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In all honesty, being a field engie is possibly one of the most boring things in the game. It's very hard to stay alive and it's a pain to keep running back and forth from your base to the front line.

Give these people some love and share your spam credits so they can keep buying techs/hotties. And also, give them your thanks, as field engies are also one of the most important key roles in winning a game.


The moment someone sticks by you and repairs you, you are a team. You are the damage dealer and they are fully occupied with making you an unstoppable juggernaught. If the repairs die, your chances of survival decreases dramatically. Consider them your achilles heel and keep track of when and where you expose it to enemy players. If 1-2 people is shooting at you, it likely doesnt matter.. you have infinite HP. If someone is shooting at your repairs then get in the way. Every bit of HP your repairs lose is another second you lose of your own time fighting. This mentality should go for you in any scenario involving repairs, including infantry fights.

Even from a purely egotistical point of view it makes sense to keep the repairs alive and happy. If you see an engineer running around repairing, check their money and give em some if they are poor. And yes, thank them.. ALL THE TIME!

The moment someone sticks by you and repairs you, you are a team. You are the damage dealer and they are fully occupied with making you an unstoppable juggernaught. If the repairs die, your chances of survival decreases dramatically. Consider them your achilles heel and keep track of when and where you expose it to enemy players. If 1-2 people is shooting at you, it likely doesnt matter.. you have infinite HP. If someone is shooting at your repairs then get in the way. Every bit of HP your repairs lose is another second you lose of your own time fighting. This mentality should go for you in any scenario involving repairs, including infantry fights.

Even from a purely egotistical point of view it makes sense to keep the repairs alive and happy. If you see an engineer running around repairing, check their money and give em some if they are poor. And yes, thank them.. ALL THE TIME!

Back in the old Ren XPhaZe servers, I learned from a bunch of casual 30 something gamers who regulared the server literally a nightly basis, that as Nod Artillery the best formation is the "wedge" because it blocks 100% of splash from reaching your engis and forms a wall on all sides from sniper fire. If c4 is somehow planted on your arty, rotate so the engi can disarm it while reforming the wedge shape as fast as possible or switching sides of the wedge with your partner.

In RenX, nobody EVER does that. They just drive their med backwards and then run me over and push me forward and I get hammered by 300 points of damage worth of artillery fire or some stupid shit.


I'm personally quite content with how things are now. It's nice to be part of the "unstoppable duo", and like 70% of the time I get thanked for it.

Tanks not paying attention to repairers is true however (the pushing around to enemy fire, etc.). You know in Africa there are some small birds who travel on rhinos, and pick the bugs off them? This is how I feel tankers are, they are just doing their stuff, then notice 'heh there is a little engi here'.

  • Totem Arts Staff

In the original renegade, the BlackIntel server had an automatic recommendation system in which you get recommended for repairing tanks for a certain amount of time. Its a great system to honor the people who dedicate themselves for the team.


I remember playing on that server, or at least some server which had that system, I felt appreciated.

Just a thank you or an Affirmative can be enough, recommendations are even better. But sometimes they don't seem to notice you and push you into the tiberium, or flee away from a flametank without giving you a chance to hop in. I usually hop into the tank i'm repairing if I start getting shot at from behind by an sbh.

Back in the old Ren XPhaZe servers, I learned from a bunch of casual 30 something gamers who regulared the server literally a nightly basis, that as Nod Artillery the best formation is the "wedge" because it blocks 100% of splash from reaching your engis and forms a wall on all sides from sniper fire. If c4 is somehow planted on your arty, rotate so the engi can disarm it while reforming the wedge shape as fast as possible or switching sides of the wedge with your partner.

It looked like this:


Not the best quality, but it was taken 10 years ago.

Not the best quality, but it was taken 10 years ago.

What are you guys talking about, these pictures are perfectly crisp. People have obsessions with 1080p.

Also, you can do it with just 2, but more masses of them did look like that.

That was the skillz back then...

Not the best quality, but it was taken 10 years ago.

That was the skillz back then...

If that picture is indeed 10 years old, people have been playing Renegade for 3 years by that time.

Maybe in 2 years RenX tankers will also learn how not to outright kill their own supporting engineers, let alone thanking them. :o


I'm always trying to protect my repair guy with tank body and Ctrl+7 him :)

And guys... don't be rude to noobs... sometimes they don't know what are they doing, exploring, testing and stuff... they are new, we are here to help them, just don't cours and criticise them. They will play longer ;)

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