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Updated the bot. It's been awhile.

1.7 -> May 12, 2015

- Added output for when a Harvester spawns to the mod channel

- Added missing color to crate messages

- Added and parsed the voting output and translated the voting presets

- Added a setting to set the file names for the DNS blacklist and the database

- Added translations for additional presets

- Changed IRC join/part announcer to no longer announce when there's no one in game

- Fixed a few syntax and text mistakes related to the "Temp Moderator" level

- Fixed problem with the word "left" being added to !pl/!pi during team swapping

- Fixed a major bug that prevented kicks, bans and general commands against names with spaces

- Fixed a syntax bug with the !ip command

- Fixed a syntax bug with the !steamid command

- Removed the [Chat] tag from the public chat output

Download link: http://ttp-gaming.net/forums/index.php? ... ren-x-bot/

Planned in next versions:

* [Priority] Adding an award system (!recs,!medals)

* [Priority] Fixing the null value in crate messages

* [Priority] Change !pl to make it easier to identify mod symbols

* [Priority] Look into Neutral team kills ( [Kill] The Neutral Rx_Vehicle_MediumTank killed "Zonk")

* Adding a !disarmL command to disarm the most recent beacon

* Adding an !addbots command

* A setting for certain polls to be enabled/disabled

* Making bots appear in the player list for !pi/!pl

* Prevent people from team swapping in certain conditions

* An ingame !login command for mods to authenticate themselves if their steamid is on the modlist

* Extended detailed kill messages


We use this bot at EKT. (With a few tweaks but 99% of it is Xpert's). Its a very good bot and is noob friendly compared to the other bots out there.

Any problems we have had Xpert has sorted it post haste. This latest version has solved most issues and my mod team/admins are very happy with it. Anyways what im trying to say is i'd recommend it to anyone if they asked.

If you wish to see it in action http://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23RenX&server=irc.elitekamikazeteam.com.



  • 2 months later...

Updated to 1.8

1.8 -> August 13, 2015

- Added the missing in game !unmute command to the mod commands list

- Added translations for new Tiberian Sun vehicles and other presets

- Added !map command in game to show the current map and time elapsed

- Added the ability to enable or disable the in game voting system

- Added the kick/ban reasons to the rcon kick commands so players can see why they got kicked

- Added bots to the player listing for !pi/!pl

- Added an option to force !kick/!ban/!tban to have a reason or not

- Changed the !map command to show time elapsed of the current map if applicable

- Changed matchend message to show time elapsed of the current map if applicable

- Fixed null values in crate messages

- Fixed a text bug in the blacklisted host kick message when it kicked a name with spaces

- Fixed setjoins not displaying for names with spaces

- Fixed the IRC !mute/!unmute commands not responding with a message indicating it worked

- Parsed output for radio commands

If you run any previous versions, you're going to have to copy the new renx.mrc, the cloudyserv.ini and cmds.ini so you will have to re-configure.

Download link: http://ttp-gaming.net/forums/index.php? ... ren-x-bot/


Seems redundant to have multiple systems that do the exact same thing stickied, especially when their feature sets are extremely similar. That said, if i ever get around to updating the "Administration Systems" thread, this will definitely get a mention. A number of threads in this forum need updating, actually.

It'd also be neat to see some unique features, maybe like TeamSpeak logging or something.

  • 3 weeks later...

Updated to 1.9

1.9 -> September 3, 2015

- Added Surrender to the voting options

- Added an option to prevent beacon placements if it doesn't meet the required player count

- Added a mine limit setting (!mlimit to display limit)

- Added a vehicle limit setting (!vlimit to display limit)

- Added !mset to set the mine limit of the current map

- Added !vset to set the vehicle limit of the current map

- Added !buildings/!bl for building health information

- Added !buildinginfo/!bi for detailed building health information

- Added CNC-Eyes, CNC-Valley and CNC-TrainingYard to the !changemap map choices

- Changed the !kick/!qkick commands to also work on bots

- Fixed irc !givecredits/!takecredits not responding back when used on a name with spaces

- Fixed the auto announcer from sending messages when it's just bots in game

- Fixed !endmap/!gameover not working in game

If you run any previous versions, you're going to have to copy the new renx.mrc, the cloudyserv.ini and cmds.ini so you will have to re-configure.

Download link: http://ttp-gaming.net/forums/index.php? ... ren-x-bot/

  • 2 weeks later...

This is probably my biggest update as it fixes a lot of unattended bugs and exploits especially surrounding the kick/ban system. The bot is finally where I want it to be which is being stabled with very minor to no bugs at all.

2.0 -> September 13, 2015

- Added messages that will show when a bot has joined or left the game

- Added extended kill messages to be more detailed

- Added logging for when a player is kicked by a poll kick or idle kick

- Added an option to enable/disable the bot's vehicle limit setter

- Added an option to enable/disable the bot's mine limit setter

- Added an !addbots command

- Added a setting to set if you want any bots added at the beginning of each map

- Added an in game !login command for mods to authenticate themselves if their steamid is on the modlist

- Added a !cancelvote command (mod flag 'C')

- Changed the !kill command to also work on bots

- Changed the Poll_Kick output to show the player name being voted against instead of the ID

- Fixed a few loop holes in the auto kick/ban system

- Fixed the in game !takecredits not working at all

- Fixed the in game !givecredits responding to IRC instead of in game

- Fixed RCON settings not applying immediately on reboot or start

- Fixed !pi/!pl not fetching bot count on some events

- Fixed !bi/!bl not fetching building health on building destruction

- Fixed neutral team kill messages on vehicles

- Fixed invalid nickname detection auto kicker

If you run any previous versions, you're going to have to copy the new renx.mrc, the cloudyserv.ini and cmds.ini so you will have to re-configure.

Note that this is most likely my final version that will require you to reconfigure settings unless something in Renegade-X changes that forces me to add additional settings. Future versions of this bot will most likely just be bug fixes. The postponed medal/stats/ladder system will have its own configuration. That means in the future, you'll only have to replace the renx.mrc and cmds.ini (unless you just copy the new commands manually to the cmds.ini file).

Download link: http://ttp-gaming.net/forums/index.php? ... ren-x-bot/

  • 7 months later...

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