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  DaKuja said:
I already fixed most of the Bugs from your Feedbacks, this was an great Help to find these nasty Bugs *crush them under his Foot* Now I'm currently reworking the Basewalls.

- Fixed another flying Bushes and Tib Crystals

- Fixed Landscape near GDI Bunker in the Cave

- Fixed Tiberium Area, now Infantry will get hurt on the whole Tiberium Field

- Fixed strang missing Collision from the Tiberium Asteroid

- Fixed Winds in the Rocks near GDi Bridge

- Fixed wierd Collision on the GDI Bridge

- Fixed Sands in Nod Tiberium Ref.

- Fixed Crates on the Inf Pathes, they will dont spawn Tanks anymore

- Crate Sizes litte bit increased

- AGT replaced on higher Position to get more Range and to by way more Aggressiv to the Attackers

- Both Walls will reduced hin there Heigh, also i give both of them an unique Style and hope you will like it more then the Old ones.

- Also i delete from each Main Entrance 1 Turret now where Obi and AGT should hit earlier.

Also i try to make this Map flyable, for more Options to manage an Attack from both Teams.

I'll upload Beta 1.1 in follow of the Day after finishing the Tests

Greez. DaKuja


You can try what Ruud has done with C&C Crash, and implement a tech structure that can be captured by both teams in order to build air units. :)

  • Totem Arts Staff

At this Time i have some Problems with the AGT it seems he got way less Range as the Obi, that should be an Problem for the Balance on the Defens.

Only thing i can do without building both Bases new the AGT got an new Place near the also new Wall which him allows to see every Enemy as soon as possible if he got in his Range.

But the Range.. really annoying, it is possible to change the Range from the AGT? I dont know how because it is an prefab so i cant change anything in the PropertIes.


Just took a quick look at it! Nice dude, really looking good there.

I'd suggest to remove the turrets though, with people in front of the base that's gonna be impossible to break through.

Also, in both tunnels.. you might want to offset the zbias (check kenz his first decal video) to overcome the textures fighting against eachother.


Also, comming from the GDI base, there is this part which really annoyed me, you might want to fix thelandscape a bit here :)


It's looking promising!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Phew Today was an totally fixing everything Day!

I fixed many Bugs most of them Visual Stuff, also some missing or wierd Collision Probs.

Now everything should now good and playable

Most of the Time tooks the Basewalls, alot of work. How they should after the Work? Should i keep the old Style?

GDI Base become and overall Rework, only the Sides stands from the Old one, for some Snipers or Rocket Guys.

Here the new GDI Basewall:


And Nod Basewall:


Nod Basewall keep most of the Old Style, but got now better Cover on the Ground and nice Vision with his new Plateau!

Both Bases got now only 1 Turret on each Base Entrance and 1 AAT / SAM for the upcoming Flyable Version.

How do you like it? Let it me know!

Greez. DaKuja


Version? Meaning nonflying version as well? Someone would have honestly done it if you didn't, so appreciated.

Also, 1 turret up front? This is included along with the Advanced Base Defenses, or are those removed?

Just asking for a friend really. This map sounds very professional and well made, I would hope the devs may be interested in offering you to add it to official game next patch! Good luck!

  • Totem Arts Staff

There are 3 Turrets and the Main Base Defense (AGT and Obi)

I think this is the right Number of Defense specific on GDI Side, the AGT got "low" Range he shoots really late at the Enemy on the Front Entrance, the Obi shoots really really soon. He hit you already befor you leave the Tib Cave on Nod Side, the AGT shoots early on the Mid of the Way to the Base. I'm talking about 3-4 Mammoth length.

On each Base Entrance stands 1 Turret who attacks Ground Units and 1 AAT/SAM nearly in the Base Centre for balanced Range to all Sides against Flying Units.

I try to make this Map Balanced as possible, but this is hard work!

I would really happy about this Map goes Official but, this Map got not this Level on Design like the others so there are the chances low. :P


dakukja 2 turrets on the front will be fine, this is how field is and it works good, same for gdi, put 2 guard towers side by side on gid.

I will be waiting to play your updated beta, flying will be great :)


Nice work so far. About AGT we could make its range a property that could be changed in the editor if that would help.


just test 1.1

Ok flying is nice and works good on this map I didn't find any game breaking glitches that would affect the playability, celling height is also good.

Now new issues:

1, Nod spawns in GDI ref? also it says paths not built, so harvester just stays in the weap

2, bots don't work, but this isn't a big deal.

3, AGT is still messed up, I can stand right at the cave entrance gdi side and only guard tower shoots at me the agt just doesn't. The range on it needs to be fixed right now agt is essentially useless.

4, ALSO the AGT does not fire on the back entrance, only 1 guard tower. I think you need to add 2 guard towers to the back gdi entrance, you can sneak into the gdi base without the agt firing at you once the read guard tower is gone. In contrast on NOD, the obelisk will fire at you from both sides front or back so NOD has double protection that GDI does not.

5, More anti air needed, place a GDI anti air on the weap factory and nod sam on the HON.

6, the back cliff that overlooks the nod base needs tiberium texture, right now it looks like sand but when you land on it it takes away you health, if that is the case it should be tiberium, I like this as it stops snipers from camping in nod base.

so mostly bug fixes need to be done in 1.2 and something about the AGT range, right now the agt is essentially use less.

Also I think you should double the guard towers for GDI 2 in the front and 2 in the rear

  • Totem Arts Staff

Very strange with that Spawn Stuff, but i'll take a look at try to fix these issues quickly.

Edit: So ye the Range is the Real Problem about GDI's Defense, i have to build everything new to solve this Problem but this will be way to much work for a single Building :/

  • Totem Arts Staff

So 1.2 will be uploaded right now!

1.2 is an Hotfix not an really changes Version

- Fixed Harvester Path Bugs

- AGT stands on his Original Position from 1.0 but bit higher

- Both Bases got now 2 AA's/SAM Sites

- GDI got as compensation for there AGT Range now 2 Turrets at the Main Entrance

- Both Back Cliff Overlooks (Back Entrance) got an "Anti-Baserape" Volume where only Inf. get hurt

  DaKuja said:
So 1.2 will be uploaded right now!

1.2 is an Hotfix not an really changes Version

- Fixed Harvester Path Bugs

- AGT stands on his Original Position from 1.0 but bit higher

- Both Bases got now 2 AA's/SAM Sites

- GDI got as compensation for there AGT Range now 2 Turrets at the Main Entrance

- Both Back Cliff Overlooks (Back Entrance) got an "Anti-Baserape" Volume where only Inf. get hurt

PLEASE upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox and not that crappy upload.net website.



Map says lighting needs to be built not sure what that is all about...

Nod ref does not have stairs, it is the NON flying model, needs to be updated.

GDI range is still an issue, but will just have to live with it

Map ceiling is TOO low, it should be increased at least to the height of the central cave. There are lot of cool placed to snipe like that "T" shaped rock.

Personally I would make the top of the cave accessible and make that the ceiling height like on walls, also maybe some wooden bridges that connect the upper areas to the top of the cave?

Other than that map is pretty good, you may need to wait for the next beta to your agt range issue fixed.

  • Totem Arts Staff

It still take some Time to manage some Probs. specific the AGT Range also i took a break from building Maps. Other Stuff takes many Time, but my work will be continued as soon as possible!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Yey i'm back to Work and probably i will finished the Map if there no new Bugs appeared.

I'll change both Walls a Time, the Nod Wall will played bit higher for smaller Obi Range and the GDI get a one big Wall like the Nod Wall to dodge the low AGT Range. So, both Teams got at the Frontside lower Range with there Base Defense. Hopefully it works good for the Gameplay.

I'll fix also some Bugs, for the flying Part of the Map.

Greez. DaKuja


Great map, looking forward to the tank battles since it's so open and there seem to be few choking points on this map!

Few minors things I encoutered.


Road to the silo from GDI side: there are some invisible obstructions on this road. You can walk around it, if your try a few times.


Tunnels to NOD, base side, from the inside, the left tunnel entrance is blocked. You can enter from outside, but you can't leave through the left tunnel (seen from inside, right tunnel from outside).

The mystery boxes are a bit messed up (but perhaps on purpose?). There seem to be too many and also too big rewards from the boxes.

GDI guardtowers start with 110% health.

Thanks for the efford, overall it's really nice!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Thanks for the Report, also good Timing. I'll fix it for the Next Update.

The GuardTower should have that much HP because the Basedefensives will hit Enemies way later.

So these Turrets are the only 4 (1 at Wall and 1 at Back Entrance of each Base) Buildings who make an Rush and Infiltration bit more harder.

The Map have been tested in "Real" Battles with 12+ Players if these Turrets really needed or not.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Pre - Patchnotes

BETA 1.4:

Playstyle Changes:

- Tiberium Volume fixed

- Fixed Collision Bugs on : Nod Inf Tunnel, Silo Inf Path (GDI Side) and Tiberium Cave - Catwalk

- Reworked Map Collisions

- Flyable Hight set bit higher

- All Buildings got now Ramps

- 2 AA's/SAM's in each Base

- Nod Wall raised bit for lower Obi Range to the Front Side

- GDI got the old good massive Wall Stracture like in 1.0 and placed bit higher for more Cover against Artys/Ranges

- AGT shoots now correctly at the Backentrance with his Missels

- 2 Mystery Crates deleted, the Tiberium Cave Crate moved to the Tiberium Silo (So Engis/Techis get some "Bonus" for there hard Work!)

- Added 2 more Ways to the Upper Mid-Field from the lower Pathes near the Bridges

- Added 1 Bunker on each Bridge at the Base Side

- Added small Walls on the Way up the the Bridges on each Side for bit Cover

- Added some Bot Pathes:

They now able to Move over both Bridges,

Upper Field,

Reach the Silo,

and the Roofs of all Buildings.

Bots still not ably to fly, sorry about that :<

Visual Changes:

- Fixed some flying Bushes/Gras

- Added some other Textures

- Add more Rocks for looking good! (and small Covers)

- Added some Background Details near GDI Base and Upper Field

- Added tons of Visual Details! (Very Small Rocks,Gras,Bushes,Sounds and more Particel Stuff (Winds,Tiberium Heat/Fog) )

Hopefully this Version is the last big One.

There will be no big changes anymore, I like the Map at his current Style/Version it looks balanced,

visually good and it had anything to get a good War!

I'll fix heavy Issues/Bugs as soon as possible if some of these founded don't worry about that.

Hope you like it and will play it with alot fun

Greez. DaKuja

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff

Will added soon, last Time of the Test Server there was some small Bugs founded and i have to fix it.

I post the Link as soon as possible.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Added more Stuff to the next Update of the Map!

- Reworked Map Collisions

Until yet i don't worked much on the Collisions/BlockVolumes on the Map.

But now all Walls specific the surrounding Map Wall are now way "smoother"

so no Corners where you can get stucked.

- 2 Mystery Crates deleted, the Tiberium Cave Crate moved to the Tiberium Silo (So Engis/Techis get some "Bonus" for there hard Work!)

Everyone can get the Bonus not only the Techis, but hopefully the Crate gives some extra motivation to capture and hold the Silo!

About the deleted Crate it was the One on the Lower Field near the Silo.

I moves the One from the Tiberium Field in the Cave to the Silo so, i have to delete the other One, otherwise there be to much crate in the Near.

- Added tons of Visual Details! (Very Small Rocks,Gras,Bushes,Sounds and more Particel Stuff (Winds,Tiberium Heat/Fog) )

Ye about that Change or adding I'm more proud because the Map looks after these Changes way better and i like it!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Ye, working hard the last Hours on this Map it looks really good now!

But on each time i got some wierd problems to handle but this one is really strange

- The Nod Harvester spawn for an blink of an eye and get teleportet away (i think to 0,0,0) and get destroyed there.. and respawnt also there and died many times.

I didn't change any PathNote or touched the Strip.

So ye the last Problem to fix it, but dosn't know how. :<

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

I did it, still won't work :/

Now he got killed instantly at the Spawn Point each time, at the first Spawn he flips crazy around and died.

Edited by Guest
  Handepsilon said:
  Alkaline! said:
put a lot of vech crates all over the map.. trust me everyone will want to play :D

Isn't that what Eyes are ALREADY infamous for? Vehicle crates?

Played the map yesterday. We had more TS vehicles in 10 minutes than the vehicle limit itself :D

  • Totem Arts Staff

So i'm bit smarter now about the issue.. its way more wierder as i think something in the Nod Base seems get an insane huge Collision but if i let me show anything of some collision there still nothing but the Harvester drives on something

No Collision, no Brushes and no Volumes there.


  • Totem Arts Staff

New Gameplay Changes:

- Added 2 more Ways to the Upper Mid-Field from the lower Pathes near the Bridges

I think this an really good Change to give the Players also with her Tanks more Options to plan and move there Attacks against the Enemys, also it make it easier for sneaky Players to reach there Points what they aim for.

- Added 1 Bunker on each Bridge at the Base Side

- Added small Walls on the Way up the the Bridges on each Side for bit Cover

About these Changes, it gives the Infantrys more Cover and the Chance to reach the Upper Field and each Pathes. It can help if some of each Bases under heavy Siege to strike back or attack the Attackers from the Side/Back

- Added a "Secret" Place

So ye i think every Maps needs some "Secrets"! ;>

  • Totem Arts Staff

There is no release now, still working on it. The last 3 Days and maby also the next 2-3 Days I'm not able to working on it. Had to fight with disease what knock's me down :/

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