Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted April 9, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 9, 2015 (edited) 'sup Folks! Old Verions of the Map can be downloaded here: BETA 1.0 : BETA 1.1 : BETA 1.2 : BETA 1.3 : BETA 1.4 : ... m12R0RaY1k Update (03/31): So ye i fixed another bunch of Bugs who sneaked into the last Version of Eyes and changed some Stuff the improve the Gameplay on this Map. Fixes: - The "Iron Bush" near the Tiberium Cave Entrance on the Nod Side. - Bunch of flying Stuff who should not there! (Like the Bush inside the GDI PowerPlant) - Many of the Grasses/Bushes and replaced them more "realistic". - Nod Turrent now fully functional again! - GDI Front GuardTower and Covers are no longer flying around. - Removed some of the Details in the GDI Base to keep the Vision bit more clear for the important things. - GDI no longer able to hit the Nod Ref. from the Bridge - Tiberium Cave Inf. Path on the GDI Side Changes: - Added Covers on both Bridges and on the Fields - Both Inf Tunnels got totally new Style - Silo Area are still blocked for Air Units, Rocks gives Units there more Cover now. - Added a additional Crate on the Main Field - Re-Added PostProcessingChain Download-Link follow soon! Greez. DaKuja Edited March 31, 2016 by Guest Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted April 9, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted April 9, 2015 Screen Update! GDI Back Entrance from Base Side From Outside: From Top - inside in one of the Inf pathes: Inf Path GDI Entrance: Same path now in Base direction with direct view on the Base... watch out AGT! *Zzzrcheeew~ B00m!*: The Main Wall of the Base from Inside with some way to go for the defense: Some Tiberium Meteor who crashed into the Map!: And a big one who crashed also into the Map there is also the Midfield the Tiberium Field where the Harvs from both Bases gather the Tiberium: These Screens contain still the basic idea of the Map everything can be changed in future! Greez. DaKuja Quote
IllumZar Posted April 9, 2015 Posted April 9, 2015 Wow that looks great ! Detail is not as important as balance and gameplay. Can't wait to play all those custom maps Quote
Lt.Hargrove Posted April 9, 2015 Posted April 9, 2015 Could you post a top-down view of the entire map? Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted April 10, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted April 10, 2015 When i got finished the basics (Ways,Hills,Caves) and stuff i will do an Screen from the entire Map. Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted April 16, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted April 16, 2015 Here a far away Top-Down look from the Map: still the basic ideas simple Walls of Rocks, pre build of the Bases. i got some difficults with the Nod Base by planting the Buildings for a fair balance between both Sides, Infiltration and Rushes. First of all i try to replicate the Map, same ways on both sides each side got an Silo (maby and 3. in Midfield near the Teb-Field) The Tib-Field got some rework quite bigger for bigger Battles! All Ways/Pathes will cross the Midfield, here i try to make an Matchmaking where all Players involved into the Main Battles on this Map. Both Basewalls are the same, no Base got an advantage. Each Base got the same Number on Entrances (incl. Sneak Path) also no advantage for one of the Teams also i trying to make this Map fly comfortably maby or not i'm not sure Most of the Ways/Pathes are also comfortably for Tanks and Inf. less Sniper Masscre Baseraping (For an "great" Sniper/Inf Battle i will try to make an "Inf Only" Map, later!) i try to take care balance for both Teams, maby its impossible because GDI with here AGT got more advantage against Inf's/Sneaks as the Obilisk (see the Map "Under" or "Field") Both Teams should able to reach the same Buildings from the same entrances but there i got the Problems with the Nod Base with the Airstrip. I'm still trying my Best! Greez. DaKuja Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted April 17, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 17, 2015 With the shape of the map, we can call this map 'Eyes'. The shape almost resembles frowned glancing eyes Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 5, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 5, 2015 Small update: It takes now Hours to get real Progress... UDK dont like Lights, crashing after every second light build. But Step for Step i can finish the Map! - Adding more Rocks / Environment - Build Nod-Base and fixing Obi (OP) Range - Inf Pathes / Tunnels nearly finished - Midfield and Tib Field greater built (Adding Inf Pathes in the Tib-Cave) - Tib-Asteroid slightly smaller for greater Battlegrounds - 2 Silos on the Backside of each Base ( 3. maby on the Outside from the Tib-Cave) - Bases are for an non-flying Map now (Aircrafts disabled) - Adding already some Bot Note-Pathes for Testbattles - Harvs geather nearly at the same Time - Def Turrets now functioning - Both Base Defences now hit only with cross of the walls on the front side (Back Side both got way more Range / Hitting earlier - Build Lights in Tunnels and dark Places these are the lates Progresses on the Map, in the Next Hours of Crahes i adding more Bot-Pathes, hopefully fix some Shadow Bugs, editing Lights and adding Env-Details (Bushes, small Rocks and Stuff). New Screen will Follow very soon! Greez. DaKuja Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 6, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 6, 2015 Today i got an funny and great Idea "Ion storm" but i dosnt really know how i do this.. My idea was every 10 Mins. an Ion Storm breaks into the Battlefield an disabled few things like in the good old one "Tiberian Sun" where Orcas/Hover Mrls dosnt able to move or crashing to the Ground, Radar wont work, maby some Buildings too Now the Question is, how i do that? is it possible with an Kismet to creat such Events? Or over the Way from an Mutator? Back to Topic: I'm now adding the Sky with an beautiful Light, it will be an Daybreak Environment where the sun slowly rising up. The Map got i touch of orange from the Daybreak and its look not bad at the beginning. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 6, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 6, 2015 Ion storm? I think I may be able to work on it, and the lightnings too Quote
Ruud033 Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 You can steal my meteor sequence if you like.. make sure to check out mesa_II for the lightnings in the background.. as for lightning strikes in the map, you'd have to use the same particle emitter mesa_II does in the background, but only place it in the field this time.. You can take a look on how I damage and kill vehicles/people near the impact zone by looking at that kismet if you like. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 6, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 6, 2015 of course, if you want to make your own particle, you're welcome to try. I believe the beam emitter in cascade would do juat fine with distortion. Just look for Link Gun's beam material Or maybe you can try the volt-rifle's particle as well Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 7, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 7, 2015 Sounds good, but i think the Ion Storm will not be on this Map. i got already many issues with UDK, My old enemy Light For some Reason i cant add some Volumes like BlockingVolumes or TiberiumVolumes, after adding nothing happen, no Brush with the Volume spawns. Possible my PC Setup cant handle so much details (specifically Lights,Shadows) at the same Time. For now i try to finish the Map with not huge Numbers of optical Details. Some Lights, Bushes,Rocks and other Meshes should enough at first. I want to see how the Gameplay works, maby with some Players they got an better Eye for Gameplay as a bunch of Bots Also i need the Feedback, i got already an bad feeling about the map size and its up to the other Players to agree with that or other Problems about the Feeling to play this Map. So the first Beta Version will coming in the next Days. Greez. DaKuja Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 7, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 7, 2015 sounds quite severe trouble.... hmmm, just for double check, install the UE3Redist in your binaries folder About volume, it works similar with add/subtract thing. It depends on your builder brush Quote
Ruud033 Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 Yeah as soon as you get more stuff in the map it becomes more laggy.. If you rebuild lights once in a while it'll get better though. I went from 20 FPS to 60 again after rebuilding lights in the editor (changed a lot of stuff, didnt rebuild) Be sure to uncheck 'real time' next to the P Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 7, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 7, 2015 Eh, Ruud... maybe we should just ask you to build our maps. I mean you got 3 computers to render a level. How much does it take you to render Crash Site again? Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 7, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 7, 2015 THE Problem i got in the last Time is every time i have to hope that UDK dosnt crash in the time where he build the Lights. It crashes many many times Btw small Update : here the Screen from my last Session where did some changes - Much bigger Tib-Field/Cave - Adding an Inf Pathes on the Side for some Rushes(?) - Nod Base basic Greez. DaKuja Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 Map's looking great. One thing I'd like to suggest: please don't put any more than 1 silo on the map. The next patch is going to nerf silos to 1 credit per tick and adding more silos undoes some of the balance in my opinion. Quote
Ruud033 Posted May 8, 2015 Posted May 8, 2015 Eh, Ruud... maybe we should just ask you to build our maps. I mean you got 3 computers to render a level. How much does it take you to render Crash Site again? 5-10 minutes? Uploading takes longer lol.. 30 mins But if he wants me to build lights I'm ok with that, i'm always on and on their ts3. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 8, 2015 lucky... I spent 60 minutes... and that's without lightmass calculations. If I used it, would bw hours Quote
Henk Posted May 8, 2015 Posted May 8, 2015 I didn't know it was possible with multiple computers, how do you do that? It takes only 6 minutes to build lights on my laptop at the moment but still.. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 8, 2015 ... -machines/ So far I haven't managed to get them to work... will try later if I got the SDK on another computer Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 8, 2015 Ye.. maby i put only one Silo in the Midfield to concentrate the Battles, i thinking about reduce the Map Size maby its way to big and the Gameplay Split to far away. I will test the Map with the Orginal Size, maby the Players like it, if not i will reduce it - no Problem. Thank you very much Ruud, maby i come back to you soon. About the Time if it takes to build the Lights is about 6-7 Min. thats not rly the Problem, the real Shit UDK crashes nearly every time in this process and i dont know where the Problem is. I got only 5-6 Map Errors/Warnings about some Waypoints or Worldproperties, so nothing that should crashing UDK at the building Time. Greez. DaKuja Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 8, 2015 Your specs? Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 8, 2015 I think way to slow AMD Phenom II - 4x 3,4 4 GB DDR2 RAM ATI Radeon HD 5670 - 1GB DDR5 Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 8, 2015 huh, possible. I run RenX at fairly low settings, only crashes when I do landscape, or trying to copy too much kismet, or if it decides to lag indefinitely.... but never at lighting build Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 9, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 9, 2015 Phew Today i got an really got run! Here a small List about the latest Works on the Map: - Addin few Details : #Bridges got more Details and Small Covers an each Side # Adding also some Lights under the Brigdes for an better sight in the Shadow Coners of the Map # Adding Lights in both Inf-Tunnels # Many Bushes on the whole Map # An another Tib-Asteroid crashes into the Map on Nod Side # Nod Inf Tunnel got an really good Vision on the Tib-Asteroid from the DownSide where also the Tib slowly eaten into the Rocks and the Tunnels! # Adding a losed Battle from GDI on the Outside of the Map # Some small Rocks on the Ground on the whole Map # More Background and Barrier Rocks been added - Gameplay Edits: # The Map got now only 1 Silo in the Middle of the Map, outside of the Tib-Cave # The Old Silo Places got reworked! # The Map Size got bit reduce - Outside Ways nearly the Map Ends on both Sides got destroyed by an Landslide of Rocks and Sand # The Canyon nearly the GDI Base ( Ref Side) now lower in the High. (No Danger to get raped by Artys from this Side # Both Bases got now 3 Turrets on the Front side and on the Backside each 2. Let me explain the last Point : Both Base Defs. shoots from the Frontside very late on the Invaders because there BaseWalls blocked many Vision to this Side, but on the Backside they got an really soon Vision to the Enemy so its way harder to reach the Base alive. Sneaky Techis/Hottis or Sbhs get it also bit harder to get in but will be able to reach some Buildings of the Bases by still using covers! I will work still hard on this Map and maby Today i reach the Point of Progress where i can realese the first Beta Version. One "big" Problem still the Light and Shadows, currently the Shadows way to dark and it is impossible to see anything in the Shadows. Greez. DaKuja Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 9, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 9, 2015 # Many Bushes on the whole Map # An another Tib-Asteroid crashes into the Map on Nod Side # Nod Inf Tunnel got an really good Vision on the Tib-Asteroid from the DownSide where also the Tib slowly eaten into the Rocks and the Tunnels! # Adding a losed Battle from GDI on the Outside of the Map That's Ruud's ideas and mine! Anyway, nice to see another map getting ready Quote
Ruud033 Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 Allright then, I've just finished rendering lightmass on your map. Note: Please rename your package file called "rx_custom" to something else.. because I really think this is going to interfere with future packages. Now your map is 250 MB non-compressed. I think this is due to the shadows on your map. I don't really know if you've added something to the map that's got a shadow map resolution above 64 or so? Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 11, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 11, 2015 Thanks Ruud, i dont think so that i added something like Big with that resolution I'll check the Map again maby i find something like that, may i forgot the delete some Fail Meshes. Quote
Ruud033 Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 Thanks Ruud, i dont think so that i added something like Big with that resolution I'll check the Map again maby i find something like that, may i forgot the delete some Fail Meshes. It's not about big meshes.. Here's the setting to look for: LightmapResolution That's for the foliage. Now for static meshes, you can set them in that same window OR, override them here: The Lightmap resolution has nothing to do with size and scale of your mesh itself. Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 12, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 12, 2015 Holy moly! The masses on Shadows was the Problem, after Ruuds Post i reduce the most Meshes LightmapRes. and it works perfectly, no crashes at randering the Lights and Stuff. Thanks alot Ruud, my UDK Hero ;> After solving this huge Problem the Map is nearly finished for the Beta, I'll test the Map an bit to fix some heavy Bugs/Issues and then can the Beta finally start. Greez. DaKuja Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted May 12, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted May 12, 2015 Huh, thanks for the insight, Ruud. I know what it's for, but I'm just too lazy to play with it I heard from guys in Epic Games forum that lighting from trees and grass that has moving material (the swaying movements) should not use Precomputed Lighting. You can increase map build that way, or so they say anyway... anyway, looking forward to play the map (which happens to use my name suggestion. How come btw?) Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 12, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 12, 2015 You Idea about the Name which comes from the Map Shape is good and i dont got any other Name for it so you won. :> Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 Holy moly! The masses on Shadows was the Problem, after Ruuds Post i reduce the most Meshes LightmapRes. and it works perfectly, no crashes at randering the Lights and Stuff.Thanks alot Ruud, my UDK Hero ;> After solving this huge Problem the Map is nearly finished for the Beta, I'll test the Map an bit to fix some heavy Bugs/Issues and then can the Beta finally start. Greez. DaKuja I'm very much looking forward to the beta release of your map. When it's ready, post on this thread and I will be sure to add it to the official testing server. viewtopic.php?t=75116 Thanks for your hard work. Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 13, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 13, 2015 Still fixing visual and gameplay Bugs. - Adding BlockVolumes for Everthing (Invisible Mapwall) and Tanks. - Fixing flying angry Bushes, trying to land an Players Heads and garrot them! - Fixing some Landscape Bugs - Spikes,Holes and smoothing - Reworked the Base Walls on both Sides, reduce the Ways in the Middle (Catwalks) Adding also bugfree Visual Details: - Tiberium Crystals in the Cave Corner near Nod Base - Ammo Crates and other Crates in GDI Base - Some Tib Barrels near the Nod Ref (who gives a fuck about the Nature xP) - Also an "Secret Base" Entrance from the Brotherhood behind the Nod Base Also some new Screens to see the optical Progress! : Map Overview: Nod Secret Base: Small GDI Outpost: Reworked Wall: Reworked Bridges: Some other Tiberium in the Tiberium Cave - Corner: At this Time i'm not sure, if i make the Map more darker like at the beginnen in a kind of Daybreak or i keep the Map shiny what it is at the moment. This Map will be not perfect but i hope it makes fun to play it. :> Greez. DaKuja Quote
Ruud033 Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 Looking good! Keep up the good work! Have you thought about down scaling the map? Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 13, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 13, 2015 I think about it, it will take some Work because the scaling of the Map will do some problems on many Places (The Cave and also Inf Pathes will not useable anymore) if i use the Scaling way. A Scale the Map now for a bit, my RAM crys If i scale to much, many will be broken i think Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 21, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 21, 2015 First Beta Release! : viewtopic.php?f=135&t=75036 Come and get it! Hope for many Feedbacks! Greez. DaKuja Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 Mirror updated and server updated and currently running your map. Quote
suchconquer Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 As promised, here is a gallery containing the screenshots of bugs. Happy hunting! Quote
Alkaline! Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 Ok so I just played the beta Overall very good map, I think the size is perfect do not make it any smaller, however, I do belive you need to add flying units, it would make the map really fun and hopefully we can get the walls crowd to join in... So some fixes: There are texture issues, esp the brown rocks, the switch from light to brown but do this vanishing thing... also there are lines like corduroys pants texture, I saw it on the ob as well. In terms of design, something has to be done with the walls, I think the walls should be small similiar to how it is on white out, this will clear the path of the agt, RIGHT now you can out of the tib cave area about 1/3 before agt starts firing and even then only 1 of the guns is firing, in contrast the regular guard towers are much more aggressive. So my solution will open up the agt range and it will actually be able to hit tanks like artys lobbing shells over the wall to hit agt. Nod side seems fine, lowering the walls will increase ob's range and this should match the agt. which will be good. Other than that I"m really liking this map, for the beta it did not have a lot of glitches and collision issues so now all that needs to be done is to get a mass group of ppl to join and test in depth. Looking forward to beta 2. Quote
Xtractor Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 This is a perfect map in term of sizing and buildings set up .It's what I could expect coming from original old Westwood studio Nice set up ,nice size map ,nice paths , Not overcrowed of building ..the essentials ..That all Very Nice Job got my vote Quote
Heliumbunny Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 Excellent map from what I saw. I like the bases, I like the layout, and the accessibility of each side's base from the tunnels feels very balanced as far as techies/hotties/SBHs are concerned. My only real gripe would be the triple base defenses on the outsides of the main walls. I think the map would be better without them. You shouldn't have to fight through automated defenses to be able to launch an attack, especially if you have to contend with an advanced defense right behind the wall too. Quote
Alkaline! Posted May 22, 2015 Posted May 22, 2015 played again with hbunny and I will say again, need flying and also lower walls so that agt can hit ppl in the tib cave like ob can Quote
Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted May 22, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted May 22, 2015 I already fixed most of the Bugs from your Feedbacks, this was an great Help to find these nasty Bugs *crush them under his Foot* Now I'm currently reworking the Basewalls. - Fixed another flying Bushes and Tib Crystals - Fixed Landscape near GDI Bunker in the Cave - Fixed Tiberium Area, now Infantry will get hurt on the whole Tiberium Field - Fixed strang missing Collision from the Tiberium Asteroid - Fixed Winds in the Rocks near GDi Bridge - Fixed wierd Collision on the GDI Bridge - Fixed Sands in Nod Tiberium Ref. - Fixed Crates on the Inf Pathes, they will dont spawn Tanks anymore - Crate Sizes litte bit increased - AGT replaced on higher Position to get more Range and to by way more Aggressiv to the Attackers - Both Walls will reduced hin there Heigh, also i give both of them an unique Style and hope you will like it more then the Old ones. - Also i delete from each Main Entrance 1 Turret now where Obi and AGT should hit earlier. Also i try to make this Map flyable, for more Options to manage an Attack from both Teams. I'll upload Beta 1.1 in follow of the Day after finishing the Tests Greez. DaKuja Quote
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