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How to: desktop to ingame playing in less than 5 seconds

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1. Go to wherever you installed renegade X.

2. Delete everything in the folder \Renegade X\UDKGame\Movies

3. ????

4. Profit

Near instant join to any server you like from the launcher.


Renaming the folder at one point caused my game to crash when it tried to run the loading screen with havoc running. Its a hit or miss solution.


Let me just point out that it wont speed up your loading if you have a slow HDD,it would just remove that annoying intro that plays everytime,which for most of the users will result in faster loading overall.

I think this intro should be removed by default,you shouldnt have to mess around with the movie folder to do so,it was one of the very first things i had to do in this game...


I don't think the movies should play if you're loading a server from the launcher. I've lost so much time in the early game of a match because I crashed and had to watch the load-in movies before I got back into the server. They should at least be skippable, imo.

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