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Hello all,

I've a question about the voting system in game which I just cant get my head around. In fact, it's so annoying that I felt the need to register on the forum for no reason other than to find out why.

Why oh why oh why does a no vote count as 2 votes against? Suppose you have a game of 20 people. If you start a vote, you need 10 yes' for it to pass. However if someone votes no, then you need an extra yes on top of what you need already to pass the vote. This leads to a situation where if 6 people vote no, even if the 14 others vote yes the vote still fails.

Can anyone please explain to me why this is the case?

  • Totem Arts Staff

Why? Because there needs to be a difference between No and Abstain (not voting at all). Abstain means neutral, No means rejection.

I think it is just logical if someone vote for no, you will need more yes's

What would be a question is that why there's no option to cancel your vote....


I think no needs to weigh against yes. However, I feel like a no should count as half, rounding up. Just to prevent higher number votes being stalemates.

For instance, 4 people vote, 2 yes and 2 no. It doesn't change much anyway, and it shouldn't pass if it wasn't that popular.

If 20 people vote, 14 yes and 6 no, then that should definitely pass. And it would, if the 6 no's counted half.

I can see if it were 12 yes with a whopping 8 no against them, that is a lot of people that feel in opposition to an action.


I understand why there should be a difference between abstain and no. However with the current system an abstain actually acts as a no and No acts as double no.

If you have 20 players (10 votes to pass) and 12 abstain then no matter how many of the remaining 8 vote yes, the vote can never pass.

Wouldn't it be better if an abstain actually acted as an abstain and removed you from the vote? So 20 Players and 12 abstain means that the vote would be between 8 players so 4 yes votes would pass it?

(Just me thinking out loud, the above system wouldn't work because people often miss the vote by accident and you wouldn't want something important like a map change being passed by 4 ppl, etc)


Or some people get pissed off with the constant vote spam cause one building has died and just give up voting, thats why voting was disabled for a time on my server hoping they would learn their lesson but they havent and the vote spam continues.

I can see if it were 12 yes with a whopping 8 no against them, that is a lot of people that feel in opposition to an action.

You're right that there is a large number of players that say no, but there is an even large number of players that say yes. Should the majority not get their say? Those who abstain from voting presumably are not bothered by the outcome.

I think it is just logical if someone vote for no, you will need more yes's

But why? If more people want an outcome than another group, then is it not fair that they get what they want? Is that not the foundation of a voting system?

Or some people get pissed off with the constant vote spam cause one building has died and just give up voting, thats why voting was disabled for a time on my server hoping they would learn their lesson but they havent and the vote spam continues.

I generally think that people that make a vote just to send a message to one specific player should be kicked.

Or some people get pissed off with the constant vote spam cause one building has died and just give up voting, thats why voting was disabled for a time on my server hoping they would learn their lesson but they havent and the vote spam continues.

I hope you disable voting again, permanently!

If there is a stalemate situation and people are disgruntled about the situation, !modrequest to force a map switch through mods is the best thing.

For me, stalemates are the best games!

As for the voting: the system takes into account the total number of players availible to vote. So in the example of 20 people, 12 abstain and 8 vote yes, the vote WILL pass, as none votes against.

20 people availible, 12 vote yes and 8 vote no, vote will pass because of ALL the voters, majority voted yes.

A "no" isnt counted double, the server merely takes the total number of availible votes into account.

I believe that if more than 50% of the people vote (11 out of 20 e.g.) a no will weight equally to a yes. So 6 votes yes and 5 votes no wile 9 abstain, the vote will still pass.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but thats how I feel voting works.

Source: Personal experience


Next time you are in a game, start a vote/survey about something. Watch how many votes you require initially, and watch how it increases with each no vote. In a game with 20 people, 6 yes', 5 no' and 9 abstain, the vote will fail. Initially when you start the vote it will require 10 yes' to pass, but with each no that figure increases. With 5 no', you would need 15 yes'.

To be honest, just having abstain and no counting as 1 vote against, and not increasing the required yes' would be a more than fair way to do it. Even with this system, the vote is weighted towards no because the abstains effectively count as no. In the event you have more than 50% yes', then the vote should absolutely pass as you definitely have more than 50% who want it, but could have less than 50% who don't.


You get temp modded now and again on my server, why dont you apply for mod we have been advertising for ages but no one seems interested lol.

You get temp modded now and again on my server, why dont you apply for mod we have been advertising for ages but no one seems interested lol.

Because being a mod on a server when there usually are only 2~3 active servers, is a huge responsibility.

You get temp modded now and again on my server, why dont you apply for mod we have been advertising for ages but no one seems interested lol.

Thx, but i just don't have the time for it...

Trying to finish my studies is hard while playing only :)

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