or timed c4 is bugged. And even if I am blind and the c4 exploded and killed me, he was standing right next to me as i died so he should have died as well from the c4.

Asked wtf happend, he lol'ed, called him a hacker, he started spamming that I am a noob, I said no wonder theres no one playing this with the rampant hacking, got muted by the host, "don't worry guys I muted the noob" and I left immediatly.

Never going back to that server ever again, if I even ever play this game again. Population is dead, and game is filled with hackers, and it's a damn sahme since I was really excited for this game, was rooting for it's makers as well, and all they have to show for their hard work is a handful of active players and half of them hack.

EDIT: Right after posting this, all the servers have 0 players in them. I feel so bad for the devs to have put all this work into a game no one plays.

  • Totem Arts Staff

A) SBHs are only invisible up to a certain point. He wasn't hacking, he literally just threw a C4 on you.

B) C4 rendering explosions is iffy on servers because it's not considered something that HAS to happen, so sometimes explosions don't draw and when everything catches up, it doesn't bother drawing the effect because it would be weird and out of time.

C) We still pull a good 80 players on weekends last I checked. RenX isn't dead. Trust me... I've played DEAD games before. When primetime on 3 weekends in a row is 12 people... we can officially call it dead.

D) .... We have like one actual hacker once in the very very blue moon. Hell, I can only name one in the last 4 months, and he was an exploiter, not even a hacker.


Servers show as 0 Players when changing maps.

If im honest with your attitude im not sure i want you in my server.

Anyways I Tried to reason with the guy, but was on the Keyboard Warrior Mode so I muted him. Edited logs below (removed most of the kills n other spam if you want the raw logs let me know)

[10] <@RX> [C4] Fred's placed Remote C4 on Nod,5379,Nobelissimos

[10] <@RX> [C4] Fred's detonated Remote C4 [11727.59,17015.94,57.37]

[10] <@RX> [Kill] Fred's killed Nobelissimos with Remote C4

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: what the fuck

[10] <@RX> Fred's: yup

[10] <@RX> [Kill] Wünterschlee?1 killed Fred's with headshot

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: fred is a hacker

[10] <@RX> Fred's: don't stand still

[10] <@RX> Fred's: lol

[10] <@RX> Fred's: noob

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: HAX HAX HAX HAX

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: hacking piece of shit fuck you

[10] <@RX> Fred's: im not hacking

[10] <@RX> [beacon] "BogoxD" deployed a Nuclear Strike Beacon

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: you walked into me and i fell over dead

[10] <@RX> [Kill] Wünterschlee?1 killed Chlenix with Nod APC

[10] <@RX> Fred's: i placed a remote c4 on you

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: no you walked into me and i died

[10] <@RX> [Kill] Wünterschlee?1 killed Westwood with Nod APC

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: you hacking piece of shit

[10] <@RX> Fred's: lol stop crying pls

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: fucking loser

[10] <@RX> [building] EKT-Recky destroyed the GDI Power Plant with Flame Tank

[10] <@RX> [MatchEnd] Current game on CNC-GoldRush has ended. Nod wins by Base Destruction with 10393 points. GDI had 5737 points.

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: HACK A PIECE OF SHIT

[10] <@RX> [beacon] "BogoxD"'s Nuclear Strike Beacon has detonated

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: Fred's is a hacker

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: i cant say that it is gg

[10] <@RX> Dutchgenerall-=NL=- left the game from team Nod

[10] <@RX> Player5374 left the game from team GDI

[10] <@RX> Fred's: im not ur a noob

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: lol retard

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: hacking fag

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: no wonder this game is dead, hackers galor

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: fucker

[10] <@RX> [Vote] Chlenix has called a global Poll_Kick - pid:5385

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: lol buttmad hackers

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: k enjoy your dead game losers

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: kill an invisible guy by running into him = im a noob

[10] <@RX> [Vote] Poll_Kick results: Yes=2 | No=1 (Failed)

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: hurr durr

[10] <@RX> Fred's: yes u are

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: tell him somebody

[10] <@RX> Fred's: u where visible rifht befir i killed u

[10] <@RX> Fred's: i knew where u where

[10] <@RX> Fred's: no shut up

[10] <@RX> Fred's: now*

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: no fred you're a hacking piece of shit that could see me while invisible and walked right into me, and i fell over dead

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: and when you walked into me, i fell over dead

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: !killme

[10] <@RX> Host: (Goks@IRC): he put a remote c4 on you

[10] <@RX> [VehKill] "BogoxD" destroyed the Nod Harvester with Orca Missle

[10] <@RX> Host: (Goks@IRC): and blew you up

[10] <@RX> Fred's: omg some one pls kick this dumbass

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: KILL ME STUPID ORCA

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: he didnt put a remote cf on me, he walked into me and i fell over dead, no explosion, no attack, nothing

[10] <@RX> Host: (Goks@IRC): no the logs said you got killed by a remote c4

[10] <@RX> Fred's: as i said

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: well clearly that's apart of his hack because he ran towards me and I fell over dead

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: thx

[10] <@RX> Host: Please Keep an eye on your team's MineLimit (Limit is located at the bottom of the screen)

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: unless c4 is bugged and doesn't have any explosion

[10] <@RX> Host: (Goks@IRC): oh shit Recky is going to ruin GDI's day :(

[10] <@RX> "MKUltra" entered the game for team Nod

[10] <@RX> EKT-Recky: yep

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: no im going

[10] <@RX> [Kill] EKT-Recky suicide by Timed C4

[10] <@RX> [building] EKT-Recky destroyed the GDI Weapons Factory with Timed C4

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: with my god snuke skill

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: nuke

[10] <@RX> Trunks entered the game for team GDI

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: if it was c4 then there should have been AN EXPLOSION and he should have died too

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: Fred is a hacker

[10] <@RX> Trunks swapped over to team Nod

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: OR c4 is broken and op as fuck

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: noob lower

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: yup, this game is garbage, i regret installing it

[10] <@RX> Fred's: ok bye now

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: literally no one but hackers and tryhards play it with braindead bots

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: you have been killed @ game is a garbage

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: i was about to bring my entire group of friends to play this game because I thought it got better

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos: apperantly it only got worse

[10] <@RX> Host: (Goks@IRC): ive muted him.

[10] <@RX> Chlenix: thx

[10] <@RX> Nobelissimos left the game from team Nod

  • Totem Arts Staff
Servers show as 0 Players when changing maps.

If im honest with your attitude im not sure i want you in my server.

Anyways I Tried to reason with the guy, but was on the Keyboard Warrior Mode so I muted him. Edited logs below (removed most of the kills n other spam if you want the raw logs let me know)

.......... After seeing that... yeah you definitely just got remote C4'd to the face. And it's pretty easy to just back up and not die from your own remotes... especially if the person was just standing there.


Anyways I Tried to reason with the guy, but was on the Keyboard Warrior Mode so I muted him. Edited logs below (removed most of the kills n other spam if you want the raw logs let me know)

The game really doesn't need players like Nobelissimos.


Well, its always funny to see the chat log.

Here's what I saw from you, as a person. You died, in-game, in a way you did not understand. You do not know the game very well.

You started instantly to blame people and call them hacker, instead of seeking understanding. And you did not use very nice words.

What do you expect people will think of you from this event?

Now I'm going to tell you that: C4 still commonly "bug" and might kill you without VISIBLY exploding -> they DID explode, the explosion just does not render, so it looks like you died out of nowhere. In this game, its very easy for someone to plant a C4 on you if you're not constantly moving, and it can feel like you died out of nowhere 30 seconds later.

If you had sought, even slightly, to understand this before calling everyone a hacking piece of shit, I would care. But you didn't.

You're a pretentious troll trying to stir trouble. You wanted to bring your friends over but now you won't? Hah, reaaaaaally?

Grow up, and go away.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm confused here. He claims he had full health and armor as a sbh, and a remote c4 killed him. Is one remote c4 enough to kill a sbh or 2 remotes or something else, like c4 to the head?

Servers show as 0 Players when changing maps.

If im honest with your attitude im not sure i want you in my server.

Anyways I Tried to reason with the guy, but was on the Keyboard Warrior Mode so I muted him. Edited logs below (removed most of the kills n other spam if you want the raw logs let me know)

As if I want to go on your shitty server ever again. Laggy, empty, and you're clearly abusive, no thanks.

A) SBHs are only invisible up to a certain point. He wasn't hacking, he literally just threw a C4 on you.

B) C4 rendering explosions is iffy on servers because it's not considered something that HAS to happen, so sometimes explosions don't draw and when everything catches up, it doesn't bother drawing the effect because it would be weird and out of time.

C) We still pull a good 80 players on weekends last I checked. RenX isn't dead. Trust me... I've played DEAD games before. When primetime on 3 weekends in a row is 12 people... we can officially call it dead.

D) .... We have like one actual hacker once in the very very blue moon. Hell, I can only name one in the last 4 months, and he was an exploiter, not even a hacker.

He ran towards me from across the field like he could see me anyways, people may be able to see me at close range, but frmo his distance, it seems all too convenient for him to end up right ontop of me, ready to throw c4 on me and kill me in a split second.

Thanks for clarifying on the c4, I even asked if it was bugged or something which would explain it, but instead people acted like wild animals. But like I said, even if this happend, then the explosion should have killed him as well, plus I don't think c4 explodes the split second you place it on someone. He ran up to me, I instantly fell over, the c4 should have killed him since he was right beside me, but it didnt do a thing to him.

.......... After seeing that... yeah you definitely just got remote C4'd to the face. And it's pretty easy to just back up and not die from your own remotes... especially if the person was just standing there.

But he didn't back up, he sprinted into me and i instantly died with him tea bagging my dead body. He should have died in the blast as well, but he didn't. I had full hp and armor, and died with c4. And I was standing still for maybe 2 seconds.

Well, its always funny to see the chat log.

Here's what I saw from you, as a person. You died, in-game, in a way you did not understand. You do not know the game very well.

You started instantly to blame people and call them hacker, instead of seeking understanding. And you did not use very nice words.

What do you expect people will think of you from this event?

Now I'm going to tell you that: C4 still commonly "bug" and might kill you without VISIBLY exploding -> they DID explode, the explosion just does not render, so it looks like you died out of nowhere. In this game, its very easy for someone to plant a C4 on you if you're not constantly moving, and it can feel like you died out of nowhere 30 seconds later.

If you had sought, even slightly, to understand this before calling everyone a hacking piece of shit, I would care. But you didn't.

You're a pretentious troll trying to stir trouble. You wanted to bring your friends over but now you won't? Hah, reaaaaaally?

Grow up, and go away.

Had an entire community of 80+ people a year ago that I advertized this game to, a good portion of that community wanted to come play, me and one other guy played, wasn't ready because of the bugs and such, we said fuck it, go back to it later. Community broke up for a few reasons, split into to different communitites and then furthur split again, I am not apart of that community anymore but I retained a good portion of friends from it, along with other friends, they are (or were) interested in this game, now I told them yet again, stay away, maybe in the future.

You can thank Fredd's actions for that. Can see an invisible person a mile away, runs towards them with lightning speed, rams into them, instantly killing the person, but not taking damage themselves, and then teabags that person and acts like they are someone special. Fuck right off Fredd's.

I asked if it was a bug, all I got was "lol noob" and mute.

All I have to say now is, I hope the devs of this game get a nice job somewhere due to this game so their efforts are not in vain. As this community seems to be pure cancer, and nearly dead.


No, MNC community is pure cancer and dead. Just check their forums/the game on xbox live marketplace or PC. The PC LITERALLY has no more regular matches online despite a few servers open empty all day. I might try to mutator it one day since I think it's possible to do.

This game is honestly better than SMNC, which is also a hostile community to play with/against, and a game with like only 1-2 10 player matches at any time.

Generally, I don't see why the average gamer will throw around the word dead like it is good for gaming in general to curse it like that. Obviously modern players never lived through the gaming market collapse.

This game is a small man project, and for that the average playerbases are like 20 at any time and updates every 9 months. In that regard, Reborn was about average and fun to play, APB dwindled a bit but I remember times it was honestly full up on matches online, and RenX is above average even still especially on update frequency.

Just appreci8 m8.


The fact that he ran up to you so easily tells me that the devs made the sbh detection range too big within the last two betas, and it definitely should be looked into.

As for your hacker complaint, I agree with everybody here that it was just a remote and no cheat was used. I can't even think of a cheat that could've been used, but maybe that's my unfamiliarity with UDK cheats.

  • Totem Arts Staff
The fact that he ran up to you so easily tells me that the devs made the sbh detection range too big within the last two betas, and it definitely should be looked into.

...not even remotely true. The range when not sprinting is still only like ~20ft, and in the scale of RenX 20 ft isn't saying much. Nobody with any sense has ever complained that SBHs are visible from too far away. You can literally walk right by people camping the entrances on Walls. You'd show up sprinting maybe. So... no, it won't get looked at because nobody in their right mind actually thinks it's too far.

Also... if you seriously leave based on one incident(that has like a .01% chance of having even been hacking)... you might want to re-think how you judge things. Most UDK hacks are far more obvious things than what you even described, and if absolutely NO ONE else agreed that Fred might be hacking, there's probably a good chance he wasn't. I know I never saw him do anything suspicious.




Honestly though, he is right. Not only is SBH detection only 4 armlegths away most, but their movements blur into screen movement if the enemy happens to be walking and turning their weapon a lot. Same is true with a perfectly stationary hotwire sitting in the nook of a rock, most enemies just pass her up like she is invisible, then lose their Ref or something.


So, to me, it sounds like this is what happened:

- Nod is winning a game on GoldRush, Player 1 buys an SBH enters the GDI Base.

- Player 1 is not paying proper attention and gets spotted by Player 2 who was coincidentally walking into the direction of the SBH, somewhat aiming in his direction and eventually sees him, throws 'bugged' C4, kills the SBH and decides to throw salt on the wound.

- Player 1 mistakenly sees this as hacking as he was aiming towards him (accidentaly) from a larger distance, and still kills him (which is odd, if he KNEW he 'saw' him from a large distance, he simply should've run away, he didn't, proving this was an accident)

- *Insert heated discussion here*

- A mod takes proper action, Player 1 ragequits.

Is this correct? It definitely seems so. Either way, sad to see this happened, let's learn from this occasion and try not to be so salty next time.


A lot of the time I notice that I am one of the very few people that spot sbh and when I look around, my team mates who are close by don't see anything.

In a match I played yesterday, I spotted sbh on Walls but you really need to pay attention. I also noticed that when you shoot stealth tanks, they become more visible for a second or two giving you just enough time to fire off another shot. I think it depends on how good a persons eye sight and observation skills are.

Having said that, Ive had a few bad experiences, people cheating and being killed in odd ways but Ive had more fun and epic battles than anything else. All you need to do is ask yourself whether you dealt with what you perceived in a mature way or not.


Well, based on the fact that this game is in BETA, and yet you're pissed like it's some AAA title released by a huge corporation. You can't expect the game to be perfect, which is why it CLEARLY says beta in the download title. It's buggy, deal with it. Just because you die from something odd, you can't immediately spam the chat with bullshit against the player, because I would've muted you too. I've seen plenty of C4s go off without any sound or animation, it's not perfect.

Honestly, I don't want a player like you trying to advertise this game at all, seeing as you die ONE TIME questionably and you act as if this community and it's player base were spawned by Satan himself. Ever heard of !modrequest or !requestmod? Those are advertised on both TmX and EKT regularly, and are a way to solve problems without any bumps. Use some maturity next time you try a new game.


If you suspect another player of cheating in some fashion, please report the player with the appropriate evidence (recordings, demorec, etc) to the host of the server (in this case, you would register and file a report at www.elitekamikazeteam.com). Server hosts generally report egregiously malicious users to the development team, who can then be banned globally from the game when given sufficient evidence. If you disagree with the administration of a server, you are more than free to join (there's not exactly a shortage) or host and promote another server.

With that said, I don't personally think the player is/has/was cheating. Regardless, you began verbally assaulting "Fred's", which isn't productive if you're trying to prove or convince other players that "Fred's" cheating. It's far easier to prove that you acted maliciously toward the player, and thus you were muted by the server owner; EKT (as far as I'm aware) allows players to appeal bans/mutes, so I'd like to again direct you to www.elitekamikazeteam.com if you would like them to remove the mute.

Ever heard of !modrequest or !requestmod?

Since he's a newer player, he likely hasn't because there's not really any obvious way to know about these server-specific chat commands.

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