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1. Less info on the GUI; it contains so much info that it is overwhelming. Perhaps a simple GUI just like the one in CnC Renegade, and an alternative option for those who love to see so much info such as ally and enemy structures, vehicle limit, mines limit, etc.

2. Organize the Purchase Terminal. It looks like a big mess! Separate things apart from each other and make them obvious. Free soldiers should have a facial picture like in the original CnC Renegade, maybe not but it might help to bring some distinctive color. Mouse over display; when your mouse points at something then the "models" on the left should appear, not when you click on it. A simple click to view the items 360 model is not worth it.

3. Radar Spotting. When you point your weapon at someone and the "rectangle" appears around them, it should be an automatic red dot on the radar. Then if they lose tract, that red dot will fade away.

4. Better radar. Empty vehicles will be white, etc.

5. Pressing Q-key for better voice communication. Something just like Battlefield 2. Get in the vehicle, get out of the vehicle, i need repairs, i need a medic, follow me, hold back, move forward, etc. Perhaps a detailed spotting too? So if you point at a Stealth Tank and spot it with Q-key, a voice command will be heard saying "Stealth Tank spotted" followed by a radar spotting.

6. Voice communications. Just makes everything better, that is if we include a mute button too.

7. Small ammo and health packs in random locations. I read in a different thread that they want to implement infinite ammo and i disagree. Team fortress 2 does a great job at balancing its characters and weapons. If some of them weapons had infinite ammo it would break the game. TF2 gives the strong weapons less ammo and low reload speed. So they constantly have to keep moving looking for ammo to keep their weapons functioning. These will force snipers to get out of their nest to get ammo, force rockets to move out of their nest to get ammo, and prevent unbalancing.

8. Steam. I know its on the process, but this will increase the popularity.

9. Character customization and Steam Workshop! This will be to give the developers the chance to get money and keep improving the game. Plus it will make the game personal to the player! If the player wants to customize their character like in Killing Floor and TF2, then they can by purchasing it. Money to the developer means more love to the game to keep improving!

CnC Renegade is the only game that made me a PC gaming addict. You guys don't understand how many night I didn't go to sleep playing this game. Thank you for remaking it and bringing it to life. I will pay money to you guys once it is complete, either via the Steam Workshop, or donation.


1. I don't think the interface is overwhelming. It's more than in stock Renegade, but it can just simply be ignored if you don't want to use them. It's highly useful though. You get used to it and learn to love it.

2. The PT is something I posted about a long time ago too and wish it was laid out differently.

3. The "q-spot" function does this, rather than just having the hitbox on the enemy. That way it's a teamwide function rather than individual.

4. Also something I have previously suggested as well (ions/nukes be stars as well).

5. That'd take a lot of extra coding and man hours that the game simply does not have right now.

6. Many people have also suggested this. It would be easiest to do with integration with steam, and I believe that was the original plan. I'm not even sure if the devs are still fighting/pushing for that anymore though.

7. I don't think random is a good idea, but upon killing an enemy it makes more sense.

8. Yeah, read #6 :/

9. The developers are literally not allowed to make money on the game by any means. It's an agreement they have with EA. Alternative character skins are something that I suggested in private not long ago too though, and I feel like they'd be a nice addition.

  • Totem Arts Staff
If some of them weapons had infinite ammo it would break the game.

I'm just here to clear up that APB, Reborn, and several OldRen servers all basically proved that point wrong. It breaks the game about as much as having Artillery with infinite ammo.

Just here to point that out; the rest someone else can take care of.


The GUI is honestly what veterans modded into their UI in Renegade. I remember having structure healthbar mods at one time.

The community is divided over ammo drops, unlimited ammo primaries, or just stay the course.

The PT was a choice in style, even if it isn't lvl10 readability it isn't complete jibberish either.

You mention some things twice and some things the game already has EDIT: You edited out the doubles, but the game already has spotting and callouts and radar markers, it could use more accuracy in the callout and radar icons.

VOICE COMMUNICATION is actually a possibility to come since a new forum member called LifeSuport offered to help with the game a couple of days ago and he thinks he can do website administration as well as designing voip and touching up vehicle driver latency. Who knows if these things are fact yet, up to this point the Voip was not possible to do with the team they had and the Vehicle Latency was the best they could do with optimizations they knew of so far.

Steam integration, or any platform including origin, to show people this absolutely free game with great gameplay, would be ideal. I suggested waiting till Battlefield: Hardline because EA killed of Renegade2 development to reduce competition with Battlefield 1942 so we don't want to give them any ideas, but that was months ago so at this point, I would honest to goodness finish up this next surge of work they are in-progress with, and then submit it to steam greenlight and "wait to see what EA does", because EA has to go out of their way to flag Renegade X to prevent it from being greenlit and the idea is if Totem Arts can't get an answer and as long as they don't monetize, EA might just not give a damn either way. Alternatives include Gamejolt and other free game databases if possible as well, even if EA fights it I don't think Gamejolt would give a damn.

The GUI is honestly what veterans modded into their UI in Renegade. I remember having structure healthbar mods at one time.

In Renegade, "building bars" required a customs scripts.dll, which scripts 3.4 allowed, but 4.0+ does not. It was basically outlawed. Just clearing that up. It's advantageous to whoever doesn't have it, and since not every single person installed scripts 4.0+ (as it was not a patch), it was unfair to certain players. But RenX added it in by default, which is why it is different.

The GUI is honestly what veterans modded into their UI in Renegade. I remember having structure healthbar mods at one time.

In Renegade, "building bars" required a customs scripts.dll, which scripts 3.4 allowed, but 4.0+ does not. It was basically outlawed. Just clearing that up. It's advantageous to whoever doesn't have it, and since not every single person installed scripts 4.0+ (as it was not a patch), it was unfair to certain players. But RenX added it in by default, which is why it is different.

Well the fact is, I used it. I didn't see how it was stupid to use something that anyone had access to. I recommended it to anyone I played with, the server did too, and I don't consider it an unfair advantage.

That being said, I was entirely okay with someone feeling that if some people had it and some don't then they should lock a standard. But, I was not wrong in using it. The entire PA community supported the devs leaving the UI completely open ended scriptable, and UI mods from the community put quick-resource healthbars and hotkeys everywhere, and they aren't cheating either, they are tools that anyone has access to use, and any link on the forum has a recommended list of competitive mods.

Well the fact is, I used it. I didn't see how it was stupid to use something that anyone had access to. I recommended it to anyone I played with, the server did too, and I don't consider it an unfair advantage.

That's usually a cheater's logic, but I'll just wrack that up under negligence haha. Some servers didn't care if you used it, and others would literally ban you if you did. It's unfair in that it was a clear advantage, but not everyone used it. Newcomers or people who didn't know about it, and the select few who couldn't install scripts 3.4 would be at a disadvantage. I used it in its testing periods, but then not after that myself.

they are tools that anyone has access to use, and any link on the forum has a recommended list of competitive mods.

Sorry, but if it's a client-sided clear advantage that needs to be separately downloaded from the game itself, then it's a cheat. PA where I live is a state so I'm not sure what game you're referencing though neither. There's lots of people that just want to play the game, not scan forums pages or google certain tools to be able to use the same advantage that others have.

Anyway, lets get back on topic now, shall we? You can PM me if you have a response to this. I don't want to derail this any further and I apologize for taking it this far.


If this game is under surveillance of EA, then why not make a stand alone game? The reason I became addicted to CnC Renegade was because of the tactics. As far as I know, there is no other game that offer these tactics. I do understand that the devs are tired of this game because their work is free. But what if you, developers, get a final push and create a standalone game and get in under Steam. Make the game customization for characters and vehicles. TF2 is popular today because of personalization. Killing Floor 2 offers characters for sale, and I have bought quite a few. CSGO's weapons cost as much as a real gun, I have seen in the Steam Workshop weapons selling for over $600 dollars. Warthurnder is a free game but sells their customized crafts for over $20 dollars and people do buy them. They want to be different. It is all about personalizing your character and vehicle. Fuck yeah, if I love the game I would pay to make my tank have a sticker and be unique! lol

The only reason I still play Renegade X is because of the tactics. You developers deserve some monetary gratitude. Make this game a standalone and put on Steam.


I think what he means is remodel and rename everything so it's no longer C&C but their own IP.

That's a shitload of work, and the fact that this game uses all the stuff from the C&C universe if one of its appeals I think, it's a selling point.

About the IAP (In-app purchases) or microtransactions: Oh god please no keep that *** out of this game.

There are other ways of gathering more money, like 1 or 2 big DLC packs with a lot more maps, if you want a good example of this done right: Mario Kart 8 DLC, which was 12 euros for 16 maps (stand-alone the game has 32, so thats a huge increase). So, you know, actual content with some good value.. not a damn sticker for your gun.. Excuse my language.


If you feel the devs should get something out of it, they keep a portfolio of their work. That is kind of something.

I always thought, it would be cool, if a larger dev/publisher took them aboard for a similar project. Like an RTS FPS hybrid for Grey Goo or Planetary Annihilation or something. Yeah... badass...

Posted (edited)
I think what he means is remodel and rename everything so it's no longer C&C but their own IP. That's a shitload of work, and the fact that this game uses all the stuff from the C&C universe if one of its appeals I think, it's a selling point.

Black Mesa, a remake of Half-Life is selling just fine without having to rename stuff. This is because Valve allowed them. Perhaps looking into that and work the same arrangements with EA would be lovely.

About the IAP (In-app purchases) or microtransactions: Oh god please no keep that *** out of this game.

There are other ways of gathering more money, like 1 or 2 big DLC packs with a lot more maps, if you want a good example of this done right: Mario Kart 8 DLC, which was 12 euros for 16 maps (stand-alone the game has 32, so thats a huge increase). So, you know, actual content with some good value.. not a damn sticker for your gun.. Excuse my language.

Your arguments are both inaccurate and invalid. I do understand about your hate for IAP. Microtransactions are the worse when used on the wrong. Some good examples of these are WarZ, War inc, etc. These became Pay-to-win.

I am not asking for a pay-to-win. I am asking for customization of your character which has zero impact on the power of the character.

In the other hand, you are asking for something worst. Pay to play maps? Are you a COD fan that loves to pay an extra $20 for a set of maps? This is the reason I left the COD series many years ago, because of that bullshit that you cant play fully unless you pay for maps.

If all IAP are wrong, as you implied, then tell me why TF2, KF, Warthunder, CSGO, and among others are so freaking successful? It has to do with personalization.

I am a mapper for the Source engine and i do understand the work behind all these items. Yes, it is hard and it gets tiring and annoying. But guess what, money does motivate people to finish something.

There was a talk on Valve and they were asked, what makes them think made Half-life so unique versus other? They said that people, the players felt in love or became very attacked to their character. They also used the companions cube from Portals, to show how much attraction the player attaches to an object in the game.

My statements are not from my ass (as the person i quoted). I just want this game to grow again, and part of me is because i just don't want this game to die. I want it to succeed like the other games have succeeded.

Edited by Guest

EA is not known to always do that. They may allow RenX on Steam, or on Origin, and before the consolidation of EALA back when the new Command & Conquer was being made they had friends up in EA that could talk them in and that led to them getting approval to the Make Something Unreal contest for contest winnings to spend on the game's maintenance.

It is doubtful what they may do. Including just out of left field issue a cease and desist despite giving prior approval, they can revoke it anytime which is problematic.

Despite that, I still say they should greenlight it as a free game and roll the dice that EA doesn't care about a nonprofit game with a small playerbase or if they do that they just slap some profit on it themselves to allow it. Them slapping something to profit off it isn't the worse that can happen.

EA is not known to always do that. They may allow RenX on Steam, or on Origin, and before the consolidation of EALA back when the new Command & Conquer was being made they had friends up in EA that could talk them in and that led to them getting approval to the Make Something Unreal contest for contest winnings to spend on the game's maintenance.

It is doubtful what they may do. Including just out of left field issue a cease and desist despite giving prior approval, they can revoke it anytime which is problematic.

Despite that, I still say they should greenlight it as a free game and roll the dice that EA doesn't care about a nonprofit game with a small playerbase or if they do that they just slap some profit on it themselves to allow it. Them slapping something to profit off it isn't the worse that can happen.

Bingo, this is how Black Mesa did it in the beginning. Eventually after years they grew such a huge fan base that they decided to go big. I love your idea with greenlight. Make this game popular so the fan base grows and word of mouth is out.

I wish i knew this mod existed years back and I know many others will be happy to know a living mod still exist. Steam will help reach those lost old fans.


No i'm not asking for something worse, because extra maps offer more gameplay, whereas customizations don't.

I agree that CoD doesn't give good value for what you pay in my opinion (€15 for 4 maps or something?), but the example I named does, again, in my opinion.

An expansion to the game is usually something good, but it all depends on the contents of that expansion of course, and cosmetics, in my opinion, are not, never, that sort of stuff should be free user created stuff in the Steam Workshop.


Maps and Customizations both can expand gameplay. I argue that some more sidearms and a weak repairgun being included would do just that.

Anyway, this community is getting real big on content creation as of now.

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