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The problem is clearly on your end.

I can see everything on Mesa even when the sun shines directly onto my screen.

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HAHA ... I deleted the part where I said "I rfuse to set a higher gamma just for 2 maps"

I mean, the other maps are perfectly lit, the colors are brilliant, little "shady" areas ...

If I up the gamma it would fit for mesa and field but the other maps would be to bright and washed out

A little bit more light would be good, but I see the problem for mesa

  • Totem Arts Staff

its looking like a silo wont be placed in the current version ... i may make additions later on down the line but i still have a lot of work to do on it


It'll be worth it in the end, thanks for all the videos, really enjoying seeing the map making process :)

I also think a silo is a bit much on volcano, maybe if its on top of the bunker, but that'll be hard to cap

It'll be worth it in the end, thanks for all the videos, really enjoying seeing the map making process :)

I also think a silo is a bit much on volcano, maybe if its on top of the bunker, but that'll be hard to cap

On the other hand, most infantry activity tends to be in the tunnel section in the old ren, a silo where the bunker is would devide that activity more in other directions of the field.

What I would like to add is, in the old ren, Nod had chemsprayer units that were unaffected by tiberium radiation. I don't know if they still are (did not test it) in RenX, but that did allow for that 2nd infantry passage (chem rush through tibfield)

  • Totem Arts Staff

thats my point i whanted the bunker to be used a bit more but i may not be able to do that with the way that side of the map is set up right now

anyway vid 23 is up


Path? As in, pathing to harvesters or something?

Also, I think it is pretty cool that your lines of sight look well thought through, because a lot of cover makes sense directionally to where you would expect engagement at, real useful cover.

EDIT: Oh, AI pathing, to give the AI signature paths to follow to decently compete and engage in combat.


Still a bit behind, but thought I'd comment on what was asked :)

First, amazing work on that bunker,

Second, I personally would like a map with physx objects but not sure how those with amd cards would fare. I'd say put em in and test because in general it would be an awesome way to change things up a bit.

Lastly, I love the idea in general of lava death bombs, but I think it would need to be very subdued if it does go in. Game play being the priority and all. You've probably thought a lot of this through since though.

Anyway another big thumbs up on all the work so far :D


No other maps have random events atm, so that could be a sweeping addition to several maps at a later date.

If you say you have no experience with UDK, I wonder if I can take your chronicle and make a map myself, let's say City Flying lol. :o

  • Totem Arts Staff

well you could but you dont have any of the assets from renx at your disposal :( best thing to do is play with udk before committing to making a playable map (you will make a lot of mistakes ... i know i did / am :P)


Wish I had access to the assets :( no good at asset making, but I loved putting together maps for UT 2004 back in the day and would love to try my hand at map making if an editor is released :)

Wish I had access to the assets :( no good at asset making, but I loved putting together maps for UT 2004 back in the day and would love to try my hand at map making if an editor is released :)

Maybe I am just admirable of Kenz3001, or maybe I am eager for more maps / "X-city".

I am just so eager from watching this series of videos. It has already been a recorded 40 man-hours just to get this far in this X-Volcano map, and it is so inspiring.


Maybe I am just admirable of Kenz3001, or maybe I am eager for more maps / "X-city".

I am just so eager from watching this series of videos. It has already been a recorded 40 man-hours just to get this far in this X-Volcano map, and it is so inspiring.

It is very inspiring seeing the work done :)

Also inspiring to see so many hours in, but the payoff coming in map quality as we progress. Also nice working to a plan, I didn't really work to a set plan or anything with my maps back then :P


My weekend time is usually shaky, I work nights and all.

However, if you laid out a time I would try to set an alarm to make it happen.

Also, any reason why live stream? Is it that close to done? I know thats a big assumption I shouldn't make, but eagerness is in me.

  • Totem Arts Staff

well there is a few more things that need doing but yer its not far off done but the reason for a live stream is i just felt like doing one may be get some input from the community at the same time (talking to my self is not that fun :P)

i was thinking this Saturday around 3pm GMT @ http://www.twitch.tv/kenz3001

I got in late and had to leave a little early. In light of that, you will upload from twitch to youtube right?

You can also watch the past broadcast from his profile in twitch, if you'd like to do that in the meantime. I do believe he mentioned uploading some of the footage to Youtube.

Any estimate of starting stream time for today btw kenz? :)


Can I make a suggestion? It's for the GDI base. It seems to me, that, with the LCAC on the beach there, that GDI's base is a lot newer than Nod's. My suggestion is that you make GDI's base feel newer. Lots of boxes, maybe a couple vehicle models here and there, and fewer industrial lights(unless those are already up, and it would be a pain to take them down, in which case don't bother), just to give it the feeling of a newly established base. Obviously if that makes GDI's base easier to defend(boxes and vehicle models could serve as handy cover spots for defenders), you shouldn't, but I felt I should give my two credits.

  • Totem Arts Staff

if any one needs cover it would be GDI on the nod side ... if i give SBH's more cover the map would become very unbalanced ... i may change the LCAC with a destroyed "something"

part 1 of the live stream

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