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There is a problem with the nod black hand stealth trooper:

He had a big ammo pool in renegade 1 and i used him as a distraction

(sneaking behind my teams frontal attack and using my laser gun on

a building control terminal)

He made more damage for a larger amount of time thus making the enemies react

to it and sending someone to kill me / watch what did the damage

(so that they had to split their troops instead of defending the front


It worked great in past renegade but his new weapon doesnt have the ammo,

firerate or the sustained building damage to do this again!

I really love the artwork/reload of the new gun and i seriously

dont want to change it at all but his ammo efficiency needs to be

a lot higher to compensate the lower building damage and burst shots

he would need to feel like in the original again

Mostly hes like that single guy trying to do something else to distract the enemies (i think thats what

a stealth trooper is for at all)

P.S. i see all the work on the "new gun" he has and i really dont want to make more fuss about because the

new model had obviously made a lot of work so im more counting on a max ammo buff or similar to make him

"a distraction" again


One of the SBH tactics is the following:

Infiltration as a team.

What they do is, 4 SBHs enter, lets say, Refinery, puts 4 timed C4 on the MCT and run to, lets say, the powerplant. When they enter the powerplant, they start firing at the MCT ALL 4 of them. Most of the time, GDI reacts to the firing and runs towards the powerplant to kill off the SBHs losing the refinery in the end.

The amount of damage the SBHs do is enormous. I believe that 4 SBHs will kill a building through firing on the MCT, if GDI does not try to kill them. I'd say this is powerful enough, especially on maps like Walls: Flying where base defenses are limitted to mines.

I agree though, SBH laser needs a bit of a damage boost and magazine boost, but not for the reasons you mentioned.

SBHs went from a 100-round-mag single fire to a 25?/30?-round-mag burst fire mode. The overall damage you do on an enemy soldier is decreased compared to the original renegade due to this 'nerf' (if you can call it a nerf) because the recoil make you miss the 2nd/3rd bullet per burst. It also it a lot harder to consistently hit headshots with the SBH.

A lonely SBH in GDI base should be ineffective, which is great. A team of SBHs on the other hand, should be able to deal significant damage.

My best strategy so far: 5 SBH infiltration, 1 SBH holding a nuke, placing it at the WF, while the 4 other SBHs do the ref/pp thing ensuring atleast 1 building goes down.


Thats actually the point

I dont want to sacrifice a whole team of 5-8 people i want to make a distraction on my own

(thats what a stealth operator behind the lines usually does!)

I love the way of renegade X to give me at least an airstike ability which can be placed extremely useful while

most of the enemies are focusing on the "Frontline Battles"

Im just a bit thinking about my nostalgic memories where i was extremely lucky , sneaking behind the big war and leveld a power plant just because no one thought one guy was a big enough threat to concentrate on at the time and it helped my team greatly because the defence Buildings where still up!

I would just LOVE to make this move again but sadly the stealth trooper is missing his "tool" aka the old laser rifle to do the job correctly

  • 6 years later...
On 9/7/2014 at 1:28 AM, Truxa said:

SBHs went from a 100-round-mag single fire to a 25?/30?-round-mag burst fire mode. The overall damage you do on an enemy soldier is decreased compared to the original renegade due to this 'nerf' (if you can call it a nerf) because the recoil make you miss the 2nd/3rd bullet per burst. It also it a lot harder to consistently hit headshots with the SBH.

I agree that the ammo clip is too low for SBH.  These factors are too negative:

  1. If a SBH has to decloak to fire, in a field with 6 enemies - then that is a suicide mission. Make it worth it, but it's not since he can't fire enough to kill at least 2 enemies.
  2. Ammo clip is too low. Basic Inf can kill me because I have to reload before finishing a kill.
  3. Recoil makes many bullets miss - headshot less possible - which is why clip needs to be bigger
  4. Damage was nerfed + Inf armor increased + clip decreased = multiple nerfs
  5. My ping is 190 so the recoil nerf + high ping makes headshots almost impossible.

With all these nerfs Im not a good player anymore. The armor increase and damage nerf is collateral damage to high ping. Because it makes battles longer - thus my skill is worthless vs someone with better ping - theyll kill me first in the longer battles (if im aiming at the head on my PC - the Net doesnt think so - while they get more Net accurate shots in).

High ping is a serious issue that should be considered against nerfs because: there is low server population. Thus Im forced to play on UK servers at night (only one populated while US is asleep) = higher ping = self nerf + all the added nerfs.

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