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Input,Information and comment WElcoMe.

Log entry 624:

Having played renegade from the beginning to the ... um... end, i now find this alternate universe.

I am Ecstatic and Happy to be once again in the battle and sniffin out teamwork.

Preface to comments - Woooooooooooot! omg. i am so psyched to find the spirit of Renegade Online Alive and Kickin. [ {insert here tons of good times playing Renegade} insert favorite game play, (default light tank backwards)].

Day 3.

I have tweeked my setting to get a decent game. Having played maybe a dozen matches.

I have high hopes that this game will work. The teamwork is still the winning focus even though there seems to be a high level of lewtdude and uber slaughter.

I like that i can see enemy without the heads up info until they come close. Although the colors confuse me. I look forward to seeing what can be done with hiding in cover etc......

Sometimes the battle spins me on my heels. That is to say when it gets thick things happen tooo fast. Is the game set up to move too fast? Is it my connection or machine? i like to think im kinda middle of the road equipment wise..... hopefully i have enough.

Cheaters?? One shot pistol? How to know who is and who is just better.......


Today my game quit to the start screen while i was in battle. I wonder what happend to my tank i was in. ?

I also lost all my credits and when i came back into the same map i had to start over. That stunk.

More time tweeking settings and things flow generally well. Although it not uncommon for a large scale attack to lag me badly so that i am almost frozen thru the thick of it.


All this is normal for an integrated graphics machine with 4g ram. On lowest settings, a 4g ram with 1g dedicated gpu, you should get nearly smooth gameplay.

Yeah, there is sprinting and ads now, so skill and speed up'd as well as general old gameplay.

Also, this beta version is buggyish. Crashes a lot between games and sometimes in-game. Generally, people are spoilt, this game is great to just pass on because of occasional stability. I play through it, ultimately no problem with it.

The only cheats are "unreal" common ones, speedhack, some ammos ones, aimhack, ones like SMNC and Unreal and other games on engine. Anyway, find a cheater, you can save the replay of them playing and send it to devs and server host by typing in game console "capture" or something like that. Then contact a server moderator or whatever, and they will have evidence. Whatever that player does on screen, you can watch from their perspective, and it makes aimhacks look hella obvious.

Besides that, exploitable glitches too. Can put beacons in clippable geometry so they are impossible to find or shoot at and disarm. Can get an ORCA from random crate in a non-flying map, land on an enemy building which will have no ramps for rooftop access, and plant a beacon nobody can get up top to get. Oh, and not a glitch, but a LOT of c4 buggies, or "flaming vehicles", where u crash into a tank and blow the tank up with c4ed buggy.


Lol. Yeah. Thats a lot of information that sounds right on to me. ! For instance i was just starting to wonder if the random crashes were me or beta or what. I especially like the start: All this is normal for..... Lol.

Thanks BroTranquility. >hands you extra grenades.

Anyway, find a cheater, you can save the replay of them playing and send it to devs and server host by typing in game console "capture" or something like that. Then contact a server moderator or whatever, and they will have evidence. Whatever that player does on screen, you can watch from their perspective, and it makes aimhacks look hella obvious.

I think you mean "RecordDemo".

This command will record ALL game changes, for 2 minutes and stores it as a file to be viewed just like a spectator in a live match. But with this recorddemo command you can pause, replay, switch perspectives, look at anything from any angle.

Server owners/admins can issue this command aswel, but for the entire length of the match. When a recorddemo is already initiated, yours will not be started, though the demo is already recorded, so no problems there. Just notify an admin of your issued command and they will send it to the devs.

If the player is found to be cheating, IP bans are not uncommon (also stated by a dev in the original post about this command)

This community is quite hard against cheaters, and people willing to play this game for fun, just as the devs are creating this game out of love!, there is no room for cheaters/hackers. For all I care, cheating is punishable by "death". Death as in, unable to play again.

On topic:

Back when I played with 4gb RAM, I found it unplayable. As I needed to upgrade my GFX card and windows version anyway (had 16gb but 32bit win doesnt support that) only then I realy started to enjoy the game, despite the crashes ... just play around them. Accept that it happens, reload the game and continue. Only takes 15 seconds anyway.


Ah nice that the server folk can replay the whole match if they need to. That sounds like excellent control for the serious folk.

So far i have only played on the public servers.

Re: my system. Yeah i focus on enjoying what gameplay i can get out of it. I think its an extension of a Beta mindset. :)


New Notes:

Wow the beacons really go off fast. I was a low level engineer and i hoped right on it but i was unable to stop it.

? Only high level eng. can undo a beacon?? The beacon seems to go off too fast.

Are the timed games too long? I think they are like the old game, but somehow as i have gotten older they seem too long. I like to finish what i start, so if i start a match mid way, then do another map, ... thats all i got time for usually.

I wish i could see 3 or 4 starts during a solid game play session.

I really like how powerful the c4 charges are. They seem very effective against vehicles. Makes infantry support for the vehicles at the front more important.

Ah nice that the server folk can replay the whole match if they need to. That sounds like excellent control for the serious folk.

So far i have only played on the public servers.

Re: my system. Yeah i focus on enjoying what gameplay i can get out of it. I think its an extension of a Beta mindset. :)


New Notes:

Wow the beacons really go off fast. I was a low level engineer and i hoped right on it but i was unable to stop it.

? Only high level eng. can undo a beacon?? The beacon seems to go off too fast.

Are the timed games too long? I think they are like the old game, but somehow as i have gotten older they seem too long. I like to finish what i start, so if i start a match mid way, then do another map, ... thats all i got time for usually.

I wish i could see 3 or 4 starts during a solid game play session.

I really like how powerful the c4 charges are. They seem very effective against vehicles. Makes infantry support for the vehicles at the front more important.

Its for all the servers, even the public ones.

Regularly TheMatrixRen(TmX), EKT and Rencorner servers are the ones with people on it. Mostly TmX and EKT.

If you do not have much time to play, here is a list about these 3 servers.

EKT has a marathon server (no time limit) (80 mines) owner = EKT clan

TheMatrixRen has a 1 hour time limit server (45 mines, up since recently from 40) owner = TmX

Rencorner has a 30 minute time limit server (30 mines) owner = Volcom, server settings are as designed.

Beacons take 60 seconds to go off, 50 seconds of which is the disarm window, last 10 seconds are to run away from the blast. A single Engineer can disarm this beacon in .... 20-30 seconds?

Sometimes its hard to aim for the beacon in 3rd person mode.

A timed C4 does 400? Means you'd need quite a few to kill a mammoth, 2 would kill a medium tank, 1 would kill a buggy/humvee/MLRS/Artillery/Any infantry(1k chars have 250heatlh+100armor)

NOTE that a timed C4 on the exterior of a building does 10% damage while on a MCT it does 40% total building damage.

Remote C4 does less damage, atleast to buildings (20% or 30% on a MCT?)


Wow the beacons really go off fast. I was a low level engineer and i hoped right on it but i was unable to stop it.

? Only high level eng. can undo a beacon?? The beacon seems to go off too fast.

it does seem very quick, but it depends a lot on where you are too, most times 10-15 seconds are spent finding and getting to the beacon which can make the actual defusing time seem a lot shorter. 1 engie can quite easily disarm a beacon if you arrive there quickly, it takes in the region of 25 seconds, but its never a good idea to leave it up to that as engineers can easily be taken out when defusing.

Always try to get a few hotwires/techs on beacons, and find and get to it asap are the best bets. :)

Are the timed games too long? I think they are like the old game, but somehow as i have gotten older they seem too long. I like to finish what i start, so if i start a match mid way, then do another map, ... thats all i got time for usually.

I wish i could see 3 or 4 starts during a solid game play session.

It seems like a lot of time, but 50 min games can frequently end in a few mins with a rush or 2, so it depends on who's on with you and how good the teams at large are here. A few strong players on a team and you're good. I did see you on from IRC last night, if you could possibly get on a little earlier I'll have a game or 2 with you and show you some good tips :)

Remote C4 does less damage, atleast to buildings (20% or 30% on a MCT?)

Its 20% on MCT, a remote does exactly half the damage of a timed c4


Come to think about it, I should have known. Here's a little puzzle:

An engineer (Nod) walks into a bar(racks), he asks the patrons where the register is.

After being shown where to place the bombs, he quickly runs out to find the building not being destroyed but left with 20% of the walls intact.

After thinking about it, you'd know that 3 bombs make 80% damage. When a timed C4 does 40%, the other 2 remotes must do also 40% (=20% each)

Come to think about it, I should have known. Here's a little puzzle:

An engineer (Nod) walks into a bar(racks), he asks the patrons where the register is.

After being shown where to place the bombs, he quickly runs out to find the building not being destroyed but left with 20% of the walls intact.

After thinking about it, you'd know that 3 bombs make 80% damage. When a timed C4 does 40%, the other 2 remotes must do also 40% (=20% each)

Which is basically legacy. There used to be a stupid trick where if all detonated at once using some mod for an audio cue, they did 100% building damage with just 2 remotes and 1 timed, because damage stacked for more when combined in explosions, why I don't know.

Anyway, glad it is gone. The old trick still remains though, of as a t2 tech, using 1 remote to kill people, leaving you with 40% + 40% + 20%, 2 times and a remote, equalling 100% structure damage. Feel free to dynamite punch an enemy en route to the terminal.


Lol i can remember timing my c4 to get the whole building. Fun stuff. But I like the way it is set up now tho. Thanks all for the refresher course in C4.

RokumanZA , re: 50 min games. As you say they can go fast. But when they dont........ Lately the only server i find active is 40 people often in constant seige mode. I like to find games with smaller teams. I like how fast they can go and i dont mind losing a few if the gaming is good. Hope to see ya in game!


New Comments:

I don't like the results of getting dropped from the game. I can handle it happening sometimes, but it does happen to me frequently atm.

1. I lose my money

2. i dont always get to come back to the same side. ( this really is annoying to my role play mind )

3. It seems to happen a lot at critical times in a fight.

4. i don't know what happens to the vehicle i am in but i suspect it is left and often taken by enemy.

5. Full servers i might not even get back in.

I also wish the game could load and exit faster. >makes sandwich while it shuts down.

See you all in game!


Vehicle is destroyed no? In Unreal I believe the vehicle has ownership upon build. Ownership transfers through codescript on enemy entry and teammate entry after idle, but I could swear if actively in it or if one is built right when you disconnect, it explodes.


I am curious about the vehicle . Thanks for the input.

I have had some games recently that involved good team cooperation! Thats so excellent.

  • 2 weeks later...

New Report: 7/14

I am very happy, for awhile i was having trouble staying connected. Frustrating.

But now i am staying connected. I have learned i have to have ALL my controls at minimum. Sucks but at least i can play even if my technician looks like something from an old music video... . lol

I have also seen a U.S. server. It really is much better for me being on the East coast US.

and i heard some optimistic talk not the usual dribble of negativity since i joined...


I have started to really appreciate the new terrain. The rocks are super fun. I enjoy climbing them and hiding in the nooks and crannies. I guess it is no surprise to find maps more interesting with the additional terrain like larger hills and deeper valleys. The stronger colors of tiberium for example help punch up the visuals.

I like the addition of the silos and their role in gameplay. ( currently addicted to the heavy pistol but enjoying the tiberium rifle about as much)

RE: disconnects. Mostly i suffer from a termination sometimes at the end of a game. sounds like a known issue.

But another trend i see is when i do get dropped it when a big explosion is being shown on my screen. I wonder what i can do to tweak my computer that might help w that.

Overall i have fewer dropouts then before. It seems to help if i avoid euro servers.


7/24 Nice to see some good team cooperation and epic struggles :)

Another period of drops and freeze ups. Mostly the end of game and one other that i am working. During a battle when there is a big fire explosion i can freeze up. My machine is ofc just barely capable of this gameplay. In searching for workarounds i found my memory was pretty maxed. I disabled an anti-virus program that i think was spazzing out while the game ran. I dont like the idea of turning it off to play but it did seem to help ALOT at first try.

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