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I was using a humvee, i killed (from full HP) 6 apaches, 1 stealth tank, and everely damaged 2 light tanks and 1 flamer, and i had 256 points total.

The only one on my team stopping the onslaught of nod vehicles into the usual cataclysmic landslide nod victory on walls flying was me and I get nothing to show for it because i was using a machine gun?


I'm also curious to as how the points system works.

In renegade (with the pointsfix) it was determined by a set amount per damage to a unit, and then another set amount per destruction/kill of a unit. Is it set up the same way in renegade x?

For instance, the point value for damaging a med tank was 0.050 per health/armor damage dealt, and then another 40 for the destruction of it. Meaning 80 points total for killing it. It should be 90 for a full apache kill as well, meaning if you truly did kill 6, you'd have 540 points to show for it in renegade.

I would also like to know how points work. I have the impression repairing gives a load of points now.

Yeah, if I stick to repairing, I frequently end up with more points than members of the point whoring crowd on the other team. This also seems to carry over to tanks, too, since being a dedicated tank repairer netted me some tidy points/profits.


i just did observe that disarming beacons does not give enough points anymore

i remember gdi won matches cuz nod keept planting beacons even if they were far ahead in points and clearly winning

Posted (edited)

Should be 300 points for a beacon disarm. Disarming a mine should give 30 points. Repairing a building should give you a lot of points, but not as much as the person damaging the building (I believe it was 50% of the points earned for repairing a building). Repairing a tank/vehicle is considered reward in itself and should only give a very small amount of points (someting like 1 credit per 2 seconds of repairing). That is how it is set up in renegade.

Edited by Guest

A solo building destruction without the building being repaired should award you with 500 points for building damage and another 250 for actual building destruction. Repairing a building gave 50% amount of points worth the same amount of damage dealt.

EDIT: this is how it worked in C&C Renegade. I have no idea if this is also the case in Renegade X.


As far as damaging a vehicle goes - the total destruction of the vehicle should equal out to 10% of the price of the vehicle. It was set up this way in Renegade for a reason. The same applies for infantry character, with the exception of free infantry, of course. A havoc costs 1000, so it should be 100 points for a kill (it was actually 99 in Renegade - so as to avoid any thousandth calculations - Renegade only went as far as hundredths). Light tank costs 600, and so it should be 60 points for a full kill on it. Mammoth costs 1500, and so it should be 150 for a full kill on it. That is how the pointsfix worked in Renegade, and how it should work in Renegade X as well.

Regarding the pointsfix though:

The addition of the pointsfix in Renegade prompted many servers to use the 2/3 credit tick system. Meaning 2 credits the first second, and 3 credits the next second (averaging out to be 2.5 credits/second). This also made the PP destruction give the team 1/2 credit ticks, rather than 1/1. People liked this because the pointsfix means less credits earned capabilities, and when the PP was down in a non-pointsfix server, people could still earn enough credits. With the pointsfix, this became increasingly impossible, and so the 2/3 credit tick was implemented. I believe Renegade X should use the 2/3 credit tick system, rather than the 2/2.


The point of pointsfix was to prevent people from getting massive points by sniping tanks. I think that needs to stay at least.


Pointsfix fixed a glitch that allowed a few warheads to get far too many points for shooting a tank in green health. I don't think anyone's arguing for it to be reversed, but it doesn't do the damages quite right currently if what Unit says is true.


Gaining more credits from hitting green health vehicles helped a lot when fighting against camping teched vehicles.

I noticed disarming Proxy Mines only gives you 20 credits, instead of 30.


As far as I know RenX has no extra points for dealing the finishing blow to a target (excluding beacons/C4 disarming). Points go off pure damage. 99% of a buildings kill gives you 99% of the points that a building kill would give.

Repairing works in the same way, but only gives 2/3rds of the points that damaging a target does.

An interesting quirk is that overkill damage gives points. A building kill with 2 timed C4 and 1 Remote (100% exactly) will give 600 points. A building kill with 3 timed C4 (120% damage) gives 720 points. This also applies to infantry dealing headshots. A Havoc can easily get 2x as many points per kill if they finish with a headshot.

The point value of units and vehicles seem... inconsistent. At least, I couldn't find an easy formula directly relating score to price.

The addition of the pointsfix in Renegade prompted many servers to use the 2/3 credit tick system. Meaning 2 credits the first second, and 3 credits the next second (averaging out to be 2.5 credits/second). This also made the PP destruction give the team 1/2 credit ticks, rather than 1/1. People liked this because the pointsfix means less credits earned capabilities, and when the PP was down in a non-pointsfix server, people could still earn enough credits. With the pointsfix, this became increasingly impossible, and so the 2/3 credit tick was implemented. I believe Renegade X should use the 2/3 credit tick system, rather than the 2/2.

God no, the last thing we need is more money. As it is there is way too much money in games and vehicles and high level characters are thrown around willy nilly because they are worthless, and all of the low-cost characters are almost never seen after the first few minutes. There's so much money that I hear several airstrikes a minute from both sides.

Income should be reduced to 1.5 credits per tick. Or reduced to 1 credit per tick (regardless of Ref existing) but with the harvester bonus at 500 credits. As it is the Harvester is very weak compared to credit tick on maps that aren't island. The Harvester certainly doesn't need to be made less important by increasing the base credit rate.

The problem is not the tick but it is the amount of points yoi get and the credits related to them.

Yeah this is true. I just hope that this points system gets tweaked so that it more closely resembles the renegade point system, which was set up nice. Perhaps after that is done, we could revisit the credit tick debate.

  • 2 weeks later...

Need some consistency so just make everything percent based instead of hitpoint values. You heal in % per sec and you damage in % per sec. Every 1000ms calculate the damage dealt/received

So then you get DPS and healing can then be calculated as 50% of this very easily.


Why can't we separate points and credits more?

Give more ways to give credits without their being abusable for points. When the PP and Ref is down, making credits is incredibly difficult beyond repairing. It really shouldn't be that hard.

God no, the last thing we need is more money. As it is there is way too much money in games and vehicles and high level characters are thrown around willy nilly because they are worthless, and all of the low-cost characters are almost never seen after the first few minutes. There's so much money that I hear several airstrikes a minute from both sides.

Income should be reduced to 1.5 credits per tick. Or reduced to 1 credit per tick (regardless of Ref existing) but with the harvester bonus at 500 credits. As it is the Harvester is very weak compared to credit tick on maps that aren't island. The Harvester certainly doesn't need to be made less important by increasing the base credit rate.

I don't agree there is too much money. Without the harvester, the ticks is really not that fast and money gets precious enough. And like I said above, what do you do when the ref is gone anyway?


You have basically lost the game after losing PP or Ref early in the game, it's a shame. I suggest compensating for losing them by giving a small credit tick rate when the Refinery is down and by lessening the economic effects when the Power Plant is down.


The economic effect of the loss of the PP has already been decreased, as it used to give you only 1 credit per second, and now you still get 2 credits per second. The addition of silo's already fixed the issue you mentioned, you just need to be sneaky enough to get there unnoticed. Even if you die before you've taken control of the silo, you already have earned at least 50 credits for repairing it.


-Not every maps have silos

-Most silos are just "winning team = controls the silos", stealing a silo won't last, etc.

I see no fix there.


Silos decrease the importance of the refinery.

A team in control of the field and silo(s) won't really be affected by losing their ref.

In original Ren without silo the team without a ref will eventually bleed dry and lose.


You really should defend your refinery and pp. If you loose both you deserve to die. Te contrary is like saying you loose the dtrip but you should still be able to buy one vehicle per 5r minutes.


Geeze, thanks for that bit of wisdom. Still boring as hell when it happens which it will because its part of the game, but doesn't mean there should be no way to do anything about it. Might as well be against crates.

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