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On public servers players dont know each other and must first speack about the tactic in the first minutes of a running game. But then something happend what is very frustrating :mad: :

Only two players of the opponent team know each other and do in every game the same tactic; one of the players donate his credits to his mate, so he can buy a buggy or humve. With this vehicle they rush in the first minutes of the game into the enemy base and destroy one building. So the game has just started, but one team is already losing.

In me oppinion is the only way to stop this to lock the donation for the first 3 minutes of the game.

How i written, this is only a problem on puplick servers. So this lock function for the donation should only enabled on public servers.


I see where you are coming from. I too have experienced the misfortune of being on an uncoordinated team as opposed to one that does an instant APC rush. I do not think that we should simply disable donate function for first 3 minutes of the game, however.

If communication was more intuitive in-game, teammates could easily organize things without knowing each other. I believe a big addition everyone is waiting for is in game voice communication. Its teamspeak until then.

Yeah. Definatly. We are highly considering this.

It should be a server option by default on.

Just because it is too powerful a form of teamwork rush, to be countered by anything more than a specifically defensive strategy in the very first minute countering exactly this with an equal amount of teamwork.

Clanwars might still like early donations.

Yeah. Definatly. We are highly considering this.

It should be a server option by default on.

Clanwars might still like early donations.

This is what i mean :) . In clan wars donation in the first minute of a game is a fine thing.

So this limitation of donation should only a option for public servers.


Yeah this should be a serverside setting.

If communication was more intuitive in-game, teammates could easily organize things without knowing each other. I believe a big addition everyone is waiting for is in game voice communication. Its teamspeak until then.

UDK kinda supports voice but only when integrated into a service like Steam. So the voice in the game is designed to work atleast partly through Steam. So this comes down to us beeing able to get on Steam. And still as long as we dont have a word on that from EA there will be no Steam and aslong as there is no Steam there will also be no voice chat unfortunatly.


There's more that this needs.

THe problem in most games is at the start, one player gets more players ready to play than not.

As a server setting again, there should be an option to wait a little bit before start-up. Players would be in the game, but unable to move, but able to chat, talk with their teammates, but more importantly, wait for players to load the game.

Its absolutely ridiculous how fast I load yet I often have literally 6 players in the same building as I just standing around, because they're not actually ready to play.

Even just 30 seconds of readying would go a long way to make the beginning of the game less about which team loads the game the fastest.

This, -and- the fix in this topic, would both go a long way to improve the early game or rather, not make it snowball so often and so easily.


Yeah i like this idea a lot. Maybe like a "warmup" time like some other games do: You can start running arround, do chat etc but then after 30 secs everything resets and the real game begins.

Yeah i like this idea a lot. Maybe like a "warmup" time like some other games do: You can start running arround, do chat etc but then after 30 secs everything resets and the real game begins.

Maybe just disable the building doors being able to open for the limited grace period?

There's more that this needs.

THe problem in most games is at the start, one player gets more players ready to play than not.

As a server setting again, there should be an option to wait a little bit before start-up. Players would be in the game, but unable to move, but able to chat, talk with their teammates, but more importantly, wait for players to load the game.

Its absolutely ridiculous how fast I load yet I often have literally 6 players in the same building as I just standing around, because they're not actually ready to play.

Even just 30 seconds of readying would go a long way to make the beginning of the game less about which team loads the game the fastest.

This, -and- the fix in this topic, would both go a long way to improve the early game or rather, not make it snowball so often and so easily.

Ohh hell yeah I like this a lot!

More often than not I'm in the game as the first 10 people after a round ends. Seeing the playerlist I'm thinking, did everyone leave or something?! But no, every second or 2, they join.

So I recommend that the startup period before the round actually begins, should be 1 minute. Donation lock followed up by 3 minutes AFTER the round starts (no donations in the 1st minute either)

This forces people to pick up a free class, do some early damage and earn some credits along te way. The results would be ofcourse, everyone is able to buy humvees/buggies pretty early. But this also gives time for those designated defenders to boost up the key access points for those rushes that do get through.

People complain mainly about 2 things:

1. Improper mining or overmining or disregarding mining by using too many remote C4's (=teamhampering imo)


2. Early rushes

Both are hard to defend against as you won't be able to 'know' where the rush is heading and the mines are removed by that single jackass using remotes.

Suggestion for remotes:

as AT mines are limited to 2 per player, why not limit remote C4's to 2 (or 4/6/8) per person as well while not counting them towards the mine limit.

To refill, put them into the weapon slot like EMP/AT/Carbine/etc is at as well, but for 0 credits to 'buy' them (tech/hot/engy only)

That defender is able to put some remotes in the main access way to try to counter that early rush, without destroying the mining.

  • Totem Arts Staff
I see where you are coming from. I too have experienced the misfortune of being on an uncoordinated team as opposed to one that does an instant APC rush. I do not think that we should simply disable donate function for first 3 minutes of the game, however.

If communication was more intuitive in-game, teammates could easily organize things without knowing each other. I believe a big addition everyone is waiting for is in game voice communication. Its teamspeak until then.

That's exactly what happened to me today in X-mountain. Nod APC rolls past me filled with 4 players. I tried warning my team about it... but I was surprised they weren't stopped at all, even more surprising when they reached our PP which were in the deepest layer of the base according to its' route

Even more surprising yet, it happened again in the same game to our refinery... or was it barracks?

Off-topic : I believe a feature like a battle plan menu where people can share tactics by marking things and drawing lines would be nice... like the one in Empire Earth II

Yeah i like this idea a lot. Maybe like a "warmup" time like some other games do: You can start running arround, do chat etc but then after 30 secs everything resets and the real game begins.

You know, I am not much to complain, but my system does this. I didn't complain because it feels legacy. By time I get this sweet computer to play legacy renegade at full graphics without delay, I upgrade to X and have to wait 45 seconds to enter game and notice harvesters are already returning :3 I think, yep, definitely renegade.

Would be nice to start with everyone else though...

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