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Why the hell is everyone voting for Walls: Flying almost 100% of the time?!

Map has finished on Walls, next map: Walls. Just WHY?! Don't you guys get bored with playing the same map over and over all the time? Whats so special about Walls: flying thats lacking with the other maps? The fact it's the quickest map to finish?


just seems to get more rare ...

at least on the matrix server

sure it is still the most voted but islands gets a lot votes

the past days even lakeside and mesa become more popular


All maps are good - goldrush and field could be better.

- goldrush (not enough positions for tank attacks on buildings. And lame inf side. Only for sniping.)

- field (camp as*)


I like em all, some more some less ...

exeption is field, but they are working on it

and whiteout, in general a good map (hourglass like) but needs some adjustments ... to much favour for nod

all others are great, they just need the bugfixing


Walls is a pretty well-balanced map. It's also a relatively simple layout, you won't get lost on Walls. Goldrush is a great map but it took me a while to learn where everything is.

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