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Hello and welcome! WARNING: tl;dr ahead.

Renegade X is very different to any other FPS, and can be quite confusing for those that are new or have never played. The purpose of this guide is to explain the game itself aswell as some basic strategies and tips.

The game

The primary focus of RenX is a mode called Command & Conquer. In this game type, two teams named GDI and NOD face off against one another on the field of battle. Each team has a base consisting of structures and, on certain maps, automated base defenses. The objective is to destroy the enemy base. Simple in concept but very hard to execute. There are many ways to accomplish this: C4, tank shells, ion/nuclear beacons and more, with each method having it's merits and uses on different maps or different timings.

The key point of C&C is the acquisition and application of resources. One receives money over time, by dealing damage or when one's team's harvester returns to the refinery. Resources are used to buy different weapons, vehicles, characters and equipment. To put it simply, the team that gathers the most resources wins. Why? Because the team with the most resources can spend the most resources! More tanks + better characters = victory. THIS is the core concept of RenX.

Units available to all

Riflemen - Free

The most basic of infantry, armed with a rapid fire assault rifle and with low health/armour. One spawns as this guy, and early game he represents a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. The rifle can deal good damage from short to medium range, with headshots dealing a lot of damage at a rapid pace. Use this character to establish early game dominance of the map.

Marksmen - Free

Armed with a semi-automatic scoped rifle, this character functions as an early game support. Picking off basic infantry at medium to long range is this guy's bread and butter. As your team advances up the map in the early game, hang back and aid the early firefights. Can also deal mediocre damage to low health vehicles.

Shotgunner - Free

As the name implies, this guy carries a shotgun. Very good in closed spaces such as the tunnels in Field, this is one of the basic characters that doesn't fall-off in the later stages of the game. Capable of unparallelled damage at point-blank this guy is awful when exposed out in the open.

Engineer - Free

The linch pin of the team, the engineer has the ability to repair structures, infantry and vehicles; capture neutral structures and damage enemy vehicles and structures with his ample C4. This dude is super useful throughout the game and every team needs them in spades.

Officer - 175

Rarely seen on the battlefield, the minigun wielding officer adds some punch to the early game engagements. The minigun has really high DPS and kills infantry rather quickly, but his low health means he is rather bad when the tanks start rolling.

Rocket Officer - 225

BOOM! With a shoulder launched rocket launcher with a lock-on function, the Rocket Officer lends some serious ant-vehicle firepower to your team. Though slow to reload, the weapon is fantastic throughout the game. Whether you're fighting aircraft, infantry or tanks the Rocket Officer is a worthy pick-up.

Hotwire/Technician - 350

An upgraded engineer capable of repair at twice the speed, these characters are an absolute requirement for your team for one reason: mines. Available to buy right off the bat, when the game starts you MUST have a few of these laying mines at key points to prevent early rushes. Useful throughout the game I highly suggest one gets good as this character.

Deadeye/Black Hand Sniper - 500

This character has a very high skillcap. Sniper shots are hard to land as headshots are insta-kills on all infantry but are very satisfying with sufficient practice. Coupled with insane range and an instant travel projectile, these make for deady anti-infantry characters in the right hands.

Havoc/Sakura - 1000

Snipers on steroids. Not only has Sakura got a fantastic arse, her and Havoc are death to infantry. Their weapon is one-shot kill on basic infantry regardless of where one hits. Capable of destroying light vehicles and aircraft aswell, the main drawback is that the use of the ramjet reveals one's location. See a blue line flying through the air? Take cover, fool. CAUTION: Using these when the enemy barracks/hand of nod is destroy will result in supreme rage and is considered bad form. Don't be a dick.

Sydney/Raveshaw - 1000

Carrying the highest damage weapon in the game, the Personal Iron Cannon/Rail Gun will make short work of infantry and tanks alike. Long reload times and the time between shots balances the weapon, but the character devastates everything in the late game regardless.

Mobius/Mendoza - 1000

ZZZAP! Like shooting lightning? You'll like these guys. With the highest dps in the game, these dudes are well worth the cost. Though short range and ammo guzzling, the Volt Auto Rifle will melt men and tanks alike. Best use in defence of one's base


The biggest appeal of RenX is the asymmetrical nature of it. The teams are not equal, with each having advantages and disadvantages. GDI has strong but slow vehicles and powerful AOE characters (I'm looking at you, MacFarlan) but lacks mobility and sneaky tricks.

Grenadier - Free

Limited by range and with a weapon that is hard to utilize correctly, the Grenadier is nonetheless a bargain at the price of zero. Light vehicles and infantry alike will fall before you as you blast them to hell and back. Tunnels and defending the base are where the Grenadier functions best.

MacFarlan - 150

The most broken piece of shit in the whole damn game, this guy is a monster! The best value of all characters in the game at 150, buy this character and wreck face in maps with tunnels like Islands or Field. Capable of destroying even Hero Class characters in a few salvos, his hyper-mega-skullfucking-grenade-launcher-of-death-and-doom-3000 is so good in confined areas it isn't even funny.

Gunner - 400

See an enemy tank? Not anymore! Gunner carries a semi-automatic rocket launcher that will reduce enemy armour to scrap and deal hefty damage to enemy buildings. Infantry will also fear the man with the missles, but when playing this character one's primary focus should be dealing with heavy stuff. Really good investment as he will make his cost back at a quick pace.

Patch - 450

Highly underutilized, Patch is an infantry killing machine. His super assault rifle will render an enemy to a pile of flesh in moments. He's a very one-dimensional character, however, and is very vulnerable in the open so use with caution.


Humvee - 350

Fast, cheap and armed with a rapid fire machine gun this vehicle is good for getting from A to B in a rapid fashion. Best used early on as it is vulnerable to mid-late game damage sources like tanks. Best used on small maps early on such as Walls to establish map dominance and score some early points. Momentum momentum momentum.

MRLS - 450

Though designed to destroy bases, this is actually the bane of all aircraft. With a lock-on function of a big clip of missles, unleashing a full salvo will annihilate an aircraft if they hit. Useful for besieging a base, locking enemies in their bases and destroying defences to allow the heavy armour to roll on through.

APC - 500

Heavily armoured infantry delivery system. Not used much in RenX, but back in Classic Ren these things would constantly zoom across the battlefield to deliver C4 to base defences. Strategy will be detailed below.

Medium Tank - 800

A mainstay in all GDI forces. This beast is slow and heavy but capable of massive damage. Med Tank rushes will flatten all opposition and are regularly the finishing blow in a GDI victory. Every attack should have a few of these in as they, at least in GDI, balance speed with power.

Mammoth Tank - 1500

And you thought the Med Tank was big and heavy? Say hello to the big daddy of ground based warfare. Slow, lumbering and deadly. Missles will deal with puny infantry and annoying aircraft whilst main cannons will flatten those that dare stand against you. 15 minute after purchase, when you finally make it to the enemy base, they will know the meaning of fear.

Orca - 900

Great design, awful in every other respect. Speed and maneuverability are the name of the game here, but poor damage output leave these on the sideline. HOWEVER, the passenger position fires a rocket that deals a whopping 10% damage to buildings. Marvelous. Strategy will be outlined in another section

Transport Helicopter - 700

The APC of the skies. Dropping engineers in your base and bypassing your defences since 2002. Load up, drop off, rinse, lather, repeat until the enemy base is gone.

Next Level Strats

APC rush

Investment - 1500+ depending on the infantry within.

Execution - Get your team to buy three. Load them up with Hotties/Engis with maybe a beacon. Charge at the enemy base. Their armour is high enough to take at least 2 hits from the Obelisk so the infantry WILL make it in. Target the defences first! Drop as much C4 as possible and watch the fireworks.

Timing - Best used after repelling a rush. The enemy will be low on credits and vehicles. This will help ensure the APC's make it.

Med Rush

Investment - 4800+ depending on the number of Meds. 6 is minimum, however.

Execution - Drive forwards. Shoot stuff. This is the bread and butter of GDI strategy. With better tanks than NOD, 6 Meds will easily make it to the enemy base and begin the siege. Ensure the team knows what's going on so they can add Hottie an MRLS support.

Timing - ASAP. Seriously. The sooner your team can acquire a mass of Meds the better.

Mammy Rush

Investment - 7500

Execution. 5 Mammoths. This will make NOD shit it's collective underpants. NOD CANNOT deal with this much armour at once fast enough to prevent absurd base damage. Add more mammoths to taste.

Timings - This is a late game strat, best used after a failed NOD push or when the Med rush is over. Best used on maps with no defences or when NOD's defences are destroyed.

Flight of the Valkyries.

Investment - 5400 minimum depending on the infantry within.

Execution. 6 Orcas loaded up to the max. As previously stated, Orca passenger missles do HUGE damage to structures. With this amount, followng 2 salvos from each Orca, any building will be dead regardless of how much the enemy tries to repair.

Timings - Useful at all times, but it is best used whilst getting rushed. What? Abandon the base while under heavy fire? Yes. Most of the enemy will be too busy throwing themselves against your base defences to repair their base in time. You will flatten them completely when done correctly. Just make sure to leave enough Hotties behind to repair your base and hold off the rush long enough. This is high risk and high reward.


Fast and sneaky, NOD are a force to be reckoned with. Armed with the best infantry and glass-cannon vehicles, you'll need to watch your backs, your flanks and your entire base.

Flamethrower - Free

Short range but high damage, in tunnels these guys rule. But the selling point of these guys is their ability to resist explosive damage. These guys are better at jumping on mines than even the Russian gulags and can take a rocket to the face and walk it off.

Chem trooper - 150

Spraying green death, these guys are flamethrowers on steroids. Their close range damage is huge and can even damage vehicles. They have inherited the explosive resistances of Flamerthrowers aswell, a great investment on certain maps throughout the game.

Laser Chaingunner - 450

The best gun in the game. By far. And yet, this guy is a rarity. The only weapon with higher DPS is the Volt Auto Rifle carried by Mobius/Mendoza except the Laser Chaingun has a longer range. This gun brings the pain and deals serious damage to everything. The only reason this guy is so rare is because the Stealth Black Hand is 50 cheaper, I guess.

Stealth Black Hand - 400

When you hear cries of NOD CHEESE or OMG NOD INSTANT WIN THIS MAP this guy is why. Annoying and deadly and most importantly he's invisible. Yes. Invisible. With a great gun, too. His uses are endless; rush with a nuclear beacon, steal enemy vehicles, wipe out enemy infantry. This guy is the bee's knees and possibly the only reason NOD, as a team, are viable.


Buggy - 300

Similar in use to the Humvee, the buggy is best bought early to gain map control. Once the tanks hit the field, this thing is nearly useless, however.

APC - 500

Once a NOD mainstay, this thing sees little use in RenX. Used to deliver Engineers to the enemy base, a group of these could ensure destruction. A useful tip: add one or two SBH's in with any infantry you wanna take to the enemy. In the ensuing chaos, the SBH's can escape into the base and cause their usual havoc.

Light Tank - 600

Glass cannon supreme. Super fast and hard hitting, this is NOD's mainline battle vehicle. Zip around the map killing man and machine alike, but watch out as these are no match for Meds or Mammy's. Ensure that you outumber the enemy in these for maximum effect.

Mobile Artillery - 450

The sole reason base-to-base fire is illegal, these things rule. Their range is unparralled and their splash damage is murder to infantry. Destroying bases has never been so much fun. The main drawback to these is their health and their lack of close range defence. When in use, ensure that these are never left alone in the open or they may aswell be dead already.

Flame Tank - 800

The best vehicle NOD has to offer. By far. Dealing high damage at short range, these are NOD's best defence against Mammoths and their best offensive tool against bases. A group of these can burn down an unprepared base in moments. A very good buy but watch out for MRLS' as they will kill a Flame Tank before it can get in range.

Stealth tank - 900

Surprise! As invisible as an SBH but with more firepower. Not much is as scary as a group of Stealth Tanks firing in unison at an unsuspecting enemy. Weak but mobile, these are incredible anti-infantry and anti-tank units.

Apache - 900

NOD's tanks are weak, but their air is superior. The Apache is NOD's best solution when a Med rush is incoming. The damage these things can deal to infantry and tanks is unmatched in NOD's arsenal. Fast, mobile and very hard to hit with even lock-on weapons. I think I'm in love.

Transport Helicopter - 700

Also known as SBH Delivery System MK II, they cannot take much punishment but provide a reliable way to deliver nuclear beacons.

Next Level Strats

The SBH rush

Investment - 4000+ for 5 SBH with 2 nukes, adjust as needed but 2 nukes are a minimum! Delivery system optional

Execution - This is NOD strategy 101. A game without this being used is hardly a game at all. The beauty of this strategy is the surprise factor. Nothing panics a team more than 2 nuke beacons being placed without any warning.

Timings - Do this all the time. As soon as your teammates have enough cash, suggest this. Again. And again. And again.

Flame rush

Investment - 6400

Execution - The best way to break a base, 8 flame tanks. Yes. 8. GDI has very little answer to this when timed correctly. Drive forward and don't stop burning. Keep moving. Aim for the defences first, then the Weapons Factory.

Timings - Best used as a counter push. Under siege from Meds? Break their lines with a Flame Rush and keep going until their base is no more. GDI will scramble to defend, but with their credits being blown on a failed rush, you will at least destroy something of value.

Surprise Stanks in yo base

Investment - 4500+

Execution - 5 Stanks appearing in their base will be a nightmare or GDI. Though their damage isn't outstanding, the sheer panic this causes is damage in itself. As they deal with sudden tanks in their base, follow up with something else such as an artillery bombardment or a few nukes courtesy of the SBH.

General Tips

I joined a game half way through :(

Then you'll be at a resource disadvantage, but don't worry! Resources in the bank are going to waste, ask your team to donate some to you. Afterall, this game is all about USING resources and not just gathering them. Another tip is be an engineer. They're free and collect a huge amount of credits by repairing your teammates. Useful and effective.

Enemy destroyed our Weapon's Factory/Airfield :(

All is not lost. As NOD, the best recovery mechanism is an SBH rush. Even the playing field by nuking them. As GDI, MacFarlan and Grenadiers deal good anti-vech damage for cheaps so you can hold out against the tanks.

Someone is using Havoc/Sakura when we don't have a Barracks/HoN :(

You have my permission to flame them.

That's all from me, feel free to add to the guide in any way you see fit, in the OP or in the responses.

CAUTION: Using these when the enemy barracks/hand of nod is destroy will result in supreme rage and is considered bad form. Don't be a dick.

Read: Everyone who immediately buys a havoc/sak as soon as the enemy hon/bar dies is a trash player.

CAUTION: Using these when the enemy barracks/hand of nod is destroy will result in supreme rage and is considered bad form. Don't be a dick.

Read: Everyone who immediately buys a havoc/sak as soon as the enemy hon/bar dies is a trash player.

Not necessarily trash players, just dicks.

CAUTION: Using these when the enemy barracks/hand of nod is destroy will result in supreme rage and is considered bad form. Don't be a dick.

Read: Everyone who immediately buys a havoc/sak as soon as the enemy hon/bar dies is a trash player.

Not necessarily trash players, just dicks.

Then I'm a dick ...

To speed up the victory, a few havocs/saks are needed to repel those sprinting/rushing engineers trying to demolish a building as a retaliation.

Furthermore, havocs/saks keep tabs on those infantry that rush between buildings to repair them when the assault continues. Destroying them, speeds up the victory... It's not about being a dick, it's about being tactically superior

  • Totem Arts Staff
Patch - 450

Highly underutilized, Patch is an infantry killing machine. His super assault rifle will render an enemy to a pile of flesh in moments. He's a very one-dimensional character, however, and is very vulnerable in the open so use with caution.

....I wouldn't call a character that can out out damage Gunner vs. vehicles, kill multiple infantry in a single clip, and do decent damage to a building's MCT alone a one-dimensional. Under-utilised, yes, but that's about it.

Also, McFarland isn't even close to being 'broken' anymore...the hell game are you playing?

Also, I'm 90% sure that the explosive resistances of the Flamethrower and Chem Trooper didn't make it over to RenX unless they snuck them in at some point.

Someone is using Havoc/Sakura when we don't have a Barracks/HoN

Spam a Marksman maybe? Marksman doesn't even need to aim that well...just spray in most Sak's general direction and they'll either move or retreat. Just don't be the dumbass that tries to head-up fight a Sakura with the Marksman then complain they're OP.



  • Totem Arts Staff
MacFarlan - 150

The most broken piece of shit in the whole damn game, this guy is a monster! The best value of all characters in the game at 150, buy this character and wreck face in maps with tunnels like Islands or Field. Capable of destroying even Hero Class characters in a few salvos, his hyper-mega-skullfucking-grenade-launcher-of-death-and-doom-3000 is so good in confined areas it isn't even funny.

Yeah, he's broken. At some random points, his flak cannon will kill himself instead of the enemy. Happens a lot when you're not careful

Patch - 450

Highly underutilized, Patch is an infantry killing machine. His super assault rifle will render an enemy to a pile of flesh in moments. He's a very one-dimensional character, however, and is very vulnerable in the open so use with caution.

Just infantry? Hell, I destroyed Flames and Ltank with Patch, easier than when I use Gunner or Rocket Soldier. Note that he's using Tac Rifle and not Tib Flechette

  • 1 month later...

I agree with Truxa on this one.

Havoc/Sakura can annihalate the enemy free infantry in the right hands.

Free infantry units rushing in haste from building to building to repair can be taken down easily.

This can greatly contribute to your tanks taking down the base.

Engineer support of tanks can be taken down in the same manner ensuring field dominance.

Also sniper support on flying maps will make sure an ion/nuke on top of a building will not be disarmed.

Personally I believe that when your team has destroyed Bar/Hon, you're reward is to kick ass with your Ramjet. Experienced players can take down Sakura/Havoc with free infantry. This happens all the time since snipers don't take the time to check their immediate surroundings.

Personally I believe that when your team has destroyed Bar/Hon, you're reward is to kick ass with your Ramjet.

Ehhh.... you can snipe to actively break through certain defences, forcing themself into a dangerous environment to maximise their chances. But calling basecamping on both/either side of the map productive and respectible at the same time is just so far off. You are going to get massive hate, and for good reason. There are games where less experienced players learn the best by playing with or without good players, but we're talking sniping here and that statement just isn't entirely correct here.

Experienced players can take down Sakura/Havoc with free infantry.

Experienced players can take out Sakura's/Havoc's without too much of a hassle indeed, but try taking out snipers in a tunnel while douchebag technicians/hotwires mine the crap out of your side of the tunnel. This is just happening too often here. And if snipers are in the field instead of the tunnel, guess what, you're not gonna get in an effective range and not get shot by enemy vehicles at the same time.

Snipers don't take the time to check their immediate surroundings.

Well yeah, but an un-skilled sniper is not an annoying sniper. instead, he can earn you some good money.

The really good snipers are good because they know where to position themselves and when(!). The good snipers are the ones that feel like they're friggen everywhere and walk twice as fast just to get a shot on you on the most unlikely places. No they don't, they killed a free character and know he's gonna come back, possibly in the form of an ambush.

Patch - 450

Highly underutilized, Patch is an infantry killing machine. His super assault rifle will render an enemy to a pile of flesh in moments. He's a very one-dimensional character, however, and is very vulnerable in the open so use with caution.

....I wouldn't call a character that can out out damage Gunner vs. vehicles, kill multiple infantry in a single clip, and do decent damage to a building's MCT alone a one-dimensional. Under-utilised, yes, but that's about it.

Also, McFarland isn't even close to being 'broken' anymore...the hell game are you playing?

Also, I'm 90% sure that the explosive resistances of the Flamethrower and Chem Trooper didn't make it over to RenX unless they snuck them in at some point.

Someone is using Havoc/Sakura when we don't have a Barracks/HoN

Spam a Marksman maybe? Marksman doesn't even need to aim that well...just spray in most Sak's general direction and they'll either move or retreat. Just don't be the dumbass that tries to head-up fight a Sakura with the Marksman then complain they're OP.



I think the direct taken damage from flame/chem is still standard (C4 attached directly to them, direct hits from rockets) But AoE damage is reduced I'm sure.

Soon as i seen this topic, i auto-assumed someone bashing then i read it closely lol.. i agree with truxa though, he is a dick =D

Thanks! While having a dick and being a dick, enables me to screw you over twice, or twice as fast. Take your pick ;)

Soon as i seen this topic, i auto-assumed someone bashing then i read it closely lol.. i agree with truxa though, he is a dick =D

Thanks! While having a dick and being a dick, enables me to screw you over twice, or twice as fast. Take your pick ;)

Played that comeback very well, hat off to you lol

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