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Ok so first I want to say Great Job! on Ren X it is coming alone very nicely! But the one thing I notice missing is the free aim [v] [you know when you are looking straight ahead but your cursor/reticle is able to move around] from original Ren. Mabye I am missing it and there is a way to free aim but if not please add in the next beta! This is how I played Ren and it just seems strange not to be able to snipe/shoot without free aim.

Other than that great game and it runs flawlessly on ultra high settings at 60+ fps on my 2014 razer blade 14.

Thank you developers and keep doing what your doing!



whats so good or bad about free aim? It allowes for people to keep the camera still while still aiming at a person. All I think about this is he has a narrow field of vision or doesnt know about his surroundings when using the free aim option.

Does it make it easier to aim or something?

I get that when you look down the scope to someone who apparently is not aiming at you, but somehow does shoot at you through free aim, can be a bit offputting, but still. I think using the feature renders the person to a disadvantage rather than an advantage


give free aim a reduced accuracy the further you aim away from the middle of the screen with it. Fixes OP sniper issue, keeps the useful keeping-the-camera-still-while-repairing-vehicles-etc.

too bad some people are too ignorant to look for ways to fix something that could make a great addition to the game.

I just came up with a solution within 5 seconds.

They said they aren't adding it. :[

Cant they leave it up to the server? I mean what if I want to host an old school ren sniper server where everyone is running around free aiming? Idk i'm honestly just a bit disappointed with no free aim. I used to be the best pistol shot because of free aim. Maybe we can put it to a community vote? Just a thought.



I love free aim, but i have gotten used to the game without it and i must say that it evens the match a bit regarding other units vs snipers. In old ren, snipers were on a pedestal because of how easy it was to kill anything with free aim, now they are brought back to earth a little.


I have not played Renegade-X yet, But I played Renegade for 5 years. Hearing that there is no free aim is actually very depressing. I say we take a vote for it, It was a huge part of why I liked the game. It basically renders third person useless besides the fact that you can see if anyone if coming from behind.

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