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Hello! I believe that the devs should implement a vehicle modification system to allow players to use vehicles slightly differently. Here are the assumptions I made when designing this system, and then the options for each vehicle:


  • No change should fundamentally change how you play the vehicle
  • No change should contribute towards making a vehicle play like another vehicle on the same faction (GDI/Nod)
  • No vehicle may purchase more than one modification at a time.
  • Modifications must be purchased each time you buy the vehicle, if you want them.
  • Each modification should be 1/4 - 1/3 the cost of the vehicle, depending on its effects.

Each modification is a tradeoff that channels you slightly towards a more specific style of use. I made a colored version of the modifications and a text version for those with smaller screens:

Color Picture:


Text Version:


Humvee / Buggy:

* Faster-firing gun, weaker armor

* More armor, Less damage-per-shot for gun


* Larger range of vertical aim, slightly lower rate of fire

* More armor, lower move-speed

Orca / Apache:

* 1/4 more missiles, slower move-speed

* More armor, lower missile damage

Transport Copters:

* +2 Gunners (2 Front, 2 Rear), lower move-speed

* Chaff Launcher which confuses missiles if they fly through it, lower armor




* Smaller time between salvos, slightly more time between the firing of individual missiles

Medium Tank:

* Larger range of vertical turret elevation, slightly less splash damage

* More armor vs tanks, less armor vs infantry

Mammoth Tank:

* Faster move-speed, slightly less armor

* Faster turret rotation, lower rate of fire




* Bigger arc for shells, slightly more reload time

Light Tank:

* More damage per shot, lower move-speed

* More armor, lower move-speed

Flame Tank:

* More DPS to infantry, less DPS to vehicles and buldings

* More DPS to buldings, less DPS to infantry, and slightly lower move-speed

Stealth Tank:

* Quicker stealth, slower move-speed

* More splash damage, less damage vs vehicles and buildings


I suppose my first question to all of you is: do you think we should have vehicle mods, and why / why not? Do any of these sound like something you would want to use and would take advantage of?


I'm generally against such extremes of modifications.

It will feel too much like an MMORPG and less like C&C.

The vehicles should stay true to the RTS, any sort of customization should only be for infantry

(which RenX already has) but then again I wouldn't go too far because this isn't Call of Duty with perks and stuff.


StJohnGumby and iran for real. UP VOTED.

But OP's idea sounds cool, I'm down.

BTW, Gumby, why the fuck would you post your name in your post when your name is displayed for all to see above you avatar, also part of your post? HMMM?

^^ Sounds 100% more official that way. Glad you like the idea!


xD_ERROR_xD Approves.

xD_ERROR_xD Also thinks this could be a neat idea but suggests things like anti-cheat and bug-fixing should go first.

- xD_ERROR_xD ® 1996-2014 All rights reserved to their respective owner(s).


Yes, different vehicles definitely promote different play-styles. For most people that aren't soloing, you choose your vehicle based on what goal you need to achieve (does your team need more tanks? med. Building damage? MRLS. Going to rush? APC). However, depending on the conditions in the game, you'd want your vehicle configured differently.

For example:

  • If I'm buying an orca to plant an ion on Walls_Flying behind the airstrip, then I might want more armor so that I can last longer while defending the beacon once placed.
  • If I'm NOD and have lost my HON while GDI lost their WF, then I might want to cover a nuke with a flamer, but I'll definitely want more infantry DPS for this job than if I was flame rushing a building.
  • Maybe I'm playing an arty on a map like Goldrush: having the extra arc would let me get behind all the hills much easier, making suppresing infantry easier even if my DPS falls a bit. In some situations, that would make all the difference.

Using different combinations of these tweaks could have some really cool, unexpected results as well, perhaps opening up new strategies that weren't quite viable before.

So, the purpose? To give people fun new ways to use vehicles without deviating from the vehicles' purposes. It could also lead to a lot more content a la Generals, on a smaller scale.


cmon guys, i want it more originla, all what you discussing was only make the game more bad. and make it look less original. i think we just need a mutator tab so we can decode of having game woth thoese features you disccusing ot just original gameplay like the old renegade.

Orca / Apache:

* 1/4 more missiles, slower move-speed

* More armor, lower missile damage

Wow, the Orca/Apache are already snails compared to the Original Renegade...

Here is an example of the speed/agility/maneuverability of the Orca in the Original Renegade:

I couldn't find a decent video to illustrate this for RenX, but trust me, flying vehicles in RenX are MUCH slower and just pokey in general.

Orca / Apache:

* 1/4 more missiles, slower move-speed

* More armor, lower missile damage

Wow, the Orca/Apache are already snails compared to the Original Renegade...

Here is an example of the speed/agility/maneuverability of the Orca in the Original Renegade:

I couldn't find a decent video to illustrate this for RenX, but trust me, flying vehicles in RenX are MUCH slower and just pokey in general.

not just slower, they also realy weak against infantry, especikaity if alot of snipers spams...

Orca / Apache:

* 1/4 more missiles, slower move-speed

* More armor, lower missile damage

Wow, the Orca/Apache are already snails compared to the Original Renegade...

Here is an example of the speed/agility/maneuverability of the Orca in the Original Renegade:

I couldn't find a decent video to illustrate this for RenX, but trust me, flying vehicles in RenX are MUCH slower and just pokey in general.

not just slower, they also realy weak against infantry, especikaity if alot of snipers spams...

The main difference in speed I've noticed in Renegade-X is the horrible nerf to their lift/descent speed. Yes, the horizontal speed isn't quite as great as C&C Renegade, but if you use the shift key appropriately, then that solves a lot of problems.

As for infantry, you just have to fly them right. They aren't a flying tank, they aren't going to take a huge amount of damage, but they can also do large amounts of damage to infantry when you learn how to use their weapons correctly.

I remember how fast aircraft were in the original, and would love for the devs to increase their horizontal (and PLEASE vertical, it's so slow at the moment) speed. However, I'd sacrifice 1/4 my missiles for speed instantly if I was trying to defend against a flame or light tank rush, while more armor would be helpful for a field cluttered with stanks.

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