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Personally, I'd love to see something more dared. All of Renegades maps are still relatively small maps with certain pathways to different locations.

How about trying something more like the guys over at A Path Beyond made? More openstyled and more C&C-RTS-like?

Personally, I'd love to see something more dared. All of Renegades maps are still relatively small maps with certain pathways to different locations.

How about trying something more like the guys over at A Path Beyond made? More openstyled and more C&C-RTS-like?

Like X Mountain?

In all fairness, I agree. That is what I would pitch for Kenz to work on next as well.

I recommended popular custom maps from C&C Renegade already. I liked the one, that had an open field, and 2 openings to each base and 2 base defences.

THAT feels very C&C universe. Having multiple defense structures on different openings, and a large field between. For FPS sake, put a cave straight through the mountain center into each base, and even place the opening in a blind spot between the two base defences leading into the base, so infantry is relevant and infiltrateable. EDIT: eh, I am not making a pic of this.


Not at all like XMountain. More like Keep of the Grass and Bunkers as the only two mapnames I currently remember.

Or how about something objective based, such as the APB map where the Allies has to defend the Radar Dome for a couple of minutes before reinforcements arrive? Doesnt need to be (And shouldnt be) a clone of any of those maps, but ideas can be used.


Eh, not big on objective.

Keep off the grass, and A Path Beyond (the name of the map), are good examples of double-defense maps. Then again, the ROF/DMG of a tesla coil or turret is manageable even as infantry.

Still, a double defense map that is open field and corner-spawn rts-game style, would be neat.

  • Totem Arts Staff

some good sugestions there but im going to have to pass on alot of them :P if i remeber APB had a lot of BIG maps and the duel defence maps are just mahhh its hard enough to take out one AGT / ob but 2 well it will make long stale mates even longer and more boring

i like the idea or an open map with some nice high inf paths and this sort of map will handle air units very well imo i must have air units :D

i may just make this map on the fly with no planning ... dont know what sot of theme to go with tho that i will have to plan in advance (im not going to be making a butt tone of assets tho like i have with other maps)


Only maps with no choke points had multiple tesla coils. No one should ever try to apply renalert balance to renegade, we made it different for a reason

The only thing you might want to look at is how Ack varied the gameplay across different map designs, and didn't try to force every feature in the game into every map (ie how lakeside is a terrible map for helis)

  • 2 weeks later...

Yea give us just one big open map and if it doesn't work out then you can just remove it. Just half-ass the map don't spend time making it pretty. Call it a test and people will understand.

  • Totem Arts Staff

well im still here and still making maps (sort of) thought i would bump this old thread with one last making of canyon vid before the fly though, well this vid is all about the fly through should of called it making of the canyon fly though lol

but any way enough of that (like you ever read that stuff :P "clicky the blue text scan the other words")

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